blob: d160623f2c7fc8ac5b98ddbb1870ba39c13ebb39 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "phase_1.h"
#include <memory>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "lib/fit/result.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/byte_buffer.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/test_helpers.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/connection.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/l2cap/fake_channel_test.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/l2cap/l2cap.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/sm/fake_phase_listener.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/sm/packet.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/sm/smp.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/sm/types.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace bt {
namespace sm {
namespace {
struct Phase1Args {
PairingRequestParams preq = PairingRequestParams();
IOCapability io_capability = IOCapability::kNoInputNoOutput;
BondableMode bondable_mode = BondableMode::Bondable;
SecurityLevel level = SecurityLevel::kEncrypted;
bool sc_supported = false;
class SMP_Phase1Test : public l2cap::testing::FakeChannelTest {
SMP_Phase1Test() = default;
~SMP_Phase1Test() override = default;
void SetUp() override { NewPhase1(); }
void TearDown() override { phase_1_ = nullptr; }
void NewPhase1(Role role = Role::kInitiator, Phase1Args phase_args = Phase1Args(),
hci::Connection::LinkType ll_type = hci::Connection::LinkType::kLE) {
l2cap::ChannelId cid =
ll_type == hci::Connection::LinkType::kLE ? l2cap::kLESMPChannelId : l2cap::kSMPChannelId;
uint16_t mtu = phase_args.sc_supported ? l2cap::kMaxMTU : kNoSecureConnectionsMtu;
ChannelOptions options(cid, mtu);
options.link_type = ll_type;
listener_ = std::make_unique<FakeListener>();
fake_chan_ = CreateFakeChannel(options);
sm_chan_ = std::make_unique<PairingChannel>(fake_chan_);
auto complete_cb = [this](PairingFeatures features, PairingRequestParams preq,
PairingResponseParams pres) {
features_ = features;
last_pairing_req_ = util::NewPdu(sizeof(PairingRequestParams));
last_pairing_res_ = util::NewPdu(sizeof(PairingResponseParams));
PacketWriter preq_writer(kPairingRequest, last_pairing_req_.get());
PacketWriter pres_writer(kPairingResponse, last_pairing_res_.get());
*preq_writer.mutable_payload<PairingRequestParams>() = preq;
*pres_writer.mutable_payload<PairingResponseParams>() = pres;
if (role == Role::kInitiator) {
phase_1_ = Phase1::CreatePhase1Initiator(sm_chan_->GetWeakPtr(), listener_->as_weak_ptr(),
phase_args.io_capability, phase_args.bondable_mode,
phase_args.level, std::move(complete_cb));
} else {
phase_1_ = Phase1::CreatePhase1Responder(sm_chan_->GetWeakPtr(), listener_->as_weak_ptr(),
phase_args.preq, phase_args.io_capability,
phase_args.bondable_mode, phase_args.level,
l2cap::testing::FakeChannel* fake_chan() const { return fake_chan_.get(); }
Phase1* phase_1() { return phase_1_.get(); }
FakeListener* listener() { return listener_.get(); }
int feature_exchange_count() { return feature_exchange_count_; }
PairingFeatures features() { return features_; }
ByteBuffer* last_preq() { return last_pairing_req_.get(); }
ByteBuffer* last_pres() { return last_pairing_res_.get(); }
std::unique_ptr<FakeListener> listener_;
fbl::RefPtr<l2cap::testing::FakeChannel> fake_chan_;
std::unique_ptr<PairingChannel> sm_chan_;
std::unique_ptr<Phase1> phase_1_;
int feature_exchange_count_ = 0;
PairingFeatures features_;
MutableByteBufferPtr last_pairing_req_;
MutableByteBufferPtr last_pairing_res_;
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeStartDefaultParams) {
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: "Pairing Request"
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x01, // AuthReq: bonding, no MITM
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x01, // initiator keys: enckey
0x03 // responder keys: enc key and identity info
// clang-format on
// Initiate the request in a loop task for Expect to detect it.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeStartCustomParams) {
auto phase_args = Phase1Args{.io_capability = IOCapability::kDisplayYesNo,
.bondable_mode = BondableMode::NonBondable,
.level = SecurityLevel::kAuthenticated,
.sc_supported = true};
NewPhase1(Role::kInitiator, phase_args);
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: "Pairing Request"
0x01, // IO cap.: DisplayYesNo
0x00, // OOB: not present
0b00001100, // AuthReq: no bonding, SC, MITM
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x00, // initiator keys: none - non-bondable mode
0x00 // responder keys: none - non-bondable mode
// clang-format on
// Initiate the request in a loop task for Expect to detect it.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeInitiatorWithIdentityInfo) {
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: "Pairing Request"
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x01, // AuthReq: Bonding, no MITM
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x03, // initiator keys: enckey & identity info
0x03 // responder keys: enc key and identity info
// clang-format on
// Initiate the request in a loop task for Expect to detect it.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
EXPECT_EQ(1, listener()->identity_info_count());
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangePairingFailed) {
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x05, // code: Pairing Failed
0x05 // reason: Pairing Not Supported
ASSERT_EQ(ErrorCode::kPairingNotSupported, listener()->last_error().protocol_error());
ASSERT_EQ(1, listener()->pairing_error_count());
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeLocalRejectsUnsupportedInitiatorKeys) {
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: Pairing Request
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x01, // AuthReq: bonding, no MITM
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x01, // initiator keys: enc key
0x03 // responder keys: enc key and identity info
const auto kResponse = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x00, // IO cap.: DisplayOnly
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x00, // AuthReq: no MITM
0x07, // encr. key size: 7 (default min)
0x02, // initiator keys: identity info (not listed in kRequest)
0x03 // responder keys: enc key and identity info
const auto kFailure = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x05, // code: Pairing Failed
0x0A // reason: Invalid Parameters
// clang-format on
// Initiate the request in a loop task for Expect to detect it.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
// We should receive a pairing response and reply back with Pairing Failed.
