blob: 6a49c2716baa37bd260cce613ca68f4a53615ccf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
at_commands as at,
std::{fmt, iter::once},
use crate::{
service_level_connection::{Command, SlcState},
indicators::{AgIndicator, AgIndicators, HfIndicator, HfIndicators},
/// Defines the implementation of the Answer Procedure.
pub mod answer;
/// Defines the implementation of the DTMF Procedure.
pub mod dtmf;
/// Defines the implementation of the Call Waiting Notifications Procedure.
pub mod call_waiting_notifications;
/// Defines the implementation of the Call Line Identification Notifications Procedure.
pub mod call_line_ident_notifications;
/// Defines the implementation of the Report Extended Audio Gateway Error Code Results Procedure.
pub mod extended_errors;
/// Defines the implementation of the Hang Up Procedure.
pub mod hang_up;
/// Defines the implementation of the Hold Procedure.
pub mod hold;
/// Defines the implementation of the SLC Initialization Procedure.
pub mod slc_initialization;
/// Defines the implementation of the Subscriber Number Information Procedure.
pub mod subscriber_number_information;
/// Defines the implementation of the NR/EC Procedure.
pub mod nrec;
/// Defines the implementation of the Query List of Current Calls Procedure.
pub mod query_current_calls;
/// Defines the implementation of the Indicators Activation and Deactivation Procedure.
pub mod indicators_activation;
/// Defines the implementation of the Query Operator Selection Procedure.
pub mod query_operator_selection;
/// Defines the implementation of the Ring Procedure.
pub mod ring;
/// Defines the implementation of the Phone Status Procedures.
pub mod phone_status;
/// Defines the implementation of the Transfer of HF Indicator Values Procedure.
pub mod transfer_hf_indicator;
/// Defines the implementation of the Volume Level Synchronization Procedure.
pub mod volume_synchronization;
use answer::AnswerProcedure;
use call_line_ident_notifications::CallLineIdentNotificationsProcedure;
use call_waiting_notifications::CallWaitingNotificationsProcedure;
use dtmf::{DtmfCode, DtmfProcedure};
use extended_errors::ExtendedErrorsProcedure;
use hang_up::HangUpProcedure;
use hold::{CallHoldAction, HoldProcedure};
use indicators_activation::IndicatorsActivationProcedure;
use nrec::NrecProcedure;
use phone_status::PhoneStatusProcedure;
use query_current_calls::{build_clcc_response, QueryCurrentCallsProcedure};
use query_operator_selection::QueryOperatorProcedure;
use ring::RingProcedure;
use slc_initialization::SlcInitProcedure;
use subscriber_number_information::{build_cnum_response, SubscriberNumberInformationProcedure};
use transfer_hf_indicator::TransferHfIndicatorProcedure;
use volume_synchronization::VolumeSynchronizationProcedure;
// TODO ( Add multiparty support.
// TODO ( Add Explicit Call Transfer support.
const THREE_WAY_SUPPORT: &[&str] = &["0", "1", "1X", "2", "2X"];
// TODO(fxb/71668) Stop using raw bytes.
const CIND_TEST_RESPONSE_BYTES: &[u8] = b"+CIND: \
// TODO ( Replace with defined AT RING repsonse.
const RING_BYTES: &[u8] = b"RING";
/// Errors that can occur during the operation of an HFP Procedure.
#[derive(Clone, Error, Debug)]
pub enum ProcedureError {
#[error("Unexpected AG procedural update: {:?}", .0)]
#[error("Unparsable HF procedural update: {:?}", .0)]
#[error("Unexpected HF procedural update: {:?}", .0)]
#[error("Invalid HF argument in procedural update: {:?}", .0)]
#[error("Unexpected procedure request")]
#[error("Procedure has already terminated")]
#[error("Procedure not implemented")]
#[error("Error in the underlying service level connection: {:?}", .0)]
impl From<fuchsia_zircon::Status> for ProcedureError {
fn from(src: fuchsia_zircon::Status) -> Self {
impl From<&Command> for ProcedureError {
fn from(src: &Command) -> Self {
match src {
Command::Ag(cmd) => Self::UnexpectedAg(cmd.clone()),
Command::Hf(cmd) => Self::UnexpectedHf(cmd.clone()),
impl From<&at::Command> for ProcedureError {
fn from(src: &at::Command) -> Self {
/// A unique identifier associated with an HFP procedure.
// TODO( Add to this enum as more procedures are implemented.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ProcedureMarker {
/// The Service Level Connection Initialization procedure as defined in HFP v1.8 Section 4.2.
/// The Transmit DTMF Code procedure as defined in HFP v1.8 Section 4.28.
/// The Noise Reduction/Echo Cancelation procedure as defined in HFP v1.8 Section 4.24.
/// The Query Operator Selection procedure as defined in HFP v1.8 Section 4.8.
/// The Extended Audio Gateway Error Results Code as defined in HFP v1.8 Section 4.9.
