Build a custom Rust toolchain for Fuchsia

This guide explains how to build a Rust compiler for use with the Fuchsia. This is useful if you need to build Fuchsia with a patched compiler, or a compiler built with custom options. Building a custom Rust toolchain is not always necessary for building Fuchsia with a different version of Rust; see Build Fuchsia with a custom Rust toolchain for details.


Prior to building a custom Rust toolchain for Fuchsia, you need to do the following:

  1. Run the following command to install cmake:

    sudo apt-get install cmake ninja-build
  2. Run the following command to obtain the infra sources:

    DEV_ROOT={{ '<var>' }}DEV_ROOT{{ '</var> '}} # parent of your Rust directory
    mkdir -p $DEV_ROOT/infra && \
    ( \
      builtin cd $DEV_ROOT/infra && \
      jiri init && \
      jiri import -overwrite -name=fuchsia/manifest infra \
 && \
      jiri update \

    Note: Running jiri update from the infra directory ensures that you have the most recent configurations and tools.

  3. Download and extract the Fuchsia core IDK to $DEV_ROOT/sdk. For more information, see Download the Fuchsia IDK.

  4. Run the following command to use cipd to get the linux sysroot package for your host platform:

    # You may want to: rm -rf $DEV_ROOT/sysroot
    mkdir -p $DEV_ROOT/sysroot
    cipd install fuchsia/third_party/sysroot/linux latest -root $DEV_ROOT/sysroot/linux
  5. If you haven‘t already, clone the Rust source. The Guide to Rustc Development is a good resource to reference whenever you’re working on the compiler.

    git clone $DEV_ROOT/rust

Configure Rust for Fuchsia

  1. Change into your Rust directory.

  2. Run the following command to generate a configuration for the Rust toolchain:

    DEV_ROOT={{ '<var>' }}DEV_ROOT{{ '</var>' }}
    $DEV_ROOT/infra/fuchsia/prebuilt/tools/vpython \
      $DEV_ROOT/infra/fuchsia/recipes/recipes/contrib/rust_toolchain.resources/ \
        config_toml \
        --clang-prefix=$DEV_ROOT/fuchsia/prebuilt/third_party/clang/linux-x64 \
        --host-sysroot=$DEV_ROOT/sysroot/linux \
        --prefix=$(pwd)/install/fuchsia-rust \
       | tee fuchsia-config.toml
    $DEV_ROOT/infra/fuchsia/prebuilt/tools/vpython \
        $DEV_ROOT/infra/fuchsia/recipes/recipes/contrib/rust_toolchain.resources/ \
          environment \
          --eval \
          --clang-prefix=$DEV_ROOT/fuchsia/prebuilt/third_party/clang/linux-x64 \
          --sdk-dir=$DEV_ROOT/sdk \
          --linux-amd64-sysroot=$DEV_ROOT/sysroot/linux \
          --linux-arm64-sysroot=$DEV_ROOT/sysroot/linux \
       | tee
  3. (Optional) Run the following command to tell git to ignore the generated files:

    echo fuchsia-config.toml >> .git/info/exclude
    echo >> .git/info/exclude
  4. (Optional) Customize fuchsia-config.toml.

Build and install Rust

  1. Change into your Rust source directory.

  2. Run the following command to build and install Rust plus the Fuchsia runtimes spec:

    DEV_ROOT={{ '<var>' }}DEV_ROOT{{ '</var>' }}
    rm -rf install/fuchsia-rust
    mkdir -p install/fuchsia-rust
    # Copy and paste the following subshell to build and install Rust, as needed.
    # The subshell avoids polluting your environment with fuchsia-specific rust settings.
    ( source && ./ install --config fuchsia-config.toml ) && \
    rm -rf install/fuchsia-rust/lib/.build-id && \
    $DEV_ROOT/infra/fuchsia/prebuilt/tools/vpython \
      $DEV_ROOT/infra/fuchsia/recipes/recipes/contrib/rust_toolchain.resources/ \
        runtime \
      | $DEV_ROOT/infra/fuchsia/prebuilt/tools/vpython \
          $DEV_ROOT/infra/fuchsia/recipes/recipe_modules/toolchain/resources/ \
            --dir install/fuchsia-rust/lib \
            --readelf fuchsia-build/*/llvm/bin/llvm-readelf \
            --objcopy fuchsia-build/*/llvm/bin/llvm-objcopy \
      > install/fuchsia-rust/lib/runtime.json

Build only (optional)

If you want to skip the install step, for instance during development of Rust itself, you can do so with the following command.

( source && ./ build --config fuchsia-config.toml )


If you are getting build errors, try deleting the Rust build directory:

rm -rf fuchsia-build

Then re-run the command to build Rust.

Building Fuchsia with a custom Rust toolchain

With a newly compiled custom Rust toolchain, you're ready to use it to build Fuchsia. Directions on how to do so are available in a dedicated guide.