EXPECT_TRUE(ReceiveAndExpect(kResponse, kFailure));
EXPECT_EQ(1, listener()->pairing_error_count());
EXPECT_EQ(ErrorCode::kInvalidParameters, listener()->last_error().protocol_error());
EXPECT_EQ(0, feature_exchange_count());
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeLocalRejectsUnsupportedResponderKeys) {
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: Pairing Request
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x01, // AuthReq: bonding, no MITM
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x01, // initiator keys: enc key
0x03 // responder keys: enc key and identity info
const auto kResponse = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x00, // IO cap.: DisplayOnly
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x00, // AuthReq: no MITM
0x07, // encr. key size: 7 (default min)
0x01, // initiator keys: enc key, same as kRequest
0x04 // responder keys: sign key, which is not in kRequest and causes the problem.
const auto kFailure = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x05, // code: Pairing Failed
0x0A // reason: Invalid Parameters
// clang-format on
// Initiate the request in a loop task for Expect to detect it.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
// We should receive a pairing response and reply back with Pairing Failed.
EXPECT_TRUE(ReceiveAndExpect(kResponse, kFailure));
EXPECT_EQ(1, listener()->pairing_error_count());
EXPECT_EQ(ErrorCode::kInvalidParameters, listener()->last_error().protocol_error());
EXPECT_EQ(0, feature_exchange_count());
// Pairing should fail if MITM is required but the I/O capabilities cannot provide it
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeFailureAuthenticationRequirements) {
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: Pairing Request
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x01, // AuthReq: bonding, no MITM
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x01, // initiator keys: enc key
0x03 // responder keys: enc key and identity info
const auto kResponse = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x00, // IO cap.: DisplayOnly
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x04, // AuthReq: MITM required
0x07, // encr. key size: 7 (default min)
0x00, // initiator keys: none
0x01 // responder keys: enc key only (it's OK to agree to fewer keys)
const auto kFailure = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x05, // code: Pairing Failed
0x03 // reason: Authentication requirements
// clang-format on
// Initiate the request in a loop task for Expect to detect it.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
// We should receive a pairing response and reply back with Pairing Failed.
