GN Build Arguments

All builds


Additional SSH authorized_keys file to include in the build. For example: extra_authorized_keys_file="$HOME/.ssh/"

Current value (from the default): ""

From //third_party/openssh-portable/fuchsia/developer-keys/


The size in bytes of the FVM partition image to create. Normally this is computed to be just large enough to fit the blob and data images. The default value is "", which means to size based on inputs. Specifying a size that is too small will result in build failure.

Current value (from the default): ""

From //build/images/


The size of the FVM partition images “slice size”. The FVM slice size is a minimum size of a particular chunk of a partition that is stored within FVM. A very small slice size may lead to decreased throughput. A very large slice size may lead to wasted space. The selected default size of 8mb is selected for conservation of space, rather than performance.

Current value (from the default): "8388608"

From //build/images/


Current value (from the default): "x64"


Enable this to have the msd include a suite of tests and invoke them automatically when the driver starts.

Current value (from the default): false

From //garnet/lib/magma/gnbuild/magma.gni:19


Number of parallel ThinLTO jobs.

Current value (from the default): 8

From //build/config/lto/config.gni:13


List of kernel images to include in the update (OTA) package. If no list is provided, all built kernels are included. The names in the list are strings that must match the filename to be included in the update package.

Current value (from the default): []

From //build/images/


Current value (from the default): false

From //garnet/lib/magma/gnbuild/magma.gni:23


Zircon build directory for target_cpu, containing link-time .so.abi files that GN deps on //zircon/public libraries will link against. This should not be a sanitizer build.

Current value (from the default): "//out/build-zircon/build-arm64"

From //build/config/fuchsia/zircon.gni:14


Current value (from the default): false

From //third_party/crashpad/util/net/tls.gni:18


List of kernel command line arguments to bake into the boot image. See also //zircon/docs/ and devmgr_config.

Current value (from the default): []

From //build/images/


Current value (from the default): ""


Current value (from the default): "warn,error"

From //third_party/vulkan_loader_and_validation_layers/loader/


Zircon build directory for target_cpu, containing .manifest and .zbi files for Zircon's BOOTFS and kernel. This provides the kernel and Zircon components used in the boot image. It also provides the Zircon shared libraries used at runtime in Fuchsia packages.

If left "" (the default), then this is computed from zircon_build_abi_dir and zircon_use_asan.

Current value (from the default): ""

From //build/config/fuchsia/zircon.gni:24


Where to find Zircon's host-side tools that are run as part of the build.

Current value (from the default): "//out/build-zircon/tools"

From //build/config/fuchsia/zircon.gni:9


Build boot images that prefer Zedboot over local boot (only for EFI).

Current value (from the default): false

From //build/images/


Current value (from the default): "fuchsia"

From //third_party/crashpad/build/crashpad_buildconfig.gni:22


If non-empty, the given script will be invoked to produce a signed ZBI image. The given script must accept -z for the input zbi path, and -o for the output signed zbi path. The path must be in GN-label syntax (i.e. starts with //).

Current value (from the default): ""

From //build/images/custom_signing.gni:10


This should never be set as a build argument. It exists only to be set in toolchain_args. See //build/toolchain/clang_toolchain.gni for details.

Current value (from the default): []

From //build/config/


Use a prebuilt ffmpeg binary rather than building it locally. See //src/media/playback/mediaplayer/ffmpeg/ for details. This is ignored when building media_player in variant builds (e.g. sanitizers); in that case, ffmpeg is always built from source so as to be built with the selected variant's config. When this is false (either explicitly or because media_player is a variant build) then //third_party/ffmpeg must be in the source tree, which requires: jiri import -name garnet manifest/ffmpeg

Current value (from the default): true

From //src/media/playback/mediaplayer/ffmpeg/


Current value (from the default): true

From //garnet/lib/magma/gnbuild/magma.gni:22


Current value (from the default): false

From //garnet/bin/ui/scenic/


Current value (from the default): "/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/third_party/mako"

From //garnet/lib/magma/gnbuild/magma.gni:12


Current value (from the default): "//garnet/drivers/gpu/msd-intel-gen"

From //garnet/lib/magma/gnbuild/magma.gni:8


Sets the default LTO type for rustc bulids.

Current value (from the default): "unset"

From //build/rust/config.gni:20


Use link time optimization (LTO).

Current value (from the default): false

From //build/config/lto/config.gni:7


Enable the Scudo memory allocator.

