blob: b1d902ed1a899c04cb4f67a822224233c44ba5dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use failure::{err_msg, Error};
use fidl_fuchsia_inspect::{InspectMarker, MetricValue, PropertyValue};
use inspect::{generate_inspect_object_tree, InspectObject};
use std::{
fmt, fs,
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use structopt::StructOpt;
mod inspect;
type ComponentsResult = Result<Vec<Component>, Error>;
type RealmsResult = Result<Vec<Realm>, Error>;
type TraversalResult = Result<(), Error>;
type DirEntryResult = Result<Vec<fs::DirEntry>, Error>;
struct Realm {
job_id: u32,
name: String,
child_realms: Vec<Realm>,
child_components: Vec<Component>,
impl Realm {
fn create(realm_path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Realm, Error> {
let job_id = fs::read_to_string(&realm_path.as_ref().join("job-id"))?;
let name = fs::read_to_string(&realm_path.as_ref().join("name"))?;
let realm = Realm {
job_id: job_id.parse::<u32>()?,
name: name,
child_realms: visit_child_realms(&realm_path.as_ref())?,
child_components: visit_child_components(&realm_path.as_ref())?,
fn write_indented(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter, indent: usize) -> fmt::Result {
writeln!(f, "{}Realm[{}]: {}", " ".repeat(indent), self.job_id,,)?;
for comp in &self.child_components {
comp.write_indented(f, indent + 2)?;
for realm in &self.child_realms {
realm.write_indented(f, indent + 2)?;
impl fmt::Display for Realm {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
self.write_indented(f, 0)
struct Component {
job_id: u32,
name: String,
path: PathBuf,
url: String,
child_components: Vec<Component>,
impl Component {
fn create(component_path: &Path) -> Result<Component, Error> {
let job_id = fs::read_to_string(&component_path.join("job-id"))?;
let url = fs::read_to_string(&component_path.join("url"))?;
let name = fs::read_to_string(&component_path.join("name"))?;
let component = Component {
job_id: job_id.parse::<u32>()?,
name: name,
path: component_path.to_path_buf(),
url: url,
child_components: visit_child_components(&component_path)?,
fn write_indented(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter, indent: usize) -> fmt::Result {
writeln!(f, "{}{}[{}]: {}", " ".repeat(indent),, self.job_id, self.url,)?;
for child in &self.child_components {
child.write_indented(f, indent + 2)?;
impl fmt::Display for Component {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
self.write_indented(f, 0)
fn visit_child_realms(realm_path: &Path) -> RealmsResult {
let child_realms_path = realm_path.join("r");
let entries = fs::read_dir(child_realms_path)?;
let mut child_realms: Vec<Realm> = Vec::new();
// visit all entries within <realm id>/r/
for entry in entries {
let entry = entry?;
// visit <realm id>/r/<child realm name>/<child realm id>/
let child_realm_id_dir_entries = find_id_directories(&entry.path())?;
for child_realm_id_dir_entry in child_realm_id_dir_entries {
let path = child_realm_id_dir_entry.path();
/// Used as a helper function to traverse <realm id>/r/, <realm id>/c/,
/// <component instance id>/c/, following through into their id subdirectories.
fn find_id_directories(dir: &Path) -> DirEntryResult {
let entries = fs::read_dir(dir)?;
let mut vec = vec![];
for entry in entries {
let entry = entry?;
let path = entry.path();
let id = {
let name = path.file_name().ok_or_else(|| err_msg("no filename"))?;
// check for numeric directory name.
if id.chars().all(char::is_numeric) {
match !vec.is_empty() {
true => Ok(vec),
false => Err(err_msg("Directory not found")),
fn visit_system_objects(component_path: &Path, exclude_objects: &Vec<String>) -> TraversalResult {
let channel_path = component_path.join(format!(
<InspectMarker as fidl::endpoints::ServiceMarker>::NAME
let inspect_object = generate_inspect_object_tree(&channel_path, &exclude_objects)?;
visit_inspect_object(1, &inspect_object);
fn visit_inspect_object(depth: usize, inspect_object: &InspectObject) {
let indent = " ".repeat(depth);
println!("{}{}", indent,;
for metric in &inspect_object.metrics {
"{} {}: {}",
match &metric.value {
MetricValue::IntValue(v) => format!("{}", v),
MetricValue::UintValue(v) => format!("{}", v),
MetricValue::DoubleValue(v) => format!("{}", v),
for property in & {
"{} {}: {}",
match &property.value {
PropertyValue::Str(s) => s.clone(),
PropertyValue::Bytes(_) => String::from("<binary>"),
for child in &inspect_object.child_inspect_objects {
visit_inspect_object(depth + 1, child);
/// Traverses a directory of named components, and recurses into each component directory.
/// Each component visited is added to the |child_components| vector.
fn visit_child_components(parent_path: &Path) -> ComponentsResult {
let child_components_path = parent_path.join("c");
if !child_components_path.is_dir() {
return Ok(vec![]);
let mut child_components: Vec<Component> = Vec::new();
let entries = fs::read_dir(&child_components_path)?;
for entry in entries {
let entry = entry?;
// Visits */c/<component name>/<component instance id>.
let component_instance_id_dir_entries = find_id_directories(&entry.path())?;
for component_instance_id_dir_entry in component_instance_id_dir_entries {
let path = component_instance_id_dir_entry.path();
fn inspect_realm(job_id: u32, exclude_objects: &Vec<String>, realm: &Realm) -> TraversalResult {
for component in &realm.child_components {
inspect_component(job_id, exclude_objects, component)?;
for child_realm in &realm.child_realms {
inspect_realm(job_id, exclude_objects, child_realm)?;
fn inspect_component(
job_id: u32,
exclude_objects: &Vec<String>,
component: &Component,
) -> TraversalResult {
if component.job_id == job_id {
println!("{}", component);
visit_system_objects(&component.path, exclude_objects)?;
for component in &component.child_components {
inspect_component(job_id, exclude_objects, component)?;
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
name = "Component Statistics (cs) Reporting Tool",
about = "Displays information about components on the system."
struct Opt {
/// Recursively output the Inspect trees of the components in the provided
/// job Id.
#[structopt(short = "i", long = "inspect")]
job_id: Option<u32>,
// Properties to exclude from display when presenting Inspect trees.
short = "e",
long = "exclude-objects",
raw(use_delimiter = "true"),
default_value = "stack,all_thread_stacks"
exclude_objects: Vec<String>,
fn main() -> TraversalResult {
// Visit the directory /hub and recursively traverse it, outputting
// information about the component hierarchy.
// See for
// more information on the Hub directory structure.
let opt = Opt::from_args();
let root_realm = Realm::create("/hub")?;
match opt.job_id {
Some(job_id) => inspect_realm(job_id, &opt.exclude_objects, &root_realm)?,
_ => println!("{}", root_realm),