EXPECT_TRUE(ReceiveAndExpect(kResponse, kFailure));
EXPECT_EQ(1, listener()->pairing_error_count());
EXPECT_EQ(ErrorCode::kAuthenticationRequirements, listener()->last_error().protocol_error());
EXPECT_EQ(0, feature_exchange_count());
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeFailureMalformedRequest) {
// clang-format off
const auto kMalformedResponse = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x00, // AuthReq: no auth. request by default
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x01 // initiator key dist.: encr. key only
// Missing last byte
const auto kFailure = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x05, // code: Pairing Failed
0x0A // reason: Invalid Parameters
// clang-format on
EXPECT_TRUE(ReceiveAndExpect(kMalformedResponse, kFailure));
EXPECT_EQ(1, listener()->pairing_error_count());
EXPECT_EQ(ErrorCode::kInvalidParameters, listener()->last_error().protocol_error());
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeBothSupportSCFeaturesHaveSC) {
Phase1Args args;
args.sc_supported = true;
NewPhase1(Role::kInitiator, args);
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = StaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: Pairing Request
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
AuthReq::kSC | AuthReq::kBondingFlag,
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x01, // initiator keys: enc key
0x03 // responder keys: enc key and identity info
const auto kResponse = StaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x00, // IO cap.: DisplayOnly
0x00, // OOB: not present
AuthReq::kSC | AuthReq::kBondingFlag,
0x07, // encr. key size: 7 (default min)
0x00, // initiator keys: none
0x01 // responder keys: enc key only
// clang-format on
// Initiate the request in a loop task for Expect to detect it.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
EXPECT_EQ(0, listener()->pairing_error_count());
EXPECT_EQ(1, feature_exchange_count());
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kRequest, *last_preq()));
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kResponse, *last_pres()));
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeScIgnoresEncKeyBit) {
Phase1Args args;
args.sc_supported = true;
NewPhase1(Role::kInitiator, args);
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = StaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: Pairing Request
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
AuthReq::kSC | AuthReq::kBondingFlag,
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x01, // initiator keys: enc key
0x03 // responder keys: enc key and identity info
const auto kResponse = StaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x00, // IO cap.: DisplayOnly
0x00, // OOB: not present
AuthReq::kSC | AuthReq::kBondingFlag,
0x07, // encr. key size: 7 (default min)
0x00, // initiator keys: none
KeyDistGen::kEncKey // responder keys
// clang-format on
// Initiate the request in a loop task for Expect to detect it.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
EXPECT_EQ(0, listener()->pairing_error_count());
EXPECT_EQ(1, feature_exchange_count());
// Even though both the pairing request and response had the EncKey bit set, because we
// resolved the features to secure connections, we zero the bit out.
EXPECT_FALSE(features().remote_key_distribution & KeyDistGen::kEncKey);
EXPECT_FALSE(features().remote_key_distribution & KeyDistGen::kEncKey);
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kRequest, *last_preq()));
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kResponse, *last_pres()));
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeLocalSCRemoteNoSCFeaturesNoSc) {
Phase1Args args;
args.sc_supported = true;
NewPhase1(Role::kInitiator, args);
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = StaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: Pairing Request
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
AuthReq::kSC | AuthReq::kBondingFlag,
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x01, // initiator keys: enc key
0x03 // responder keys: enc key and identity info
const auto kResponse = StaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x00, // IO cap.: DisplayOnly
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x07, // encr. key size: 7 (default min)
0x00, // initiator keys: none
0x01 // responder keys: enc key only
// clang-format on
// Initiate the request in a loop task for Expect to detect it.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
EXPECT_EQ(0, listener()->pairing_error_count());
EXPECT_EQ(1, feature_exchange_count());
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kRequest, *last_preq()));
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kResponse, *last_pres()));
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangePairingResponseLegacyJustWorks) {
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: Pairing Request
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x01, // AuthReq: bonding, no MITM
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x01, // initiator keys: enc key
0x03 // responder keys: enc key and identity info
const auto kResponse = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x00, // IO cap.: DisplayOnly
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x01, // AuthReq: bonding, MITM not required
0x07, // encr. key size: 7 (default min)
0x01, // initiator keys: enc key
0x01 // responder keys: enc key only
// clang-format on
// Initiate the request in a loop task for Expect to detect it.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
EXPECT_EQ(0, listener()->pairing_error_count());
EXPECT_EQ(1, feature_exchange_count());
EXPECT_EQ(PairingMethod::kJustWorks, features().method);
EXPECT_EQ(7, features().encryption_key_size);
EXPECT_TRUE(KeyDistGen::kEncKey & features().local_key_distribution);
EXPECT_TRUE(KeyDistGen::kEncKey & features().remote_key_distribution);
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kRequest, *last_preq()));
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kResponse, *last_pres()));
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangePairingResponseLegacyMITM) {
auto phase_args = Phase1Args{.io_capability = IOCapability::kDisplayYesNo};
NewPhase1(Role::kInitiator, phase_args);
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: Pairing Request
0x01, // IO cap.: DisplayYesNo
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x01, // AuthReq: bonding, MITM not required
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x01, // initiator keys: enc key
0x03 // responder keys: enc key and identity info
const auto kResponse = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x02, // IO cap.: KeyboardOnly
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x05, // AuthReq: MITM required, bondable mode
0x07, // encr. key size: 7 (default min)
0x00, // initiator keys: none
0x01 // responder keys: enc key only
// clang-format on
// Initiate the request in a loop task for Expect to detect it.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
EXPECT_EQ(0, listener()->pairing_error_count());
EXPECT_EQ(1, feature_exchange_count());
EXPECT_EQ(PairingMethod::kPasskeyEntryDisplay, features().method);
EXPECT_EQ(7, features().encryption_key_size);
EXPECT_TRUE(KeyDistGen::kEncKey & features().remote_key_distribution);
ASSERT_TRUE(last_preq() && last_pres());
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kRequest, *last_preq()));
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kResponse, *last_pres()));
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeEncryptionKeySize) {
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: Pairing Request
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x01, // AuthReq: bonding, no MITM
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x01, // initiator keys: enc key
0x03 // responder keys: enc key and identity info
const auto kResponse = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x00, // IO cap.: DisplayOnly
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x04, // AuthReq: MITM required
0x02, // encr. key size: 2 (too small)
0x01, // initiator keys: enc key only
0x01 // responder keys: enc key only
const auto kFailure = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x05, // code: Pairing Failed
0x06 // reason: Encryption Key Size
// clang-format on
// Initiate the request in a loop task for Expect to detect it.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
// We should receive a pairing response and reply back with Pairing Failed.
