blob: de707edb10a4f26d82fc19f486f0948c300cc303 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Realm that acts as a container for general system components.
children: [
name: "device_settings",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "dash-launcher",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
environment: "#full-resolver-env",
name: "session-manager",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
environment: "#session-env",
name: "system-update-committer",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
startup: "eager",
on_terminate: "reboot",
name: "exceptions",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "feedback",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
startup: "eager",
name: "mdns",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
// TODO( consider removing eager startup in non-eng builds.
startup: "eager",
name: "bluetooth-core",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "sysmem_connector",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
// Until there is something analogous to on_terminate: "reboot" for drivers, we need
// sysmem_connector to terminate and trigger a reboot on behalf of sysmem if the sysmem
// driver terminates.
// TODO( Once we have something like on_terminate: "reboot" for drivers
// we can remove both "eager" and "reboot" here.
startup: "eager",
on_terminate: "reboot",
name: "text_manager",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "cobalt_system_metrics",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
startup: "eager",
name: "linux_runner",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
environment: "#full-resolver-env",
// Children below this line may be present on some but not all product configurations.
// Children above this line are expected to be present on all configs that include
// core.cml.
// TODO( If any of the components below are product-specific, move them
// to core realm shards.
name: "activity",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "brightness_manager",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
environment: "#full-resolver-env",
name: "cobalt",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "detect",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "diagnostics-persistence",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "diagnostics-kcounter",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "log-stats",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "sampler",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "starnix_manager",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
environment: "#full-resolver-env",
name: "stash",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "stash2",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "stash_secure",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "regulatory_region",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "font_provider",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "overnetstack",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
environment: "#full-resolver-env",
name: "remote-control",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "remote-diagnostics-bridge",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "debug_serial",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "system-metrics-logger",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
environment: "#full-resolver-env",
name: "temperature-logger",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
environment: "#full-resolver-env",
name: "metrics-logger",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
environment: "#full-resolver-env",
name: "pkg-resolver",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "vulkan_loader",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
environment: "#full-resolver-env",
name: "ssh-key-manager",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "universe-resolver",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "network",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
startup: "eager",
name: "hwinfo",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "agis",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
environment: "#full-resolver-env",
], // children
capabilities: [
// Note: `data`, `cache`, and `temp` storage capabilities are defined in a shard and
// included as part of the build process. See restricted-storage.core_shard.cml or
// unrestricted-storage.core_shard.cml
offer: [
protocol: "fuchsia.component.resolution.Resolver",
from: "parent",
to: [ "#universe-resolver" ],
protocol: [ "fuchsia.kernel.DebugResource" ],
from: "parent",
to: "#debug_serial",
protocol: [
from: "#activity",
to: [
directory: "dev",
from: "parent",
as: "dev-sysmem",
to: "#sysmem_connector",
subdir: "class/sysmem",
protocol: [ "fuchsia.pkg.FontResolver" ],
from: "#pkg-resolver",
to: "#font_provider",
protocol: [ "fuchsia.device.NameProvider" ],
from: "parent",
to: [
protocol: [ "fuchsia.scheduler.ProfileProvider" ],
from: "parent",
to: [ "#network" ],
protocol: [ "" ],
from: "#network",
to: [