Current value (from the default): true

From //build/config/scudo/scudo.gni:8


Current value (from the default): "//zircon"

From //garnet/lib/magma/gnbuild/magma.gni:10


Path to manifest file containing data to place into the initial /data partition.

Current value (from the default): ""

From //build/images/


List of arguments to add to /boot/config/devmgr. These come after synthesized arguments to configure blobfs and pkgfs, and the one generated for enable_crashpad.

Current value (from the default): []

From //build/images/


List of packages (a GN list of strings). This list of packages is added to the set of “available” packages, see products for more information.

Current value for target_cpu = "arm64": ["garnet/packages/buildbot"]

From //root_build_dir/

Overridden from the default: []

From //build/gn/packages.gni:30

Current value for target_cpu = "x64": ["garnet/packages/buildbot"]

From //root_build_dir/

Overridden from the default: []

From //build/gn/packages.gni:30


List of product definition files describing the packages to build, and where they are to be installed in images and updates.

A product definition file is a JSON file containing: monolith: a list of packages included in OTA images, base system images, and the distribution repository. preinstall: a list of packages pre-installed on the system (also added to the distribution repository) available: a list of packages only added to the distribution repository)

If a package is referenced in monolith and in preinstall, monolith takes priority, and the package will be added to OTA images as part of the verified boot set of static packages.

If unset, layer will be guessed using //.jiri_manifest and //{layer}/products/default will be used.

Current value (from the default): []

From //build/gn/packages.gni:25


Include the vulkan validation layers in scenic even in release builds TODO(SCN-1003): Set the default to false once we know why disabling validation layers causes a display swapchain setup issue.

Current value (from the default): true

From //garnet/bin/ui/


Current value (from the default):

  configs = []
  name = "release"
  toolchain_args = {
  is_debug = false

From //build/config/


Current value (from the default): ["//out/build-zircon/build-arm64-asan/bootfs.manifest"]

From //build/images/manifest.gni:32


List of extra manifest entries for files to add to the BOOTFS. Each entry can be a “TARGET=SOURCE” string, or it can be a scope with sources and outputs in the style of a copy() target: outputs[0] is used as TARGET (see gn help source_expansion).

Current value (from the default): []

From //build/images/


Tells icu to load an external data file rather than rely on the icudata being linked directly into the binary.

This flag is a bit confusing. As of this writing, icu.gyp set the value to 0 but common.gypi sets the value to 1 for most platforms (and the 1 takes precedence).

TODO(GYP) We'll probably need to enhance this logic to set the value to true or false in similar circumstances.

Current value (from the default): true

From //third_party/icu/config.gni:15


Debug build.

Current value (from the default): true

From //build/config/


Groups to include from the Zircon /boot manifest into /boot. This is either “all” or a comma-separated list of one or more of: core -- necessary to boot misc -- utilities in /bin test -- test binaries in /bin and /test

Current value (from the default): "core"

From //build/images/


Set this if zircon_build_dir was built with USE_ASAN=true, e.g. [//scripts/]( -A. This mainly affects the defaults for zircon_build_dir and zircon_build_abi_dir. It also gets noticed by //scripts/fx commands that rebuild Zircon so that they use -A again next time.

Current value (from the default): false

From //build/config/fuchsia/zircon.gni:40


Current value (from the default): "linux"


The directories to search for parts of the SDK.

By default, we search the public directories for the various layers. In the future, we'll search a pre-built SDK as well.

Current value (from the default): ["//garnet/public", "//peridot/public", "//topaz/public"]

From //build/config/fuchsia/sdk.gni:10


Set to true to enable distributed compilation using Goma.

Current value (from the default): false

From //build/toolchain/goma.gni:9


Use ThinLTO variant of LTO if use_lto = true.

Current value (from the default): true

From //build/config/lto/config.gni:10


List of variants that will form the basis for variant toolchains. To make use of a variant, set select_variant.

Normally this is not set as a build argument, but it serves to document the available set of variants. See also universal_variants. Only set this to remove all the default variants here. To add more, set extra_variants instead.

