Direct Memory Access (DMA) is a feature that allows hardware to access memory without CPU intervention. At the highest level, the hardware is given the source and destination of the memory region to transfer (along with its size) and told to copy the data. Some hardware peripherals even support the ability to do multiple “scatter / gather” style operations, where several copy operations can be performed, one after the other, without additional CPU intervention.

DMA considerations

In order to fully appreciate the issues involved, it's important to keep the following in mind:

  • each process operates in a virtual address space,
  • an MMU can map a contiguous virtual address range onto multiple, discontiguous physical address ranges (and vice-versa),
  • each process has a limited window into physical address space,
  • some peripherals support their own virtual addresses with an Input / Output Memory Management Unit (IOMMU).

Let's discuss each point in turn.

Virtual, physical, and device-physical addresses

The addresses that the process has access to are virtual; that is, they are an illusion created by the CPU's Memory Management Unit (MMU). A virtual address is mapped by the MMU into a physical address. The mapping granularity is based on a parameter called “page size,” which is at least 4k bytes, though larger sizes are available on modern processors.

Figure: Relationship between virtual and physical addresses

In the diagram above, we show a specific process (process 12) with a number of virtual addresses (in blue). The MMU is responsible for mapping the blue virtual addresses into CPU physical bus addresses (red). Each process has its own mapping; so even though process 12 has a virtual address 300, some other process may also have a virtual address 300. That other process's virtual address 300 (if it exists) would be mapped to a different physical address than the one in process 12.

Note that we've used small decimal numbers as “addresses” to keep the discussion simple. In reality, each square shown above represents a page of memory (4k or more), and is identified by a 32 or 64 bit value (depending on the platform).

The key points shown in the diagram are:

  1. virtual addresses can be allocated in groups (three are shown, 300-303, 420-421, and 770-771),
  2. virtually contiguous (e.g., 300-303) is not necessarily physically contiguous.
  3. some virtual addresses are not mapped (for example, there is no virtual address 304)
  4. not all physical addresses are available to each process (for example, process 12 doesn't have access to physical address 120).

Depending on the hardware available on the platform, a device's address space may or may not follow a similar translation. Without an IOMMU, the addresses that the peripheral uses are the same as the physical addresses used by the CPU:

Figure: A device that doesn't use an IOMMU

In the diagram above, portions of the device‘s address space (for example, a frame buffer, or control registers), appear directly in the CPU’s physical address range. That is to say, the device occupies physical addresses 122 through 125 inclusive.

In order for the process to access the device‘s memory, it would need to create an MMU mapping from some virtual addresses to the physical addresses 122 through 125. We’ll see how to do that, below.

But with an IOMMU, the addresses seen by a peripheral may be different than the CPU's physical addresses:

Figure: A device that uses an IOMMU

Here, the device has its own “device-physical” addresses that it knows about, that is, addresses 0 through 3 inclusive. It's up to the IOMMU to map the device-physical addresses 0 through 3 into CPU physical addresses 109, 110, 101, and 119, respectively.

In this scenario, in order for the process to use the device's memory, it needs to arrange two mappings:

  • one set from the virtual address space (e.g., 300 through 303) to the CPU physical address space (109, 110, 101, and 119, respectively), through the MMU, and
  • one set from the CPU physical address space (addresses 109, 110, 101, and 119) to the device-physical addresses (0 through 3) through the IOMMU.

While this may seem complicated, Zircon provides an abstraction that removes the complexity.

Also, as we'll see below, the reason for having an IOMMU, and the benefits provided, are similar to those obtained by having an MMU.

Contiguity of memory

When you allocate a large chunk of memory (e.g. with calloc()), your process will, of course, see a large, contiguous virtual address range. The MMU creates the illusion of contiguous memory at the virtual addressing level, even though the MMU may choose to back that memory area with physically discontiguous memory at the physical address level.

Furthermore, as processes allocate and deallocate memory, the mapping of physical memory to virtual address space tends to become more complex, encouraging more “swiss cheese” holes to appear (that is, more discontiguities in the mapping).

Therefore, it's important to keep in mind that contiguous virtual addresses are not necessarily contiguous physical addresses, and indeed that contiguous physical memory becomes more precious over time.

Access controls

Another benefit of the MMU is that processes are limited in their view of physical memory (for security and reliability reasons). The impact on drivers, though, is that a process has to specifically request a mapping from virtual address space to physical address space, and have the requisite privilege in order to do so.


Contiguous physical memory is generally preferred. It's more efficient to do one transfer (with one source address and one destination address) than it is to set up and manage multiple individual transfers (which may require CPU intervention between each transfer in order to set up the next one).

The IOMMU, if available, alleviates this problem by doing the same thing for the peripherals that the CPU‘s MMU does for the process — it gives the peripheral the illusion that it’s dealing with a contiguous address space by mapping multiple discontiguous chunks into a virtually contiguous space. By limiting the mapping region, the IOMMU also provides security (in the same way as the MMU does), by preventing the peripheral from accessing memory that's not “in scope” for the current operation.

Tying it all together

So, it may appear that you need to worry about virtual, physical, and device-physical address spaces when you are writing your driver. But that's not the case.

DMA and your driver

Zircon provides a set of functions that allow you to cleanly deal with all of the above. The following work together:

  • a Bus Transaction Initiator (BTI), and
  • a Virtual Memory Object (VMO).

The BTI kernel object provides an abstraction of the model, and an API to deal with physical (or device-physical) addresses associated with VMOs.

In your driver's initialization, call pci_get_bti() to obtain a BTI handle:

zx_status_t pci_get_bti(const pci_protocol_t* pci,
                        uint32_t index,
                        zx_handle_t* bti_handle);

The pci_get_bti() function takes a pci protocol pointer (just like all the other pci_...() functions discussed above) and an index (reserved for future use, use 0). It returns a BTI handle through the bti_handle pointer argument.

