blob: fbbc3d3d8c4ad860bf3c4f9a12f7e244971dd403 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
const OneSecInUsecs float64 = 1000000
const OneMsecInUsecs float64 = 1000
var (
verbose = false
func check(e error) {
if e != nil {
// Sorting helpers.
type ByStartTime []*benchmarking.Event
func (a ByStartTime) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a ByStartTime) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a ByStartTime) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Start < a[j].Start }
func getFollowingEvents(event *benchmarking.Event) []*benchmarking.Event {
visited := make(map[*benchmarking.Event]interface{})
frontier := make([]*benchmarking.Event, 1)
frontier[0] = event
for len(frontier) > 0 {
current := frontier[len(frontier)-1]
frontier = frontier[:len(frontier)-1]
if _, found := visited[current]; found {
visited[current] = nil
for _, child := range current.Children {
frontier = append(frontier, child)
if current.Type == benchmarking.FlowEvent && current.Parent != nil {
frontier = append(frontier, current.Parent)
result := make([]*benchmarking.Event, 0)
for e := range visited {
result = append(result, e)
return result
// Compute the average of an array of floats.
func computeAverage(array []float64) float64 {
result := 0.0
for _, item := range array {
result += item
return result / float64(len(array))
// Compute the maximum element of |array|.
func computeMax(array []float64) float64 {
result := -math.MaxFloat64
for _, item := range array {
if item > result {
result = item
return result
// Compute the |targetPercentile|th percentile of |array|.
func computePercentile(array []float64, targetPercentile int) float64 {
if len(array) == 0 {
panic("Cannot compute the percentile of an empty array")
array = append([]float64(nil), array...)
if targetPercentile == 100 {
return array[len(array)-1]
indexAsFloat, fractional := math.Modf((float64(len(array)) - 1.0) * (0.01 * float64(targetPercentile)))
index := int(indexAsFloat)
if len(array) == index+1 {
return array[index]
return array[index]*(1-fractional) + array[index+1]*fractional
type catAndName struct {
Cat string
Name string
func reportInputLatency(model benchmarking.Model, testSuite string, testResultsFile *benchmarking.TestResultsFile) {
startingDurations := make([]*benchmarking.Event, 0)
for _, p := range model.Processes {
for _, t := range p.Threads {
for _, e := range t.Events {
if e.Cat == "input" && e.Name == "presentation_on_event" {
startingDurations = append(startingDurations, e)
totalInputLatencyValues := make([]float64, 0)
for _, se := range startingDurations {
followingEvents := getFollowingEvents(se)
// Only process input flows that resulted in a vsync.
hasVsync := false
for _, fe := range followingEvents {
if fe.Cat == "gfx" && fe.Name == "Display::Controller::OnDisplayVsync" {
hasVsync = true
if !hasVsync {
for _, event := range followingEvents {
if event.Name == "Display::Controller::OnDisplayVsync" {
totalInputLatencyValues = append(totalInputLatencyValues, (event.Start-se.Start)/1000.0)
Label: "total_input_latency",
TestSuite: testSuite,
Unit: benchmarking.Milliseconds,
Values: totalInputLatencyValues,
if len(totalInputLatencyValues) > 0 {
mean := computeAverage(totalInputLatencyValues)
median := computePercentile(totalInputLatencyValues, 50)
max := computeMax(totalInputLatencyValues)
fmt.Printf("Computed %d total input latency values\n", len(totalInputLatencyValues))
fmt.Printf("Total input latency mean: %.4gms\n", mean)
fmt.Printf("Total input latency median: %.4gms\n", median)
fmt.Printf("Total input latency max: %.4gms\n", max)
} else {
panic("Error, computed 0 total input latency values\n")
func main() {
// Argument handling.
verbosePtr := flag.Bool("v", false, "Run with verbose logging")
testSuitePtr := flag.String("test_suite_name", "", "Optional: The name of the test suite.")
outputFilenamePtr := flag.String("benchmarks_out_filename", "", "Optional: A file to output results to.")
if flag.NArg() == 0 {
println(" trace_filename: The input trace file.")
verbose = *verbosePtr
inputFilename := flag.Args()[0]
testSuite := *testSuitePtr
outputFilename := *outputFilenamePtr
traceFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile(inputFilename)
// Creating the trace model.
var model benchmarking.Model
model, err = benchmarking.ReadTrace(traceFile)
var testResultsFile benchmarking.TestResultsFile
reportInputLatency(model, testSuite, &testResultsFile)
if outputFilename != "" {
outputFile, err := os.Create(outputFilename)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to create file %s", outputFilename)
if err := testResultsFile.Encode(outputFile); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to write results to %s: %v", outputFilename, err)
if err := outputFile.Close(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to close results file %s: %v", outputFilename, err)
fmt.Printf("\n\nWrote benchmark values to file '%s'.\n", outputFilename)