blob: 1655b27c7d40e2ab7ce4d17f31d44cc834d65a6f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/forensics/crash_reports/crash_server.h"
#include <fuchsia/net/http/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fostr/fidl/fuchsia/net/http/formatting.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <memory>
#include "src/developer/forensics/crash_reports/sized_data_reader.h"
#include "src/developer/forensics/utils/sized_data.h"
#include "src/lib/fsl/socket/blocking_drain.h"
#include "src/lib/fsl/vmo/sized_vmo.h"
#include "src/lib/fsl/vmo/vector.h"
#include "third_party/crashpad/util/net/http_body.h"
#include "third_party/crashpad/util/net/http_headers.h"
#include "third_party/crashpad/util/net/http_multipart_builder.h"
#include "third_party/crashpad/util/net/http_transport.h"
#include "third_party/crashpad/util/net/url.h"
namespace forensics {
namespace crash_reports {
namespace {
// Handles executing a HTTP request with crashpad::HTTPTransport is used as
// the base class so standard HTTP request building functionality doesn't need to be reimplemented.
// || is expected to be in |services|.
class HTTPTransportService : public crashpad::HTTPTransport {
HTTPTransportService(std::shared_ptr<sys::ServiceDirectory> services, const char* tags)
: services_(std::move(services)), tags_(tags) {}
~HTTPTransportService() override = default;
CrashServer::UploadStatus Execute(std::string* response_body);
bool ExecuteSynchronously(std::string* response_body) override {
FX_LOGS(FATAL) << "Not implemented";
return false;
std::shared_ptr<sys::ServiceDirectory> services_;
const char* tags_;
CrashServer::UploadStatus HTTPTransportService::Execute(std::string* response_body) {
using namespace fuchsia::net::http;
// Create the headers for the request.
std::vector<Header> http_headers;
for (const auto& [name, value] : headers()) {
.name = std::vector<uint8_t>(name.begin(), name.end()),
.value = std::vector<uint8_t>(value.begin(), value.end()),
// Create the request body as a single VMO.
// TODO( Consider using a zx::socket to transmit the HTTP request body to the
// server piecewise.
std::vector<uint8_t> body;
// Reserve 256 kb for the request body.
body.reserve(256 * 1024);
while (true) {
// Copy the body in 32 kb chunks.
std::array<uint8_t, 32 * 1024> buf;
const auto result = body_stream()->GetBytesBuffer(, buf.max_size());
FX_CHECK(result >= 0);
if (result == 0) {
body.insert(body.end(),, + result);
fsl::SizedVmo body_vmo;
if (!fsl::VmoFromVector(body, &body_vmo)) {
FX_LOGST(ERROR, tags_) << "Failed to create VMO";
return CrashServer::UploadStatus::kFailure;
// Create the request.
Request request;
// Connect to the Loader service.
LoaderSyncPtr loader;
FX_CHECK(services_->Connect(loader.NewRequest()) == ZX_OK);
// Execute the request.
Response response;
if (const auto status = loader->Fetch(std::move(request), &response); status != ZX_OK) {
FX_PLOGST(WARNING, tags_, status) << "Lost connection with";
return CrashServer::UploadStatus::kFailure;
if (response.has_error()) {
FX_LOGST(WARNING, tags_) << "Experienced network error: " << response.error();
return CrashServer::UploadStatus::kFailure;
if (!response.has_status_code()) {
FX_LOGST(ERROR, tags_) << "No status code received";
return CrashServer::UploadStatus::kFailure;
if (response.status_code() == 429) {
FX_LOGST(WARNING, tags_) << "Upload throttled by server";
return CrashServer::UploadStatus::kThrottled;
if (response.status_code() < 200 || response.status_code() >= 204) {
FX_LOGST(WARNING, tags_) << "Failed to upload report, received HTTP status code "
<< response.status_code();
return CrashServer::UploadStatus::kFailure;
// Read the response into |response_body|.
if (!response.has_body()) {
FX_LOGST(WARNING, tags_) << "Http response is missing body";
return CrashServer::UploadStatus::kFailure;
if (!fsl::BlockingDrainFrom(std::move(*response.mutable_body()),
[&response_body](const void* data, uint32_t len) {
const char* begin = static_cast<const char*>(data);
response_body->insert(response_body->end(), begin, begin + len);
return len;
})) {
FX_LOGST(WARNING, tags_) << "Failed to read http body";
return CrashServer::UploadStatus::kFailure;
return CrashServer::UploadStatus::kSuccess;
} // namespace
CrashServer::CrashServer(std::shared_ptr<sys::ServiceDirectory> services, const std::string& url,
SnapshotManager* snapshot_manager, LogTags* tags)
: services_(services), url_(url), snapshot_manager_(snapshot_manager), tags_(tags) {}
CrashServer::UploadStatus CrashServer::MakeRequest(const Report& report,
std::string* server_report_id) {
std::vector<SizedDataReader> attachment_readers;
attachment_readers.reserve(report.Attachments().size() + 2u /*minidump and snapshot*/);
std::map<std::string, crashpad::FileReaderInterface*> file_readers;
for (const auto& [k, v] : report.Attachments()) {
if (k.empty()) {
file_readers.emplace(k, &attachment_readers.back());
if (report.Minidump().has_value()) {
file_readers.emplace("uploadFileMinidump", &attachment_readers.back());
// We have to build the MIME multipart message ourselves as all the public Crashpad helpers are
// asynchronous and we won't be able to know the upload status nor the server report ID.
crashpad::HTTPMultipartBuilder http_multipart_builder;
for (const auto& [key, value] : report.Annotations().Raw()) {
http_multipart_builder.SetFormData(key, value);
// Add the snapshot archive and annotations.
auto snapshot = snapshot_manager_->GetSnapshot(report.SnapshotUuid());
if (const auto archive = snapshot.LockArchive(); archive) {
file_readers.emplace(archive->key, &attachment_readers.back());
if (const auto annotations = snapshot.LockAnnotations(); annotations) {
for (const auto& [key, value] : annotations->Raw()) {
http_multipart_builder.SetFormData(key, value);
for (const auto& [filename, content] : file_readers) {
http_multipart_builder.SetFileAttachment(filename, filename, content,
crashpad::HTTPHeaders headers;
auto http_transport = std::make_unique<HTTPTransportService>(services_, tags_->Get(report.Id()));
for (const auto& header : headers) {
http_transport->SetHeader(header.first, header.second);
http_transport->SetTimeout(60.0); // 1 minute.
return http_transport->Execute(server_report_id);
} // namespace crash_reports
} // namespace forensics