Next, you need a VMO. Simplistically, you can think of the VMO as a pointer to a chunk of memory, but it‘s more than that — it’s a kernel object that represents a set of virtual pages (that may or may not have physical pages committed to them), which can be mapped into the virtual address space of the driver process. (It‘s even more than that, but that’s a discussion for a different chapter.)

Ultimately, these pages serve as the source or destination of the DMA transfer.

There are two functions, zx_vmo_create() and zx_vmo_create_contiguous() that allocate memory and bind it to a VMO:

zx_status_t zx_vmo_create(uint64_t size,
                          uint32_t options,
                          zx_handle_t* out);

zx_status_t zx_vmo_create_contiguous(zx_handle_t bti,
                                     size_t size,
                                     uint32_t alignment_log2,
                                     zx_handle_t* out);

As you can see, they both take a size parameter indicating the number of bytes required, and they both return a VMO (through out). They both allocate virtually contiguous pages, for a given size.

Note that this differs from the standard C library memory allocation functions, (e.g., malloc()), which allocate virtually contiguous memory, but without regard to page boundaries. Two small malloc() calls in a row might allocate two memory regions from the same page, for instance, whereas the VMO creation functions will always allocate memory starting with a new page.

The zx_vmo_create_contiguous() function does what zx_vmo_create() does, and ensures that the pages are suitably organized for use with the specified BTI (which is why it needs the BTI handle). It also features an alignment_log2 parameter that can be used to specify a minimum alignment requirement. As the name suggests, it must be an integer power of 2 (with the value 0 indicating page aligned).

At this point, you have two “views” of the allocated memory:

  • one contiguous virtual address space that represents memory from the point of view of the driver, and
  • a set of (possibly contiguous, possibly committed) physical pages for use by the peripheral.

Before using these pages, you need to ensure that they are present in memory (that is, “committed” — the physical pages are accessible to your process), and that the peripheral has access to them (through the IOMMU if present). You will also need the addresses of the pages (from the point of view of the device) so that you can program the DMA controller on your device to access them.

The zx_bti_pin() function is used to do all that:

#include <zircon/syscalls.h>

zx_status_t zx_bti_pin(zx_handle_t bti, uint32_t options,
                       zx_handle_t vmo, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size,
                       zx_paddr_t* addrs, size_t addrs_count,
                       zx_handle_t* pmt);

There are 8 parameters to this function:

btithe BTI for this peripheral
optionsoptions (see below)
vmothe VMO for this memory region
offsetoffset from the start of the VMO
sizetotal number of bytes in VMO
addrslist of return addresses
addrs_countnumber of elements in addrs
pmtreturned PMT (see below)

The addrs parameter is a pointer to an array of zx_paddr_t that you supply. This is where the peripheral addresses for each page are returned into. The array is addrs_count elements long, and must match the count of elements expected from zx_bti_pin().

The values written into addrs are suitable for programming the peripheral's DMA controller — that is, they take into account any translations that may be performed by an IOMMU, if present.

On a technical note, the other effect of zx_bti_pin() is that the kernel will ensure those pages are not decommitted (i.e., moved or reused) while pinned.

The options argument is actually a bitmap of options:

ZX_BTI_PERM_READpages can be read by the peripheral (written by the driver)
ZX_BTI_PERM_WRITEpages can be written by the peripheral (read by the driver)
ZX_BTI_COMPRESS(see “Minimum contiguity property,” below)

For example, refer to the diagrams above showing “Device #3”. If an IOMMU is present, addrs would contain 0, 1, 2, and 3 (that is, the device-physical addresses). If no IOMMU is present, addrs would contain 109, 110, 101, and 119 (that is, the physical addresses).


Keep in mind that the permissions are from the perspective of the peripheral, and not the driver. For example, in a block device write operation, the device reads from memory pages and therefore the driver specifies ZX_BTI_PERM_READ, and vice versa in the block device read.

Minimum contiguity property

By default, each address returned through addrs is one page long. Larger chunks may be requested by setting the ZX_BTI_COMPRESS option in the options argument. In that case, the length of each entry returned corresponds to the “minimum contiguity” property. While you can't set this property, you can read it with zx_object_get_info(). Effectively, the minimum contiguity property is a guarantee that zx_bti_pin() will always be able to return addresses that are contiguous for at least that many bytes.

For example, if the property had the value 1MB, then a call to zx_bti_pin() with a requested size of 2MB would return at most two physically-contiguous runs. If the requested size was 2.5MB, it would return at most three physically-contiguous runs, and so on.

Pinned Memory Token (PMT)

zx_bti_pin() returns a Pinned Memory Token (PMT) upon success in the pmt argument. The driver must call zx_pmt_unpin() when the device is done with the memory transaction to unpin and revoke access to the memory pages by the device.

Advanced topics

Cache Coherency

On fully DMA-coherent architectures, hardware ensures the data in the CPU cache is the same as the data in main memory without software intervention. Not all architectures are DMA-coherent. On these systems, the driver must ensure the CPU cache is made coherent by invoking appropriate cache operations on the memory range before performing DMA operations, so that no stale data will be accessed.

To invoke cache operations on the memory represented by VMOs, use the zx_vmo_op_range() syscall. Prior to a peripheral-read (driver-write) operation, clean the cache using ZX_VMO_OP_CACHE_CLEAN to write out dirty data to main memory. Prior to a peripheral-write (driver-read), mark the cache lines as invalid using ZX_VMO_OP_CACHE_INVALIDATE to ensure data is fetched from main memory on the next access.