EXPECT_TRUE(ReceiveAndExpect(kResponse, kFailure));
EXPECT_EQ(0, feature_exchange_count());
EXPECT_EQ(1, listener()->pairing_error_count());
ASSERT_EQ(ErrorCode::kEncryptionKeySize, listener()->last_error().protocol_error());
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeSecureAuthenticatedEncryptionKeySize) {
auto phase_args = Phase1Args{.io_capability = IOCapability::kKeyboardDisplay,
.level = SecurityLevel::kSecureAuthenticated,
.sc_supported = true};
NewPhase1(Role::kInitiator, phase_args);
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: Pairing Request
0x04, // IO cap.: KeyboardDisplay
0x00, // OOB: not present
AuthReq::kBondingFlag | AuthReq::kMITM | AuthReq::kSC,
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x01, // initiator keys: enc key
0x03 // responder keys: enc key and identity info
const auto kResponse = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x04, // IO cap.: KeyboardDisplay
0x00, // OOB: not present
AuthReq::kBondingFlag | AuthReq::kMITM | AuthReq::kSC,
0x0F, // encr. key size: 15, i.e. one byte less than max possible encryption key size.
0x01, // initiator keys: enc key only
0x01 // responder keys: enc key only
const auto kFailure = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
// clang-format on
// Initiate the request in a loop task for Expect to detect it.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
// We should receive a pairing response and reply back with Pairing Failed; we enforce that all
// encryption keys are 16 bytes when `level` is set to SecureAuthenticated.
EXPECT_TRUE(ReceiveAndExpect(kResponse, kFailure));
EXPECT_EQ(0, feature_exchange_count());
EXPECT_EQ(1, listener()->pairing_error_count());
ASSERT_EQ(ErrorCode::kEncryptionKeySize, listener()->last_error().protocol_error());
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeSecureConnectionsRequiredNotPresent) {
auto phase_args = Phase1Args{.io_capability = IOCapability::kKeyboardDisplay,
.level = SecurityLevel::kSecureAuthenticated,
.sc_supported = true};
NewPhase1(Role::kInitiator, phase_args);
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: Pairing Request
0x04, // IO cap.: KeyboardDisplay
0x00, // OOB: not present
AuthReq::kBondingFlag | AuthReq::kMITM | AuthReq::kSC,
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x01, // initiator keys: enc key
0x03 // responder keys: enc key and identity info
const auto kResponse = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x04, // IO cap.: KeyboardDisplay
0x00, // OOB: not present
AuthReq::kBondingFlag | AuthReq::kMITM,
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x01, // initiator keys: enc key only
0x01 // responder keys: enc key only
const auto kFailure = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
// clang-format on
// Initiate the request in a loop task for Expect to detect it.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
// We should receive a pairing response and reply back with Pairing Failed; we enforce that
// Secure Connections is used when `level` is set to SecureAuthenticated.
EXPECT_TRUE(ReceiveAndExpect(kResponse, kFailure));
EXPECT_EQ(0, feature_exchange_count());
EXPECT_EQ(1, listener()->pairing_error_count());
ASSERT_EQ(ErrorCode::kAuthenticationRequirements, listener()->last_error().protocol_error());
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeResponderErrorMaster) {
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x01, // code: Pairing Request
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x00, // AuthReq: no auth. request by default
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x01, // initiator key dist.: encr. key only
0x01 // responder key dist.: encr. key only
const auto kFailure = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x05, // code: Pairing Failed
EXPECT_TRUE(ReceiveAndExpect(kRequest, kFailure));
EXPECT_EQ(1, listener()->pairing_error_count());
// Verify that Pairing Requests can only be received in IdlePhase, not in Phase1.