protocol: [ "" ],
from: "#network",
to: [
protocol: [
from: "#network",
to: [
protocol: [ "fuchsia.posix.socket.Provider" ],
from: "#network",
to: [ "#agis" ],
protocol: "fuchsia.stash.SecureStore",
from: "#stash_secure",
to: [
directory: "config-data",
from: "parent",
to: [ "#network" ],
directory: "dev",
from: "parent",
as: "dev-class-ethernet",
to: [ "#network" ],
subdir: "class/ethernet",
directory: "dev",
from: "parent",
as: "dev-class-network",
to: [ "#network" ],
subdir: "class/network",
storage: "cache",
from: "self",
to: [ "#network" ],
storage: "data",
from: "self",
to: [ "#network" ],
protocol: "fuchsia.pkg.PackageResolver",
from: "#pkg-resolver",
to: "#universe-resolver",
protocol: [
from: "parent",
to: "#pkg-resolver",
storage: "data",
from: "self",
to: "#pkg-resolver",
directory: "config-data",
from: "parent",
to: "#pkg-resolver",
subdir: "pkg-resolver",
directory: "config-data",
from: "parent",
to: [
subdir: "forensics",
protocol: [
from: "parent",
to: [
protocol: [ "fuchsia.hardware.power.statecontrol.RebootMethodsWatcherRegister" ],
from: "parent",
to: [
protocol: [ "fuchsia.diagnostics.FeedbackArchiveAccessor" ],
from: "parent",
to: [
protocol: [ "fuchsia.logger.LogSink" ],
from: "parent",
to: [
protocol: "fuchsia.hardware.pty.Device",
from: "parent",
to: "#dash-launcher",
protocol: [ "fuchsia.kernel.Counter" ],
from: "parent",
to: "#diagnostics-kcounter",
protocol: [
from: "parent",
to: "#system-update-committer",
protocol: [ "fuchsia.kernel.VmexResource" ],
from: "parent",
to: [ "#starnix_manager" ],
protocol: [ "fuchsia.ui.input3.Keyboard" ],
from: "#text_manager",
to: "#starnix_manager",
protocol: [ "fuchsia.sysmem.Allocator" ],
from: "#sysmem_connector",
to: [
directory: "config-data",
from: "parent",
to: "#hwinfo",
subdir: "hwinfo",
protocol: [
from: "#overnetstack",
to: "#remote-control",
protocol: [ "fuchsia.posix.socket.Provider" ],
from: "#network",
to: "#remote-control",
protocol: [
from: "parent",
to: "#exceptions",
protocol: [
from: "parent",
to: "#remote-control",
directory: "config-data",
from: "parent",
to: [ "#remote-control" ],
subdir: "remote-control",
protocol: [
from: "parent",
to: "#remote-diagnostics-bridge",
directory: "config-data",
from: "parent",
to: "#font_provider",
subdir: "fonts",
directory: "config-data",
from: "parent",
to: "#sampler",
subdir: "sampler",
directory: "config-data",
from: "parent",
to: "#diagnostics-persistence",
subdir: "diagnostics-persistence",
protocol: "fuchsia.developer.remotecontrol.RemoteDiagnosticsBridge",
from: "#remote-diagnostics-bridge",
to: "#remote-control",
protocol: "",
from: "#feedback",
to: [
protocol: "",
from: "#feedback",
to: "#detect",
protocol: "fuchsia.fonts.Provider",
from: "#font_provider",
to: [ "#session-manager" ],
protocol: "fuchsia.kernel.Stats",
from: "parent",
to: [
protocol: "fuchsia.process.Launcher",
from: "parent",
to: [
protocol: "fuchsia.sys2.RealmQuery.root",
from: "parent",
as: "fuchsia.sys2.RealmQuery",
to: "#dash-launcher",
storage: "data",
from: "self",
to: "#brightness_manager",
directory: "dev",
from: "parent",
as: "dev-backlight",
to: "#brightness_manager",
subdir: "class/backlight",
directory: "dev",
from: "parent",
as: "dev-input-report",
to: [
subdir: "class/input-report",
directory: "dev",
from: "parent",
to: "#sysmem_connector",
subdir: "class/sysmem",
directory: "dev",
from: "parent",
as: "dev-temperature",
to: "#temperature-logger",
subdir: "class/temperature",
directory: "dev",
from: "parent",
as: "dev-thermal",
to: "#temperature-logger",
subdir: "class/thermal",
directory: "dev",
from: "parent",
as: "dev-temperature",
to: "#metrics-logger",
subdir: "class/temperature",
directory: "dev",
from: "parent",
as: "dev-thermal",
to: "#metrics-logger",
subdir: "class/thermal",
directory: "dev",
from: "parent",
as: "dev-power-sensor",
to: "#metrics-logger",
subdir: "class/power-sensor",
directory: "dev",
from: "parent",
as: "dev-thermal",
to: "#cobalt_system_metrics",
subdir: "class/thermal",
directory: "dev",
from: "parent",
as: "dev-misc",
to: [ "#cobalt_system_metrics" ],
subdir: "misc",
directory: "root-ssl-certificates",
from: "parent",
to: [
directory: "config-data",
from: "parent",
to: "#temperature-logger",
subdir: "temperature-logger",
directory: "config-data",
from: "parent",
to: "#metrics-logger",
subdir: "metrics-logger",
directory: "config-data",
from: "parent",
to: "#detect",
subdir: "triage-detect",
directory: "config-data",
from: "parent",
to: "#log-stats",
subdir: "log-stats",
directory: "config-data",
from: "parent",
to: "#system-update-committer",
subdir: "system-update-committer",
directory: "config-data",
from: "parent",
to: "#cobalt",
subdir: "cobalt",
directory: "config-data",
from: "parent",
to: "#cobalt_system_metrics",
subdir: "cobalt_system_metrics",
protocol: [
from: "parent",
to: "#temperature-logger",
protocol: [ "fuchsia.kernel.Stats" ],
from: "parent",
to: "#metrics-logger",
directory: "minfs",
from: "parent",
as: "ssh",
to: "#ssh-key-manager",
subdir: "ssh",
// Note: this is the v2 root hub. The hub in the `expose` section below
// is the v1 root hub.
