Dart language FIDL tutorial

About this tutorial

This tutorial describes how to make client calls and write servers in Dart using the FIDL InterProcess Communication (IPC) system in Fuchsia.

Refer to the main FIDL page for details on the design and implementation of FIDL, as well as the instructions for getting and building Fuchsia.

Getting started

We'll use the echo.fidl sample that we discussed in the FIDL Tutorial introduction section, by opening //garnet/examples/fidl/services/echo.fidl.

library fidl.examples.echo;

interface Echo {
  1: EchoString(string? value) -> (string? response);


The examples are in Topaz at: //topaz/examples/fidl/

You can build the code via the following:

# You'll need Topaz for Dart
fx set-petal topaz
# Also include garnet examples when building Topaz
fx set x64 --packages topaz/packages/default,garnet/packages/examples/fidl
fx full-build

Echo server

The echo server implementation can be found at: //topaz/examples/fidl/echo_server_dart/lib/main.dart.

This file implements the main() function and the EchoImpl class:

  • The main() function is executed when the component is loaded. main() registers the availability of the service with incoming connections from FIDL.
  • EchoImpl processes requests on the Echo interface. A new object is created for each channel.

To understand how the code works, here‘s a summary of what happens in the server to execute an IPC call. We will dig into what each of these lines means, so it’s not necessary to understand all of this before you move on.

  1. Startup. The FIDL Shell loads the Dart runner, which starts the VM, loads main.dart, and calls main().
  2. Registration main() registers EchoImpl to bind itself to incoming requests on the Echo interface. main() returns, but the program doesn't exit, because an event loop to handle incoming requests is running.
  3. Service request. The Echo server package receives a request to bind Echo service to a new channel, so it calls the bind() function passed in the previous step.
  4. Service request. bind() uses the EchoImpl instance.
  5. API request. The Echo server package receives a call to echoString() from the channel and dispatches it to echoString() in the EchoImpl object instance bound in the last step.
  6. API request. echoString() calls the given callback() function to return the response.

Now let's go through the details of how this works.

File headers

Here are the import declarations in the Dart server implementation:

import 'package:fidl/fidl.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia.fidl.echo2/echo2.dart';
import 'package:lib.app.dart/app.dart';
  • fidl.dart exposes the FIDL runtime library for Dart. Our program needs it for InterfaceRequest.
  • app.dart is required for StartupContext, which is where we register our service.
  • echo2.dart contains bindings for the Echo interface.This file is generated from the interface defined in echo2.fidl.


Everything starts with main():

void main(List<String> args) {
  _context = new StartupContext.fromStartupInfo();
  _echo = new _EchoImpl();
  _context.outgoingServices.addServiceForName<Echo>(_echo.bind, Echo.$serviceName);

main() is called by the Dart VM when your service is loaded, similar to main() in a C or C++ component. It binds an instance of EchoImpl, our implementation of the Echo interface, to the name of the Echo service.

Eventually, another FIDL component will attempt to connect to our component.

The bind() function

Here's what it looks like:

void bind(InterfaceRequest<Echo> request) {
  _binding.bind(this, request);

The bind() function is called when the first channel is received from another component. This function binds once for each service it makes available to the other component (remember that each service exposes a single interface). The information is cached in a data structure owned by the FIDL runtime, and used to create objects to be the endpoints for additional incoming channels.

Unlike C++, Dart only has a single thread per isolate, so there's no possible confusion over which thread owns a channel.

Is there really only one thread?

Both yes and no. There‘s only one thread in your component’s VM, but the handle watcher isolate has its own, separate thread so that component isolates don't have to block. Component isolates can also spawn new isolates, which will run on different threads.

The echoString function

Finally we reach the implementation of the server API. Your EchoImpl object receives a call to the echoString() function. It receives the arguments to the function, as well as a callback function to return the result parameters:

void echoString(String value, void callback(String response)) {
  print('EchoString: $value');

Echo client

The echo client implementation can be found at: //topaz/examples/fidl/echo_client_dart/lib/main.dart

Our simple client does everything in main().

Note: a component can be a client, a service, or both, or many. The distinction in this example between Client and Server is purely for demonstration purposes.

Here is the summary of how the client makes a connection to the echo service.

  1. Startup. The FIDL Shell loads the Dart runner, which starts the VM, loads main.dart, and calls main().
  2. Connect. The destination server is specified, and we request for it to be started if it wasn't already.
  3. Bind. We bind EchoProxy, a generated proxy class, to the remote Echo service.
  4. Invoke. We invoke echoString with a value, and set a callback to handle the response.
  5. Wait. main() returns, but the FIDL run loop is still waiting for messages from the remote channel.
  6. Handle result. The result arrives, and our callback is executed, printing the response.
  7. Shutdown. dart_echo_client exits.


The main() function in the client contains all the client code.

void main(List<String> args) {
  String server = 'fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/echo_dart#meta/echo_server_dart.cmx';
  if (args.length >= 2 && args[0] == '--server') {
    server = args[1];

  _context = new StartupContext.fromStartupInfo();
  final Services services = new Services();
  final LaunchInfo launchInfo = new LaunchInfo(
      url: server, directoryRequest: services.request());
  _context.launcher.createComponent(launchInfo, null);

  _echo = new EchoProxy();

  _echo.echoString('hello', (String response) {
    print('***** Response: $response');

Again, remember that everything in FIDL is async. The call to _echo.echoString() returns immediately and then main() returns. The FIDL client library keeps its own pointer to the component object, which prevents the component from exiting. Once the response arrives, all of the handles are closed, and the component will terminate after the callback returns.

Run the sample

You can run the Hello World example like this:

$ run fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/echo_dart#meta/echo_client_dart.cmx

You do not need to specifically run the server because the call to connectToServiceByName() in the client will automatically demand-load the server.

Echo across languages and runtimes

As a final exercise, you can now mix & match Echo clients and servers as you see fit. Let's try having the Dart client call the C++ server (from the C++ version of the example).

$ run fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/echo_dart#meta/echo_client_dart.cmx --server fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/echo_server_cpp#meta/echo_server_cpp.cmx

The Dart client will start the C++ server and connect to it. EchoString() works across language boundaries, all that matters is that the ABI defined by FIDL is observed on both ends.