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, Phase1ResponderRejectsPairingRequest) {
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x01, // code: Pairing Request
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x00, // AuthReq: no auth. request by default
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x01, // initiator key dist.: encr. key only
0x01 // responder key dist.: encr. key only
const auto kFailure = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x05, // code: Pairing Failed
EXPECT_TRUE(ReceiveAndExpect(kRequest, kFailure));
EXPECT_EQ(1, listener()->pairing_error_count());
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeResponderBothSupportSCFeaturesHaveSC) {
// clang-format off
const auto kResponse = StaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
AuthReq::kSC | AuthReq::kBondingFlag,
0x10, // encr. key size: 7 (default min)
0x00, // initiator keys: none
0x01 // responder keys: enc key only
// clang-format on
Phase1Args args{.preq =
.io_capability = IOCapability::kNoInputNoOutput,
.auth_req = AuthReq::kSC | AuthReq::kBondingFlag,
.max_encryption_key_size = 0x10, // 16, default max
.initiator_key_dist_gen = 0x00,
.responder_key_dist_gen = 0x01 // enc key
.sc_supported = true};
NewPhase1(Role::kResponder, args);
// Initiate the request in a loop task for Expect to detect it.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
EXPECT_EQ(0, listener()->pairing_error_count());
EXPECT_EQ(1, feature_exchange_count());
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeResponderLocalSCRemoteNoSCFeaturesNoSC) {
// clang-format off
const auto kResponse = StaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
AuthReq::kSC | AuthReq::kBondingFlag,
0x10, // encr. key size: 7 (default min)
0x00, // initiator keys: none
0x01 // responder keys: enc key only
// clang-format on
Phase1Args args{.preq =
.io_capability = IOCapability::kNoInputNoOutput,
.auth_req = AuthReq::kBondingFlag,
.max_encryption_key_size = 0x10, // 16, default max
.initiator_key_dist_gen = 0x00,
.responder_key_dist_gen = 0x01 // enc key
.sc_supported = true};
NewPhase1(Role::kResponder, args);
// Initiate the request in a loop task for Expect to detect it.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
EXPECT_EQ(0, listener()->pairing_error_count());
EXPECT_EQ(1, feature_exchange_count());
// Tests that the local responder does not request keys that the initiator cannot distribute.
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeLocalResponderDoesNotRequestUnsupportedKeys) {
auto phase_args = Phase1Args{.preq = PairingRequestParams{
.io_capability = IOCapability::kNoInputNoOutput,
.auth_req = AuthReq::kBondingFlag,
.max_encryption_key_size = 16,
.initiator_key_dist_gen = 0x04, // sign key only
.responder_key_dist_gen = 0x00 // none
// clang-format off
const auto kResponse = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x01, // AuthReq: bonding, no MITM
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x00, // initiator keys: none - we shouldn't request the SignKey as we don't support it
0x00 // responder keys: none
// clang-format on
NewPhase1(Role::kResponder, phase_args);
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
EXPECT_EQ(1, feature_exchange_count());
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kResponse, *last_pres()));
// Tests that we (as the responder) request to distribute identity information if available.
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeResponderDistributesIdKey) {
auto phase_args =
Phase1Args{.preq = PairingRequestParams{.io_capability = IOCapability::kNoInputNoOutput,
.auth_req = 0x01, // bondable mode
.max_encryption_key_size = 0x10, // 16, default max
.responder_key_dist_gen = KeyDistGen::kIdKey}};
// clang-format off
const auto kResponse = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x01, // AuthReq: bonding, no MITM
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x00, // initiator keys: none
0x02 // responder keys: identity info
// clang-format on
NewPhase1(Role::kResponder, phase_args);
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
EXPECT_EQ(1, feature_exchange_count());
EXPECT_TRUE(features().local_key_distribution & KeyDistGen::kIdKey);
// Tests that local responder doesn't respond with distribute ID info if available but not requested
// by the initiator.
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeResponderRespectsInitiatorForIdKey) {
auto phase_args =
Phase1Args{.preq = PairingRequestParams{
.io_capability = IOCapability::kNoInputNoOutput,
.auth_req = 0x01, // bondable mode
.max_encryption_key_size = 0x10, // 16, default max
.initiator_key_dist_gen = 0x00,
.responder_key_dist_gen = 0x00 // Initiator explicitly does not request ID key
// clang-format off
const auto kResponse = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x01, // AuthReq: bonding, no MITM
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x00, // initiator keys: none
0x00 // responder keys: none - we shouldn't distribute IdKey even though we have it
// clang-format on
NewPhase1(Role::kResponder, phase_args);
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
EXPECT_EQ(1, feature_exchange_count());
// Pairing should fail if MITM is required but the pairing method cannot provide
// it (due to I/O capabilities).
