blob: 3f3c0110d9c984b2356e5b439225ddd47588aace [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package cache
import (
const (
// Arbitrarily chosen.
defaultSize = 571
numIterations = 385494
type store struct {
get func(Key) Value
put func(Key, Value)
func (s store) Get(k Key) Value {
return s.get(k)
func (s store) Put(k Key, v Value) {
s.put(k, v)
func setUp(t *testing.T) *rand.Rand {
seed := time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()
t.Log("Seed is ", seed)
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))
return r
func TestGet(t *testing.T) {
r := setUp(t)
s := store{
get: func(k Key) Value {
return Value(k)
arc := New(defaultSize, s)
k := r.Int63()
if v := arc.Get(k).Value.(int64); v != k {
t.Errorf("arc.Get(%v) = %v; want %v\n", k, v, k)
func TestPut(t *testing.T) {
r := setUp(t)
key, val := r.Int(), r.Int()
var called bool
s := store{
put: func(k Key, v Value) {
called = true
if k != key {
t.Errorf("put: k = %v; want %v\n", k, key)
if v != val {
t.Errorf("put: v = %v; want %v\n", v, val)
arc := New(defaultSize, s)
arc.Put(key, val)
arc.Flush() // Will call s.put
if !called {
t.Error("arc.Flush() did not call Put on the BackingStore")
func TestModify(t *testing.T) {
r := setUp(t)
var called bool
s := store{
get: func(k Key) Value {
return Value(k)
put: func(k Key, v Value) {
called = true
if v.(int64) != ^k.(int64) {
t.Errorf("put: Value is %v for Key %v; want %v\n", v, k, ^k.(int64))
arc := New(defaultSize, s)
k := r.Int63()
entry := arc.Get(k)
entry.Value = ^k
entry.IsDirty = true
if !called {
t.Error("arc.Flush() did not call Put on the BackingStore")
type testEntry struct {
isDirty bool
value Value
type op int
const (
get op = iota
func getOneElem(m map[Key]*testEntry) Key {
for k := range m {
return k
return nil
func TestFuzz(t *testing.T) {
r := setUp(t)
checker := make(map[Key]*testEntry)
s := store{
get: func(k Key) Value {
checker[k] = &testEntry{
isDirty: false,
value: ^k.(int),
return ^k.(int)
put: func(k Key, v Value) {
val, ok := checker[k]
if !ok {
t.Errorf("Putting key %v in the backing store when it shouldn't exist in the cache\n", k)
if !val.isDirty {
t.Errorf("Attempting to commit non-dirty entry for key %v to the backing store\n", k)
if val.value != v {
t.Errorf("Putting value v = %v for key %v; want %v\n", v, k, val.value)
delete(checker, k)
arc := New(defaultSize, s)
for i := 0; i < numIterations; i++ {
operation := op(r.Intn(3))
var k Key
if len(checker) > 0 && r.Int()&0x1 == 0 {
// Use an existing key.
k = getOneElem(checker)
} else {
k = Key(r.Int())
switch operation {
case get:
entry := arc.Get(k)
if entry.Value != checker[k].value {
t.Errorf("arc.Get(%v) = %v; want %v\n", k, entry.Value, checker[k].value)
case put:
arc.Put(k, Value(k))
checker[k] = &testEntry{
isDirty: true,
value: Value(k),
case modify:
entry := arc.Get(k)
entry.IsDirty = true
entry.Value = -k.(int)
checker[k] = &testEntry{
isDirty: true,
value: -k.(int),