Each element of the list is one variant, which is a scope defining:

configs (optional) [list of labels] Each label names a config that will be automatically used by every target built in this variant. For each config ${label}, there must also be a target ${label}_deps, which each target built in this variant will automatically depend on. The variant() template is the recommended way to define a config and its _deps target at the same time.

remove_common_configs (optional) remove_shared_configs (optional) [list of labels] This list will be removed (with -=) from the default_common_binary_configs list (or the default_shared_library_configs list, respectively) after all other defaults (and this variant's configs) have been added.

deps (optional) [list of labels] Added to the deps of every target linked in this variant (as well as the automatic ${label}_deps for each label in configs).

name (required if configs is omitted) [string] Name of the variant as used in select_variant elements' variant fields. It's a good idea to make it something concise and meaningful when seen as e.g. part of a directory name under $root_build_dir. If name is omitted, configs must be nonempty and the simple names (not the full label, just the part after all /s and :s) of these configs will be used in toolchain names (each prefixed by a “-”), so the list of config names forming each variant must be unique among the lists in known_variants + extra_variants.

toolchain_args (optional) [scope] Each variable defined in this scope overrides a build argument in the toolchain context of this variant.

host_only (optional) target_only (optional) [scope] This scope can contain any of the fields above. These values are used only for host or target, respectively. Any fields included here should not also be in the outer scope.

Current value (from the default):

  configs = ["//build/config/lto"]
}, {
  configs = ["//build/config/lto:thinlto"]
}, {
  configs = ["//build/config/profile"]
}, {
  configs = ["//build/config/scudo"]
}, {
  configs = ["//build/config/sanitizers:ubsan"]
}, {
  configs = ["//build/config/sanitizers:ubsan", "//build/config/sanitizers:sancov"]
}, {
  configs = ["//build/config/sanitizers:asan"]
  host_only = {
  remove_shared_configs = ["//build/config:symbol_no_undefined"]
  toolchain_args = {
  use_scudo = false
}, {
  configs = ["//build/config/sanitizers:asan", "//build/config/sanitizers:sancov"]
  host_only = {
  remove_shared_configs = ["//build/config:symbol_no_undefined"]
  toolchain_args = {
  use_scudo = false
}, {
  configs = ["//build/config/sanitizers:asan"]
  host_only = {
  remove_shared_configs = ["//build/config:symbol_no_undefined"]
  name = "asan_no_detect_leaks"
  toolchain_args = {
  asan_default_options = "detect_leaks=0"
  use_scudo = false
}, {
  configs = ["//build/config/sanitizers:asan", "//build/config/sanitizers:fuzzer"]
  host_only = {
  remove_shared_configs = ["//build/config:symbol_no_undefined"]
  remove_shared_configs = ["//build/config:symbol_no_undefined"]
  toolchain_args = {
  use_scudo = false
}, {
  configs = ["//build/config/sanitizers:ubsan", "//build/config/sanitizers:fuzzer"]
  remove_shared_configs = ["//build/config:symbol_no_undefined"]

From //build/config/


Current value (from the default): true

From //garnet/bin/ui/scenic/


Using Vulkan on host (i.e. Linux) is an involved affair that involves downloading the Vulkan SDK, setting environment variables, and so forth... all things that are difficult to achieve in a CQ environment. Therefore, by default we use a stub implementation of Vulkan which fails to create a VkInstance. This allows everything to build, and also allows running Escher unit tests which don't require Vulkan.

Current value (from the default): true

From //garnet/public/lib/escher/


Absolute directory containing the Goma source code.

Current value (from the default): "/home/swarming/goma"

From //build/toolchain/goma.gni:12


Files containing additional kernel command line arguments to bake into the boot image. The contents of these files (in order) come after any arguments directly in kernel_cmdline_args. These can be GN // source pathnames or absolute system pathnames.

Current value (from the default): []

From //build/images/


ThinLTO cache directory path.

Current value (from the default): "host_x64/thinlto-cache"

From //build/config/lto/config.gni:16


The size of the minfs data partition image to create. Normally this image is added to FVM, and can therefore expand as needed. It must be at least 10mb (the default) in order to be succesfully initialized.

Current value (from the default): "10m"

From //build/images/


Current value (from the default): ""

From //garnet/lib/magma/gnbuild/magma.gni:25


Sets the fuchsia toolchain target triple suffix (after arch)

Current value (from the default): "fuchsia"

From //build/rust/config.gni:23


List of extra packages to synthesize on the fly. This is only for things that do not appear normally in the source tree. Synthesized packages can contain build artifacts only if they already exist in some part of the build. They can contain arbitrary verbatim files. Synthesized packages can't express dependencies on other packages.