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeResponderFailedAuthenticationRequirements) {
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x01, // code: Pairing Response
0x00, // IO cap.: DisplayOnly
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x04, // AuthReq: MITM required
0x07, // encr. key size: 7 (default min)
0x01, // initiator key dist.: encr. key only
0x01 // responder key dist.: encr. key only
const auto kFailure = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x05, // code: Pairing Failed
0x03 // reason: Authentication requirements
auto reader = PacketReader(&kRequest);
auto phase_args = Phase1Args{.preq = reader.payload<PairingRequestParams>(),
.io_capability = IOCapability::kNoInputNoOutput};
NewPhase1(Role::kResponder, phase_args);
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
EXPECT_EQ(1, listener()->pairing_error_count());
EXPECT_EQ(ErrorCode::kAuthenticationRequirements, listener()->last_error().protocol_error());
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeResponderJustWorks) {
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: Pairing Response
0x00, // IO cap.: DisplayOnly
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x01, // AuthReq: bondable mode, MITM not required
0x07, // encr. key size: 7 (default min)
0x02, // initiator keys: identity only
0x03 // responder keys: enc key and identity
const auto kResponse = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x01, // AuthReq: bonding, no MITM
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x02, // initiator keys: identity only
0x01 // responder keys: enc key
// clang-format on
auto reader = PacketReader(&kRequest);
auto phase_args = Phase1Args{.preq = reader.payload<PairingRequestParams>(),
.io_capability = IOCapability::kNoInputNoOutput};
NewPhase1(Role::kResponder, phase_args);
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
EXPECT_EQ(0, listener()->pairing_error_count());
EXPECT_EQ(1, feature_exchange_count());
EXPECT_EQ(PairingMethod::kJustWorks, features().method);
EXPECT_EQ(7, features().encryption_key_size);
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kRequest, *last_preq()));
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kResponse, *last_pres()));
// We send the LTK when we are the responder.
EXPECT_TRUE(KeyDistGen::kEncKey & features().local_key_distribution);
// The remote should send us identity information since we requested it and it
// promised it.
EXPECT_TRUE(KeyDistGen::kIdKey & features().remote_key_distribution);
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeResponderRequestInitiatorEncKey) {
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: Pairing Response
0x00, // IO cap.: DisplayOnly
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x01, // AuthReq: bondable mode, MITM not required
0x07, // encr. key size: 7 (default min)
0x01, // initiator keys: enc key only
0x03 // responder keys: enc key and identity
const auto kResponse = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x01, // AuthReq: bonding, no MITM
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x01, // initiator keys: enc key only
0x01 // responder keys: enc key only
// clang-format on
auto reader = PacketReader(&kRequest);
auto phase_args = Phase1Args{.preq = reader.payload<PairingRequestParams>(),
.io_capability = IOCapability::kNoInputNoOutput};
NewPhase1(Role::kResponder, phase_args);
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
EXPECT_EQ(0, listener()->pairing_error_count());
EXPECT_EQ(1, feature_exchange_count());
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kRequest, *last_preq()));
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kResponse, *last_pres()));
// We send the LTK as the initiator requested it. We also request the LTK from the initiator,
// which indicated it was capable of distributing it.
EXPECT_TRUE(KeyDistGen::kEncKey & features().local_key_distribution);
EXPECT_TRUE(KeyDistGen::kEncKey & features().remote_key_distribution);
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeResponderSendsOnlyRequestedKeys) {
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: Pairing Response
0x00, // IO cap.: DisplayOnly
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x01, // AuthReq: bondable mode, MITM not required
0x07, // encr. key size: 7 (default min)
0x02, // initiator keys: identity only
0x02 // responder keys: identity only. Responder doesn't have it & shouldn't send it
const auto kResponse = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x01, // AuthReq: bonding, no MITM
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x02, // initiator keys: identity only
0x00 // responder keys: none
// clang-format on
auto reader = PacketReader(&kRequest);
auto phase_args = Phase1Args{.preq = reader.payload<PairingRequestParams>(),
.io_capability = IOCapability::kNoInputNoOutput};
NewPhase1(Role::kResponder, phase_args);
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
ASSERT_EQ(1, feature_exchange_count());
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeResponderMITM) {
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: Pairing Request
0x02, // IO cap.: KeyboardOnly
0x00, // OOB: not present
0b00000101, // AuthReq: Bonding, MITM required
0x07, // encr. key size: 7 (default min)
0x02, // initiator keys: identity only
0x03 // responder keys: enc key and identity
const auto kResponse = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x01, // IO cap.: DisplayYesNo
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x01, // AuthReq: bonding, no MITM
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x02, // initiator keys: identity only
0x01 // responder keys: enc key
// clang-format on
auto reader = PacketReader(&kRequest);
auto phase_args = Phase1Args{.preq = reader.payload<PairingRequestParams>(),
.io_capability = IOCapability::kDisplayYesNo};
NewPhase1(Role::kResponder, phase_args);
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
EXPECT_EQ(0, listener()->pairing_error_count());
EXPECT_EQ(1, feature_exchange_count());
EXPECT_EQ(PairingMethod::kPasskeyEntryDisplay, features().method);
EXPECT_EQ(7, features().encryption_key_size);
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kRequest, *last_preq()));
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kResponse, *last_pres()));
// We send the LTK when we are the responder.
