Additional Inputs for Build-Time Verification

Pre-signing Policies

These policy files are intended for use by Scrutiny's pre-signing verifier. They enforce platform-level constraints based on build type (userdebug and user), following the strategy from

These checks are run downstream by the signing server, which maintains an equivalent of the policy as a GCL configuration. The GCL is the source of truth for the policies defined here. Updating the policy files or golden files here are not sufficient to prevent a signing failure.

In order to deduplicate the policy, the signing server should run the Scrutiny verifiers at signing time. The effort to enable this is tracked at b/311208337.

Please consult with the security team if any checks need to be updated or removed.

Pre-signing Golden Files

sshd_config_userdebug - this golden file acts a change detector for third_party/openssh-portable/fuchsia/sshd_config. This is currently how the security team ensures a secure sshd configuration for userdebug builds.

To change this file, a migration strategy is recommended as follows:

  1. Notify the security team so back-end changes can be prepared.
  2. Add a copy of the updated sshd_config to the pre_signing/ folder in this dir.
  3. Update the pre_signing_userdebug.json5 policy file to add an entry for the updated golden in the matches_golden check.
  4. Land the CL for steps (2) and (3)
  5. Land the sshd_config change to openssh-portable.
  6. Remove the previous sshd_config_userdebug golden file.
  7. Rename the updated sshd_config to sshd_config_userdebug.
  8. Update pre_signing_userdebug.json5 to only use the new sshd_config_userdebug file in the matches_golden check.