Rust Editor Configuration


See instructions on the Intellij Rust site. Run fx gen-cargo //garnet/foo/path/to/target:label for the GN target that you want to work on and open the corresponding directory.


See instructions on rust-lang/rust.vim.

Visual Studio Code

The VS Code plugin uses the RLS (Rust language server) so you‘ll need to first install rustup. Next, install this VSCode plugin. You’ll also have to tell rustup to use the Fuchsia Rust toolchain:

rustup toolchain link fuchsia /<your Fuchsia root>/buildtools/<platform>/rust
rustup default fuchsia

Next open File -> Preferences -> Settings (or type Ctrl+Comma). Add the following settings:

  "": "x86_64-fuchsia",
  "rust.target_dir": "/<your Fuchsia root>/out/cargo_target",
  "rust.unstable_features": true,
  "rust-client.rlsPath": "/<your Fuchsia root>/buildtools/<platform>/rust/bin/rls",
  "rust-client.disableRustup": true,

  // Some optional settings that may help:
  "rust.goto_def_racer_fallback": true,
  "rust-client.logToFile": true,

Finally, run fx gen-cargo //garnet/foo/path/to/target:label for the GN target that you want to work on and open the corresponding directory in VSCode.