directory: "hub",
from: "parent",
to: "#remote-control",
// Note: These protocols are scoped to the root of the component topoology,
// hence the `.root` suffix
protocol: [
from: "parent",
to: "#remote-control",
storage: [
from: "self",
to: "#session-manager",
directory: "config-data",
from: "parent",
to: "#session-manager",
protocol: "fuchsia.hardware.power.statecontrol.Admin",
from: "parent",
to: "#session-manager",
protocol: [
from: "#text_manager",
to: "#session-manager",
storage: "data",
from: "self",
to: [
storage: [ "tmp" ],
from: "self",
to: "#exceptions",
storage: [ "cache" ],
from: "self",
to: "#regulatory_region",
storage: "cache",
from: "self",
to: "#diagnostics-persistence",
protocol: [ "fuchsia.vulkan.loader.Loader" ],
from: "#vulkan_loader",
to: [
directory: "dev",
from: "parent",
as: "dev-gpu",
to: [
subdir: "class/gpu",
directory: "dev",
from: "parent",
as: "dev-gpu-dependency-injection",
to: "#vulkan_loader",
subdir: "class/gpu-dependency-injection",
directory: "dev",
from: "parent",
as: "dev-goldfish-pipe",
to: "#vulkan_loader",
subdir: "class/goldfish-pipe",
directory: "dev",
from: "parent",
as: "dev-goldfish-control",
to: "#vulkan_loader",
subdir: "class/goldfish-control",
directory: "dev",
from: "parent",
as: "dev-goldfish-address-space",
to: "#vulkan_loader",
subdir: "class/goldfish-address-space",
directory: "dev",
from: "parent",
as: "dev-goldfish-sync",
to: "#vulkan_loader",
subdir: "class/goldfish-sync",
directory: "dev",
from: "parent",
to: "#bluetooth-core",
protocol: "fuchsia.cobalt.LoggerFactory",
from: "#cobalt",
to: [
// TODO( remove once basemgr has migrated to
// Cobalt 1.1.
protocol: "fuchsia.metrics.MetricEventLoggerFactory",
from: "#cobalt",
to: [
protocol: [
from: "parent",
to: [
storage: "data",
from: "self",
to: [
protocol: [
from: "parent",
to: [ "#feedback" ],
protocol: [
from: "#hwinfo",
to: "#feedback",
storage: [
from: "self",
to: "#feedback",
directory: "build-info",
from: "parent",
to: "#feedback",
directory: "boot",
from: "parent",
to: "#feedback",
directory: "config-data",
from: "parent",
to: "#mdns",
subdir: "mdns",
protocol: [ "fuchsia.tracing.provider.Registry" ],
from: "#trace_manager",
to: [
// Trace manager may be excluded from builds where tracing is not
// expected to be used for observability, such as in the bringup
// product and non-eng builds of any product.
source_availability: "unknown",
storage: "data",
from: "self",
to: [ "#linux_runner" ],
directory: "dev",
from: "parent",
to: "#linux_runner",
protocol: [ "fuchsia.ui.scenic.Scenic" ],
from: "self",
to: [ "#linux_runner" ],
expose: [
protocol: "fuchsia.component.Binder",
from: "framework",
protocol: [ "fuchsia.sessionmanager.Startup" ],
from: "#session-manager",
protocol: [ "fuchsia.cobalt.LoggerFactory" ],
from: "#cobalt",
protocol: [ "fuchsia.component.Binder" ],
from: "#detect",
as: "fuchsia.component.DetectBinder",
protocol: [ "fuchsia.component.Binder" ],
from: "#diagnostics-kcounter",
as: "fuchsia.component.KcounterBinder",
protocol: [ "fuchsia.component.Binder" ],
from: "#diagnostics-persistence",
as: "fuchsia.component.PersistenceBinder",
protocol: [ "fuchsia.component.Binder" ],
from: "#log-stats",
as: "fuchsia.component.LogStatsBinder",
protocol: [ "fuchsia.component.Binder" ],
from: "#sampler",
as: "fuchsia.component.SamplerBinder",
protocol: [
from: "#pkg-resolver",
protocol: [ "fuchsia.ui.activity.Provider" ],
from: "#activity",
protocol: [ "fuchsia.exception.Handler" ],
from: "#exceptions",
protocol: "fuchsia.update.CommitStatusProvider",
from: "#system-update-committer",
environments: [
name: "universe-resolver-env",
extends: "realm",
resolvers: [
resolver: "full-resolver",
from: "#universe-resolver",
scheme: "fuchsia-pkg",