Expose the driver capabilities

Driver components offer the features and services they provide to other drivers and non-driver components through capabilities. This enables Fuchsia‘s component framework to route those capabilities to the target component when necessary. Drivers can also export their capabilities to devfs to enable other components to discover them as file nodes mounted in the component’s namespace.

In this section, you‘ll expose the qemu_edu driver’s factorial capabilities and consume those from a component running elsewhere in the system.

Create a new FIDL library

Create a new project directory in your Bazel workspace for a new FIDL library:

mkdir -p fuchsia-codelab/qemu_edu/fidl

After you complete this section, the project should have the following directory structure:

                  |- BUILD.bazel
                  |- qemu_edu.fidl

Create the qemu_edu/fidl/BUILD.bazel file and add the following statement to include the necessary build rules from the Fuchsia SDK:


{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/fidl/BUILD.bazel" region_tag="imports" adjust_indentation="auto" %}

Define a driver service protocol

The driver exposes the capabilities of the edu device using a custom FIDL protocol. Add a new qemu_edu/qemu_edu.fidl file to your project workspace with the following contents:


{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/fidl/qemu_edu.fidl" region_tag="example_snippet" adjust_indentation="auto" %}

This FIDL protocol provides two methods to interact with the factorial computation and liveness check hardware registers on the edu device.

Add the following build rules to the bottom of the project's build configuration to compile the FIDL library and generate C++ bindings:

  • fuchsia_fidl_library(): Declares the examples.qemuedu FIDL library and describes the FIDL source files it includes.
  • fuchsia_fidl_llcpp_library(): Describes the generated LLCPP (Low-Level C++) bindings for components to interact with this FIDL library.


{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/fidl/BUILD.bazel" region_tag="fidl_library" adjust_indentation="auto" %}

Implement the driver service protocol

With the FIDL protocol defined, you'll need to update the driver to implement and serve this protocol to other components.

After you complete this section, the project should have the following directory structure:

                  |- BUILD.bazel
                  |- meta
                  |   |- qemu_edu.cml
                  |- edu_device.cc
                  |- edu_device.h
{{ '<strong>' }}                  |- edu_server.cc {{ '</strong>' }}
{{ '<strong>' }}                  |- edu_server.h {{ '</strong>' }}
                  |- qemu_edu.bind
                  |- qemu_edu.cc
                  |- qemu_edu.h

Create the new qemu_edu/drivers/edu_server.h file in your project directory with the following contents to include the FIDL bindings for the examples.qemuedu library and create a new QemuEduServer class to implement the server end of the FIDL protocol:



{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/drivers/edu_server.h" region_tag="imports" adjust_indentation="auto" %}

{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/drivers/edu_server.h" region_tag="namespace_start" adjust_indentation="auto" %}

{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/drivers/edu_server.h" region_tag="fidl_server" adjust_indentation="auto" %}

{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/drivers/edu_server.h" region_tag="namespace_end" adjust_indentation="auto" %}


Create the new qemu_edu/drivers/edu_server.cc file in your project directory with the following contents to implement the examples.qemuedu/Device protocol methods and map them to the device resource methods:


{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/drivers/edu_server.cc" region_tag="imports" adjust_indentation="auto" %}

{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/drivers/edu_server.cc" region_tag="namespace_start" adjust_indentation="auto" %}

{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/drivers/edu_server.cc" region_tag="compute_factorial" adjust_indentation="auto" %}

{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/drivers/edu_server.cc" region_tag="liveness_check" adjust_indentation="auto" %}

{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/drivers/edu_server.cc" region_tag="namespace_end" adjust_indentation="auto" %}

Update the driver's component manifest to declare and expose the FIDL protocol as a capability:


{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/drivers/meta/qemu_edu.cml" region_tag="driver" %}
{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/drivers/meta/qemu_edu.cml" region_tag="use_capabilities" exclude_regexp="protocol" %}
{{ '<strong>' }}{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/drivers/meta/qemu_edu.cml" region_tag="expose_capabilities" %}{{ '</strong>' }}

Update the driver's build configuration to depend on the FIDL bindings for the new examples.qemuedu library:


{% set build_bazel_snippet %} {% includecode gerrit_repo=“fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers” gerrit_path=“src/qemu_edu/drivers/BUILD.bazel” region_tag=“binary” adjust_indentation=“auto” exclude_regexp=“fuchsia.device.fs” highlight=“13” %} {% endset %}

{{ build_bazel_snippet|replace("//src/qemu_edu","//fuchsia-codelab/qemu_edu")|trim() }}

Export and serve the protocol

The qemu_edu driver makes the examples.qemuedu/Device protocol discoverable to other components using devfs. To discover which driver services are available in the system, a non-driver component would look up the device filesystem (usually mounted to /dev in a component’s namespace) and scan for the directories and files under this filesystem.

Driver manager can alias entries in devfs to a specific device class entry (for example, /dev/class/input) when a matching protocol ID to a known device class is provided. If a non-driver component does not know the exact path of the driver service in devfs, but rather a specific type. For this exercise, the edu device does not conform to a known class so you'll configure this entry as an unclassified device.

Update the driver component's manifest to request the fuchsia.devics.fs.Exporter capability:


{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/drivers/meta/qemu_edu.cml" region_tag="driver" %}
{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/drivers/meta/qemu_edu.cml" region_tag="use_capabilities" highlight="2" %}
{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/drivers/meta/qemu_edu.cml" region_tag="expose_capabilities" %}

Update the driver‘s Start() method to begin serving the examples.qemuedu/Device protocol to a new devfs entry that matches the device node’s topological path:


{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/drivers/qemu_edu.cc" region_tag="imports" adjust_indentation="auto" %}

{{ '<strong>' }}{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/drivers/qemu_edu.cc" region_tag="fidl_imports" adjust_indentation="auto" %}{{ '</strong>' }}

{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/drivers/qemu_edu.cc" region_tag="start_method_start" adjust_indentation="auto" %}
  // ...

{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/drivers/qemu_edu.cc" region_tag="device_registers" %}

{{ '<strong>' }}{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/drivers/qemu_edu.cc" region_tag="serve_outgoing" %}{{ '</strong>' }}

{{ '<strong>' }}{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/drivers/qemu_edu.cc" region_tag="devfs_export" %}{{ '</strong>' }}

{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/sdk-samples/drivers" gerrit_path="src/qemu_edu/drivers/qemu_edu.cc" region_tag="start_method_end" adjust_indentation="auto" %}

The qemu_edu driver's capabilities are now discoverable by other components.

Rebuild the driver

Use the bazel build command to verify that the driver builds successfully with your code changes:

bazel build //fuchsia-codelab/qemu_edu/drivers:pkg

Congratulations! You've successfully exposed FIDL services from a Fuchsia driver.