Each element of this list is a scope that is very much like the body of a package() template invocation (see //build/package.gni). That scope must set name to the string naming the package, as would be the name in the package() target written in a GN file. This must be unique among all package names.

Current value (from the default): []

From //build/gn/packages.gni:43


Manifest files describing target libraries from toolchains. Can be either // source paths or absolute system paths.

Current value (from the default): ["/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/buildtools/linux-x64/clang/lib/aarch64-fuchsia.manifest"]

From //build/images/manifest.gni:11


List of kernel command line arguments to bake into the Zedboot image. See //zircon/docs/ and zedboot_devmgr_config.

Current value (from the default): []

From //build/images/zedboot/


Zircon USE_ASAN=true build directory for target_cpu containing bootfs.manifest with libraries and devhost.asan.

If left "" (the default), then this is computed from zircon_build_dir and zircon_use_asan.

Current value (from the default): ""

From //build/config/fuchsia/zircon.gni:32


Groups to include from the Zircon /boot manifest into /system (instead of into /boot like Zircon‘s own bootdata.bin does). Should not include any groups that are also in zircon_boot_groups, which see. If zircon_boot_groups is “all” then this should be "". TODO(mcgrathr): _Could default to "" for !is_debug, or “production build”. Note including "test" here places all of Zircon’s tests into /system/test, which means that Fuchsia bots run those tests too._

Current value (from the default): "misc,test"

From //build/images/


Current value (from the default): false

From //garnet/drivers/video/amlogic-decoder/


Current value (from the default): false

From //garnet/lib/ui/gfx/


How many symbols to include in the build. This affects the performance of the build since the symbols are large and dealing with them is slow. 2 means regular build with symbols. 1 means minimal symbols, usually enough for backtraces only. Symbols with internal linkage (static functions or those in anonymous namespaces) may not appear when using this level. 0 means no symbols.

Current value (from the default): 2

From //build/config/compiler.gni:13


Current value for target_cpu = "arm64": "arm64"

From //root_build_dir/

Overridden from the default: ""

Current value for target_cpu = "x64": "x64"

From //root_build_dir/

Overridden from the default: ""


This is a list of targets that will be built as vulkan ICDS. If more than one target is given then use_vulkan_loader_for_tests must be set to true, as otherwise tests won't know which libvulkan to use.

Current value (from the default): []

From //garnet/lib/magma/gnbuild/magma.gni:38


Current value (from the default): ""


Current value (from the default): true

From //garnet/bin/ui/scenic/


This is the directory where host tools intended for manual use by developers get installed. It‘s something a developer might put into their shell’s $PATH. Host tools that are just needed as part of the build do not get copied here. This directory is only for things that are generally useful for testing or debugging or whatnot outside of the GN build itself. These are only installed by an explicit install_host_tools() rule (see //build/host.gni).

Current value (from the default): "//root_build_dir/tools"

From //build/host.gni:13


Current value (from the default): ""

From //garnet/bin/guest/pkg/linux_guest/


Default Scudo options (before the SCUDO_OPTIONS environment variable is read at runtime). NOTE: This affects only components using the scudo variant (see GN build argument select_variant), and does not affect anything when the use_scudo build flag is set instead.

Current value (from the default): ["abort_on_error=1", "QuarantineSizeKb=0", "ThreadLocalQuarantineSizeKb=0", "DeallocationTypeMismatch=false", "DeleteSizeMismatch=false", "allocator_may_return_null=true"]

From //build/config/scudo/scudo.gni:15


Mesa doesn‘t properly handle loader-less operation; their GetInstanceProcAddr implementation returns 0 for some interfaces. On ARM there may be multiple libvulkan_arms, so they can’t all be linked to.

Current value (from the default): true

From //garnet/lib/magma/gnbuild/magma.gni:33


Controls whether the compiler emits full stack frames for function calls. This reduces performance but increases the ability to generate good stack traces, especially when we have bugs around unwind table generation. It applies only for Fuchsia targets (see below where it is unset).

TODO(ZX-2361): Theoretically unwind tables should be good enough so we can remove this option when the issues are addressed.

Current value (from the default): true

From //build/config/


Current value (from the default): true

From //garnet/lib/magma/gnbuild/magma.gni:21


Maximum number of Dart processes to run in parallel.

Dart analyzer uses a lot of memory which may cause issues when building with many parallel jobs e.g. when using goma. To avoid out-of-memory errors we explicitly reduce the number of jobs.

