Contribute changes

Fuchsia manages commits through Gerrit at

To submit your contribution to the Fuchsia project, follow the instructions in the sections below.


Before you submit your first contribution to the Fuchsia project, you need to

  1. Download the Fuchsia source code

    Note: You may want to complete the next prerequisite as downloading the Fuchsia source code may take a long time.

  2. Sign the Google Contributor License Agreements (CLA)

  3. Generate a cookie to authenticate you in Gerrit

Sign the Google CLA

To sign the Google CLA, do the following:

  1. Go to the Google Developers' Contributor License Agreements page.
  2. Sign the agreement on behalf of Only Yourself or Your Employer.

Generate a cookie

To generate the cookie, do the following:

  1. Log into Gerrit.
  2. At the top of, click Generate Password.
  3. Copy the generated code and run it in a terminal of your workstation.

Create a change in Gerrit

Follow these steps to create a change in Gerrit:

  1. Create a new branch:

    git checkout -b <branch_name>
  2. Create or edit files in the new branch.

  3. Add the changes:

    git add <files>
  4. Commit the changes (see Add commit message tags):

    git commit
  5. Upload the changes to Gerrit:

    jiri upload
    • If you want to use the git command instead, run the following command:

      git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master

Note: If you want to upload the changes with a custom topic, see Upload changes from multiple repositories for details.

At any time, if you want to make changes to your patch, use --amend:

git commit --amend

Once the change is submitted, clean up the branch:

git branch -d <branch_name>

See the Gerrit documentation for more information.

Add commit message tags

You must include [tags] in the subject of a commit message to indicate which module, library, and app are affected by your change.

See the following example of a commit message, which shows the tags in the subject:

[parent][component] Update component in Topaz.

<The details of the commit message here.>

Test: Added test X

For the tags, use [docs] for documentation, [zircon] for zircon, [fidl] for FIDL, and more. You can view the commit history of the files you've edited to check for the tags used previously.

See these examples:

Note: If the subject of the commit message doesn't include tags, Gerrit flags your change with Needs Label: Commit-Message-has-tags.

Add test instructions

If a change requires non-obvious manual testing for validation, those testing steps should be described in a line in the change description beginning with Test:.

If the instructions are more elaborate, they can be added to a linked bug. If the change does not intend to change behavior, the commit message should indicate as such.

In some cases, we are not able to test certain behavior changes because we lack some particular piece of infrastructure. In that case, we should have an issue in the tracker about creating that infrastructure and the test label should mention the bug number in addition to describing how the change was manually tested:

Test: Manually tested that [...]. Automated testing needs US-XXXX

Developers are responsible for high-quality automated testing of their code. Reviewers are responsible for pushing back on changes that do not include sufficient tests.

Note: See Fuchsia testability rubrics for more information on how to introduce testable and tested code in the Fuchsia project.

Resolve merge conflicts

  1. Rebase from origin/master, which reveals the files that cause merge conflicts:

    git rebase origin/master
  2. Edit those files to resolve the conflicts and finish the rebase:

    git add <files_with_resolved_conflicts>
    git rebase --continue
  3. Commit and upload your changes:

    git commit --amend
    jiri upload

Manage changes that span multiple repositories

To understand how to manage changes that span different repositories (petals), see the following pages:

More information on the structure of the fuchsia.git repository is available in Source code layout.