Event capabilities


Event capabilities allow components to receive events about a set of components, called the scope of the event. Because event capabilities represent information about components provided by component manager, they always originate from the framework; they are never declared by components themselves. The scope of an event is the component which originally offered or exposed the capability from the framework and includes the subtree (realm) rooted at the component that initially routed the capability.

Components that wish to listen for events must have the fuchsia.sys2.EventSource protocol routed to them.

Refer to fuchsia.sys2.EventType for the complete list of supported events and their explanations.

Event routing

Consider the following example of a component topology:

A visual tree representation of the declarations explained below

In this example:

  • core/archivist: Can get Started events about the whole toplogy since it was offered Started from root through core. It also has access to the fuchsia.sys2.EventSource protocol that was explicitly routed to it from the root. In this case, this archivist will receive Started events for: root, core, core/archivist, core/test_manager, core/test_manager/archivist, core/test_manager/tests:test-12345, core/test_manager/tests:test-12345/foo and core/test_manager/tests:test-12345/bar.

  • core/test_manager/tests:test-12345: Can get Started events about all components under the test-12345 (foo and bar) because it uses the Started event from “framework” and has fuchsia.sys2.EventSource which test_manager offered to all components under the tests collection.

  • core/test_manager/archivist: Can get Started events about all components under test_manager given that it was offered the Started event by test_manager from the framework as well as the fuchsia.sys2.EventSource protocol.

Using events

Events may be used by a component. A component that wants to receive events declares in its use declarations the events it is interested in and the fuchsia.sys2.EventSource protocol. Both the protocol and the events must have been offered to the component for the component to be able to listen for that event.

Events can be used from two sources:

  • framework: Events used from the framework are scoped to the realm of the component using them, this means that the events will be dispatched for the component and all its descendants.

  • parent: Events used from the parent have been offered by the parent and are scoped to the realm of the component which originally routed the capability from the framework.

In the example above, the following use declarations exist:

// archivist.cml
  use: [
    { protocol: "fuchsia.sys2.EventSource" },
    { event: "started" }

// archivist.cml (the one at "core/test_manager/archivist")
  use: [
    { protocol: "fuchsia.sys2.EventSource" },
    { event: "started" }

// test-12345.cml
  use: [
    { protocol: "fuchsia.sys2.EventSource" },
      event: "started",
      from: "framework"

Offering events

Events may be offered to children. In the example above, the following offer declarations exist:

// root.cml
    offer: [
            protocol: "fuchsia.sys2.EventSource",
            from: "parent",
            to: "#core",
            event: "started",
            from: "parent",
            to: "#core",

// core.cml
    offer: [
            protocol: "fuchsia.sys2.EventSource",
            from: "parent",
            to: [ "#archivist", "#test_manager" ],
            event: "started",
            from: "parent",
            to: [ "#archivist", "#test_manager" ],

// test_manager.cml
    offer: [
            protocol: "fuchsia.sys2.EventSource",
            from: "parent",
            to: [ "#tests", "#archivist" ],
            event: "started",
            from: "framework",
            to: "#archivist",

Events can be offered from two sources:

  • parent: A component that was offered an event (Started for example) can offer this same event from its parent. The scope of the offered event will be the same scope of the Started event that the component was offered. In the example above, archivist gets Started from core which got it from root, therefore it's able to see Started for all components under root.

  • framework: A component can also offer an event that its parent didn‘t offer to it. The scope of this event will be the component’s realm itself and all its descendants.

Static event streams

Event subscriptions can be set up statically in CML files through static event streams. Static event streams are similar to event streams created through the fuchsia.sys2.EventSource/Subscribe FIDL method but are set up by the framework during the resolution of a component's manifest. The following is an example of the syntax of a static event stream.

use: [
        event: "started",
        from: "parent",
        event_stream: "MyEventStream",
        subscriptions: [
                event: "started",

A component connects to a static event stream by calling fuchsia.sys2.EventSource/TakeStaticEventStream and providing the name of the event stream defined in its use declaration (MyEventStream in the example above). A component can only refer to events explicitly used in the subscriptions section of its manifest. For example, if the manifest above had event: "stopped" in the subscriptions section, a validation error would be triggered since the event is not used.