Current value (from the default): 16

From //build/dart/toolchain.gni:11


Current value (from the default): true

From //garnet/bin/ui/scenic/


Set to true to enable compiling with ccache

Current value (from the default): false

From //build/toolchain/ccache.gni:9


Files containing additional kernel command line arguments to bake into the Zedboot image. The contents of these files (in order) come after any arguments directly in zedboot_cmdline_args. These can be GN // source pathnames or absolute system pathnames.

Current value (from the default): []

From //build/images/zedboot/


Current value (from the default): true

From //build/config/fuchsia/


Manifest files describing files to go into the /boot filesystem. Can be either // source paths or absolute system paths. zircon_boot_groups controls which files are actually selected.

Since Zircon manifest files are relative to a Zircon source directory rather than to the directory containing the manifest, these are assumed to reside in a build directory that's a direct subdirectory of the Zircon source directory and thus their contents can be taken as relative to get_path_info(entry, "dir") + "/..".

Current value (from the default): ["//out/build-zircon/build-arm64/bootfs.manifest"]

From //build/images/manifest.gni:44


Directory containing signing keys used by pm publish.

Current value (from the default): "//garnet/go/src/amber/keys"

From //garnet/go/src/pm/pm.gni:14


Additional variant toolchain configs to support. This is just added to known_variants.

Current value (from the default): []

From //build/config/


Sets a custom base directory for rustc and cargo. This can be used to test custom Rust toolchains.

Current value (from the default): "//buildtools/linux-x64/rust/bin"

From //build/rust/config.gni:17


List of “selectors” to request variant builds of certain targets. Each selector specifies matching criteria and a chosen variant. The first selector in the list to match a given target determines which variant is used for that target.

Each selector is either a string or a scope. A shortcut selector is a string; it gets expanded to a full selector. A full selector is a scope, described below.

A string selector can match a name in select_variant_shortcuts. If it‘s not a specific shortcut listed there, then it can be the name of any variant described in known_variants and universal_variants (and combinations thereof). A selector that’s a simple variant name selects for every binary built in the target toolchain: { host=false variant=selector }.

If a string selector contains a slash, then it‘s "shortcut/filename" and selects only the binary in the target toolchain whose output_name matches "filename", i.e. it adds output_name=["filename"] to each selector scope that the shortcut’s name alone would yield.

The scope that forms a full selector defines some of these:

variant (required)
    [string or `false`] The variant that applies if this selector
    matches.  This can be `false` to choose no variant, or a string
    that names the variant.  See
    [`known_variants`](#known_variants) and

The rest below are matching criteria. All are optional. The selector matches if and only if all of its criteria match. If none of these is defined, then the selector always matches.

The first selector in the list to match wins and then the rest of the list is ignored. So construct more complex rules by using a “blacklist” selector with variant=false before a catch-all or “whitelist” selector that names a variant.

Each “[strings]” criterion is a list of strings, and the criterion is satisfied if any of the strings matches against the candidate string.

    [boolean] If true, the selector matches in the host toolchain.
    If false, the selector matches in the target toolchain.

    [boolean] If true, the selector matches targets with testonly=true.
    If false, the selector matches in targets without testonly=true.

    [strings]: `"executable"`, `"loadable_module"`, or `"driver_module"`

    [strings]: target's `output_name` (default: its `target name`)

    [strings]: target's full label with `:` (without toolchain suffix)

    [strings]: target's simple name (label after last `/` or `:`)

    [strings]: target's label directory (`//dir` for `//dir:name`).

Current value (from the default): []

From //build/config/


List of short names for commonly-used variant selectors. Normally this is not set as a build argument, but it serves to document the available set of short-cut names for variant selectors. Each element of this list is a scope where .name is the short name and .select_variant is a a list that can be spliced into select_variant.

Current value (from the default):

  name = "host_asan"
  select_variant = [{
  dir = ["//third_party/yasm", "//third_party/vboot_reference", "//garnet/tools/vboot_reference"]
  host = true
  variant = "asan_no_detect_leaks"
}, {
  host = true
  variant = "asan"
}, {
  name = "asan"
  select_variant = [{
  target_type = ["driver_module"]
  variant = false
}, {
  host = false
  variant = "asan"

From //build/config/


The package key to use for signing Fuchsia packages made by the package() template (and the system_image packge). If this doesn‘t exist yet when it’s needed, it will be generated. New keys can be generated with the pm -k FILE genkey host command.

