blob: 528bd7032c739bbe87fea0da7f1b2cfb8a4d38c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This class maintains an inverted index for fuchsia::modular::ContextMetadata
// structs. It helps answer the question "what objects have metadata that
// matches these key/value pairs" very efficiently.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <fuchsia/modular/cpp/fidl.h>
namespace modular {
namespace internal {
// Returns a set of strings which encode both the keys and values in |metadata|
// and |type| for use in an inverted index.
std::set<std::string> EncodeMetadataAndType(
fuchsia::modular::ContextValueType node_type,
const fuchsia::modular::ContextMetadataPtr& metadata);
std::set<std::string> EncodeMetadataAndType(
fuchsia::modular::ContextValueType node_type,
const fuchsia::modular::ContextMetadata& metadata);
} // namespace internal
class ContextIndex {
// TODO(thatguy): Move this enum into
using Id = std::string;
void Add(Id id, fuchsia::modular::ContextValueType type,
const fuchsia::modular::ContextMetadata& metadata);
void Remove(Id id, fuchsia::modular::ContextValueType type,
const fuchsia::modular::ContextMetadata& metadata);
// Intersects the ids in |out| with those of type |type| and match every
// field in |metadata|.
void Query(fuchsia::modular::ContextValueType type,
const fuchsia::modular::ContextMetadataPtr& metadata,
std::set<Id>* out);
// A posting list from encoded value list to ids.
std::map<std::string, std::set<Id>> index_;
} // namespace modular