blob: 121dfb216dce647c9605584f6679c38952c5c28e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library zx;
// This file is copies of some syscalls that were interesting for the kernel
// header generator.
alias mutable_vector_void = vector<handle>;
alias optional_uint32 = uint32;
alias vector_handle_u32size = vector<byte>;
alias vector_paddr = vector<paddr>;
alias vector_void_u32size = vector<byte>;
protocol KernelCases {
// Output vector to out_ptr, and vector<paddr> staying zx_paddr_t (not
// turning into uint64).
BtiPin(resource struct {
handle handle:BTI;
options uint32;
vmo handle:VMO;
offset uint64;
size uint64;
}) -> (resource struct {
status status;
addrs vector_paddr;
pmt handle:PMT;
// Still have NORETURN markup for kernel (but only this one).
// inout_ptr.
MtraceControl(resource struct {
handle handle:RESOURCE;
kind uint32;
action uint32;
options uint32;
ptr mutable_vector_void;
}) -> (struct {
status status;
// vector of handles isn't turned into user_out_handle*, rather stays as
// user_out_ptr<zx_handle_t>, because it's not just one.
Read(resource struct {
handle handle:CHANNEL;
options uint32;
}) -> (struct {
status status;
bytes vector_void_u32size;
handles vector_handle_u32size;
actual_bytes optional_uint32;
actual_handles optional_uint32;
compiled_out_in_non_test(struct {
a int32;
b int32;
}) -> (struct {
status status;