Current value (from the default): "//build/development.key"

From //build/package.gni:16


This should never be set as a build argument. It exists only to be set in toolchain_args. See //build/toolchain/clang_toolchain.gni for details. This variable is a scope giving details about the current toolchain: toolchain_variant.base [label] The “base” toolchain for this variant, often the right thing to use in comparisons, not current_toolchain. This is the toolchain actually referenced directly in GN source code. If the current toolchain is not shlib_toolchain or a variant toolchain, this is the same as current_toolchain. In one of those derivative toolchains, this is the toolchain the GN code probably thought it was in. This is the right thing to use in a test like toolchain_variant.base == target_toolchain, rather rather than comparing against current_toolchain. [string] The name of this variant, as used in variant fields in select_variant clauses. In the base toolchain and its shlib_toolchain, this is "". toolchain_variant.suffix [string] This is “-${}”, "" if name is empty. toolchain_variant.is_pic_default [bool] This is true in shlib_toolchain. The other fields are the variant's effects as defined in known_variants.

Current value (from the default):

  base = "//build/toolchain/fuchsia:arm64"

From //build/config/


When this is set, Crashpad will be used to handle exceptions (which uploads crashes to the crash server), rather than crashanalyzer in Zircon (which prints the crash log to the the system log).

Current value (from the default): false

From //build/images/crashpad.gni:9


Current value (from the default): "../buildtools/linux-x64/clang/bin"

From //build/config/clang/clang.gni:9


Current value (from the default): ""


Current value (from the default): "//third_party/glm"

From //garnet/lib/magma/gnbuild/magma.gni:9


Current value (from the default): "undefined"

From //build/config/host_byteorder.gni:7


Enable this to include fuchsia tracing capability

Current value (from the default): true

From //garnet/lib/magma/gnbuild/magma.gni:15


Current value (from the default): 1

From //garnet/lib/ui/gfx/


The absolute path of the sysroot that is used with the target toolchain.

Current value (from the default): ""

From //build/config/sysroot.gni:7


Whether to build SDK tarballs.

Current value (from the default): false

From //build/sdk/sdk.gni:11


Directory containing files named by their merkleroot content IDs in ASCII hex. The //build/image:pm_publish_blobs target populates this with copies of build products, but never removes old files.

Current value (from the default): "//root_build_dir/amber-files"

From //garnet/go/src/pm/pm.gni:11


Current value (from the default): "//third_party/expat"

From //garnet/lib/magma/gnbuild/magma.gni:7


Extra args to globally apply to the manifest generation script.

Current value (from the default): []

From //build/images/manifest.gni:47


Current value (from the default): "//garnet/lib/magma"

From //garnet/lib/magma/gnbuild/magma.gni:6


List of arguments to populate /boot/config/devmgr in the Zedboot image.

Current value (from the default): ["netsvc.netboot=true"]

From //build/images/zedboot/


Current value (from the default): "//root_build_dir/amber-files/repository/blobs"

From //garnet/go/src/pm/pm.gni:16

target_cpu = "arm64"


Whether to enable optional NEON code paths.

Current value (from the default): false

From //build/config/arm.gni:31


The ARM variant-specific tuning mode. This will be a string like “armv6” or “cortex-a15”. An empty string means to use the default for the arm_version.

Current value (from the default): ""

From //build/config/arm.gni:25


Whether to use the neon FPU instruction set or not.

Current value (from the default): true

From //build/config/arm.gni:28


Current value (from the default): 8

From //build/config/arm.gni:12


Enable all 8 cores, which is faster but emits more heat.

Current value (from the default): true

From //garnet/drivers/gpu/msd-arm-mali/src/


With this flag set the system tries to use cache coherent memory if the GPU supports it.

Current value (from the default): true

From //garnet/drivers/gpu/msd-arm-mali/src/


The ARM floating point mode. This is either the string “hard”, “soft”, or “softfp”. An empty string means to use the default one for the arm_version.

Current value (from the default): ""

From //build/config/arm.gni:20

target_cpu = "x64"


Current value (from the default): "//third_party/mesa"

From //garnet/lib/magma/gnbuild/magma.gni:41


Current value (from the default): false

From //garnet/drivers/gpu/msd-intel-gen/src/


Current value (from the default): false

From //third_party/mesa/src/intel/vulkan/