EXPECT_TRUE(KeyDistGen::kEncKey & features().local_key_distribution);
// The remote should send us identity information since we requested it and it
// promised it.
EXPECT_TRUE(KeyDistGen::kIdKey & features().remote_key_distribution);
// We should have set bondable mode as both sides enabled it
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeResponderRespectsDesiredLevel) {
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: Pairing Response
0x01, // IO cap.: KeyboardDisplay
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x09, // AuthReq: bondable mode, MITM not required, SC
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x00, // initiator keys: none
0x01 // responder keys: enc key
const auto kResponse = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x01, // IO cap.: KeyboardDisplay
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x0D, // AuthReq: bonding, MITM required, SC
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x00, // initiator keys: none
0x01 // responder keys: enc key
// clang-format on
auto reader = PacketReader(&kRequest);
auto phase_args = Phase1Args{.preq = reader.payload<PairingRequestParams>(),
.io_capability = IOCapability::kDisplayYesNo,
.level = SecurityLevel::kAuthenticated,
.sc_supported = true};
NewPhase1(Role::kResponder, phase_args);
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
EXPECT_EQ(0, listener()->pairing_error_count());
EXPECT_EQ(1, feature_exchange_count());
// We requested authenticated security, which led to Numeric Comparison as the pairing method.
EXPECT_EQ(PairingMethod::kNumericComparison, features().method);
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kRequest, *last_preq()));
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kResponse, *last_pres()));
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeResponderRejectsMethodOfInsufficientSecurity) {
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: Pairing Response
0x01, // IO cap.: DisplayYesNo
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x01, // AuthReq: bondable mode, MITM not required, SC not supported
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x00, // initiator keys: none
0x01 // responder keys: enc key
const auto kFailure = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
// clang-format on
auto reader = PacketReader(&kRequest);
auto phase_args = Phase1Args{.preq = reader.payload<PairingRequestParams>(),
.io_capability = IOCapability::kDisplayYesNo,
.level = SecurityLevel::kAuthenticated,
.sc_supported = true};
NewPhase1(Role::kResponder, phase_args);
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
// Both devices have DisplayYesNo IOCap, but the initiator does not support Secure Connections so
// Numeric Comparison cannot be used. Neither device has a keyboard, so Passkey Entry cannot be
// used. Thus authenticated pairing, the desired level, cannot be met and we fail.
EXPECT_EQ(1, listener()->pairing_error_count());
EXPECT_EQ(ErrorCode::kAuthenticationRequirements, listener()->last_error().protocol_error());
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeResponderSecureAuthenticatedInitiatorNoInputNoOutput) {
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: Pairing Request
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
AuthReq::kBondingFlag | AuthReq::kSC,
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x01, // initiator keys: enc key
0x03 // responder keys: enc key and identity info
const auto kFailure = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
// clang-format on
auto reader = PacketReader(&kRequest);
auto phase_args = Phase1Args{.preq = reader.payload<PairingRequestParams>(),
.io_capability = IOCapability::kDisplayYesNo,
.level = SecurityLevel::kSecureAuthenticated,
.sc_supported = true};
NewPhase1(Role::kResponder, phase_args);
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
// Cannot perform SecureAuthenticated pairing with the peer's NoInputNoOutput IOCapabilities.
EXPECT_EQ(1, listener()->pairing_error_count());
EXPECT_EQ(ErrorCode::kAuthenticationRequirements, listener()->last_error().protocol_error());
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, UnsupportedCommandDuringPairing) {
const auto kExpected = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x05, // code: Pairing Failed
0x07 // reason: Command Not Supported
ReceiveAndExpect(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0xFF), kExpected);
EXPECT_EQ(1, listener()->pairing_error_count());
EXPECT_EQ(ErrorCode::kCommandNotSupported, listener()->last_error().protocol_error());
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, OnSecurityRequestWhilePairing) {
// clang-format off
const auto kSecurityRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x0B, // code: Security Request
0x00 // auth_req
// clang-format on
// The security request while pairing should cause pairing to fail.
EXPECT_EQ(1, listener()->pairing_error_count());
// Tests whether a request from a device with bondable mode enabled to a peer with non-bondable
// mode enabled will return a PairingFeatures with non-bondable mode enabled, the desired result.
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeInitiatorReqBondResNoBond) {
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: Pairing Request
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x01, // AuthReq: bonding, MITM not required
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x01, // initiator keys: enc key
0x03 // responder keys: enc key and identity info
const auto kResponse = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x00, // IO cap.: DisplayOnly
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x00, // AuthReq: no bonding, MITM not required
0x07, // encr. key size: 7 (default min)
0x00, // initiator keys: none
0x00 // responder keys: none due to non-bondable mode
// clang-format on
// Initiate the request in a loop task for Expect to detect it.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
// Should be in non-bondable mode even though the Initiator specifies bonding, as kResponse
// indicated that the peer follower does not support bonding.
EXPECT_EQ(features().local_key_distribution, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(features().remote_key_distribution, 0u);
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeInitiatorReqNoBondResBond) {
auto phase_args = Phase1Args{.bondable_mode = BondableMode::NonBondable};
NewPhase1(Role::kInitiator, phase_args);
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: Pairing Request
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x00, // AuthReq: non-bondable, SC/MITM not required
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x00, // initiator keys: none
0x00 // responder keys: none
const auto kResponse = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x00, // IO cap.: DisplayOnly
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x01, // AuthReq: bonding, MITM not required
0x07, // encr. key size: 7 (default min)
0x00, // initiator keys: none - should not change request field
0x00 // responder keys: none - should not change request field
// clang-format on
// Initiate the request in a loop task for Expect to detect it.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
// Although kResponse is bondable, features should not bond as local device is non-bondable.
ASSERT_EQ(1, feature_exchange_count());
EXPECT_EQ(features().local_key_distribution, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(features().remote_key_distribution, 0u);
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeResponderReqBondResNoBond) {
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: Pairing Request
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x01, // AuthReq: bondable, SC/MITM not required
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x00, // initiator keys: none
0x03 // responder keys: enc key and identity info
const auto kResponse = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x00, // AuthReq: non-bondable to match local mode, even though kRequest was bondable
// MITM not required
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x00, // initiator keys: none - should not change request field
0x00 // responder keys: none - should not change request field
// clang-format on
auto reader = PacketReader(&kRequest);
auto phase_args = Phase1Args{.preq = reader.payload<PairingRequestParams>(),
.bondable_mode = BondableMode::NonBondable};
NewPhase1(Role::kResponder, phase_args);
// Initiate the request in a loop task for Expect to detect it.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
// Should be in non-bondable mode even though the peer requested bondable, as the Bearer was
// created in non-bondable mode.
EXPECT_EQ(features().local_key_distribution, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(features().remote_key_distribution, 0u);
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeResponderReqNoBondResNoBond) {
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: Pairing Request
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x00, // AuthReq: non-bondable, SC/MITM not required
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x00, // initiator keys: none
0x00 // responder keys: none
const auto kResponse = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x02, // code: Pairing Response
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x00, // AuthReq: non-bondable to match peer mode, even though Phase1 is bondable, no MITM.
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x00, // initiator keys: none - should not change request field
0x00 // responder keys: none - should not change request field
// clang-format on
auto reader = PacketReader(&kRequest);
auto phase_args = Phase1Args{
.preq = reader.payload<PairingRequestParams>(),
.bondable_mode = BondableMode::Bondable, // local mode is bondable, although peer is not
NewPhase1(Role::kResponder, phase_args);
// Initiate the request in a loop task for Expect to detect it.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this] { phase_1()->Start(); });
// Should be in non-bondable mode even though Bearer was created in bondable mode as
// kRequest indicated that peer does not support bonding.
EXPECT_EQ(features().local_key_distribution, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(features().remote_key_distribution, 0u);
TEST_F(SMP_Phase1Test, FeatureExchangeResponderReqNoBondWithKeys) {
// clang-format off
const auto kRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // code: Pairing Request
0x03, // IO cap.: NoInputNoOutput
0x00, // OOB: not present
0x00, // AuthReq: non-bondable, SC/MITM not required
0x10, // encr. key size: 16 (default max)
0x03, // initiator keys: enc key and identity info
0x03 // responder keys: enc key and identity info
// clang-format on
auto reader = PacketReader(&kRequest);
auto phase_args = Phase1Args{.preq = reader.payload<PairingRequestParams>()};
NewPhase1(Role::kResponder, phase_args);
// Initiate the request in a loop task for Expect to detect it.
// Check that we fail with invalid parameters when a peer requests nonbondable mode
// with a non-zero KeyDistGen field
EXPECT_EQ(1, listener()->pairing_error_count());
EXPECT_EQ(ErrorCode::kInvalidParameters, listener()->last_error().protocol_error());
} // namespace
} // namespace sm
} // namespace bt