/// The Extended Audio Gateway Error Results Code as defined in HFP v1.8 Section 4.21.
/// The Call Line Identification Notifications as defined in HFP v1.8 Section 4.23.
/// The Transfer of Phone Status procedures as defined in HFP v1.8 Section 4.4 - 4.7.
/// The Subscriber Number Information procedure as defined in HFP v1.8 Section 4.31.
/// The Volume Level Synchronization procedure as defined in HFP v1.8 Section 4.29.2.
/// The Query List of Current Calls procedure as defined in HFP v1.8 Section 4.32.1.
/// The Indicators Activation and Deactivation procedure as defined in HFP v1.8 Section 4.35.
/// The Ring procedure as defined in HFP v1.8 Section 4.13
/// The Answer procedure as defined in HFP v1.8 Section 4.13
/// The Hang Up procedure as defined in HFP v1.8 Sections 4.14 - 4.15
/// The Transfer of HF Indicator Values procedure as defined in HFP v1.8 Section
/// The Call Hold procedure as defined in HFP v1.8 Section 4.22
impl ProcedureMarker {
/// Initializes a new procedure for the current marker.
pub fn initialize(&self) -> Box<dyn Procedure> {
match self {
Self::SlcInitialization => Box::new(SlcInitProcedure::new()),
Self::Nrec => Box::new(NrecProcedure::new()),
Self::QueryOperatorSelection => Box::new(QueryOperatorProcedure::new()),
Self::ExtendedErrors => Box::new(ExtendedErrorsProcedure::new()),
Self::CallWaitingNotifications => Box::new(CallWaitingNotificationsProcedure::new()),
Self::CallLineIdentNotifications => {
Self::PhoneStatus => Box::new(PhoneStatusProcedure::new()),
Self::SubscriberNumberInformation => {
Self::Dtmf => Box::new(DtmfProcedure::new()),
Self::VolumeSynchronization => Box::new(VolumeSynchronizationProcedure::new()),
Self::QueryCurrentCalls => Box::new(QueryCurrentCallsProcedure::new()),
Self::Indicators => Box::new(IndicatorsActivationProcedure::new()),
Self::Ring => Box::new(RingProcedure::new()),
Self::Answer => Box::new(AnswerProcedure::new()),
Self::HangUp => Box::new(HangUpProcedure::new()),
Self::TransferHfIndicator => Box::new(TransferHfIndicatorProcedure::new()),
Self::Hold => Box::new(HoldProcedure::new()),
/// Matches the HF `command` to a procedure. `initialized` represents the initialization state
/// of the Service Level Connection.
/// Returns an error if the command is unable to be matched.
pub fn match_command(command: &at::Command, initialized: bool) -> Result<Self, ProcedureError> {
match command {
at::Command::Brsf { .. }
| at::Command::Bac { .. }
| at::Command::CindTest { .. }
| at::Command::CindRead { .. }
| at::Command::ChldTest { .. }
| at::Command::BindTest { .. }
| at::Command::BindRead { .. } => Ok(Self::SlcInitialization),
at::Command::Cmer { .. } if initialized => Ok(Self::Indicators),
at::Command::Cmer { .. } => Ok(Self::SlcInitialization),
at::Command::Nrec { .. } => Ok(Self::Nrec),
at::Command::Cops { .. } | at::Command::CopsRead { .. } => {
at::Command::Cmee { .. } => Ok(Self::ExtendedErrors),
at::Command::Ccwa { .. } => Ok(Self::CallWaitingNotifications),
at::Command::Clcc { .. } => Ok(Self::QueryCurrentCalls),
at::Command::Clip { .. } => Ok(Self::CallLineIdentNotifications),
at::Command::Cnum { .. } => Ok(Self::SubscriberNumberInformation),
at::Command::Vgs { .. } | at::Command::Vgm { .. } => Ok(Self::VolumeSynchronization),
at::Command::Vts { .. } => Ok(Self::Dtmf),
at::Command::Answer { .. } => Ok(Self::Answer),
at::Command::Chup { .. } => Ok(Self::HangUp),
at::Command::Biev { .. } => Ok(Self::TransferHfIndicator),
at::Command::Bia { .. } => Ok(Self::Indicators),
at::Command::Chld { .. } => Ok(Self::Hold),
_ => Err(ProcedureError::NotImplemented),
/// Information requests - use the `response` fn to build a response to the request.
// TODO( Add to this list once more procedures are implemented.
pub enum InformationRequest {
GetAgFeatures { response: Box<dyn FnOnce(AgFeatures) -> AgUpdate> },
GetAgIndicatorStatus { response: Box<dyn FnOnce(AgIndicators) -> AgUpdate> },
GetNetworkOperatorName { response: Box<dyn FnOnce(Option<String>) -> AgUpdate> },
GetSubscriberNumberInformation { response: Box<dyn FnOnce(Vec<String>) -> AgUpdate> },
SetNrec { enable: bool, response: Box<dyn FnOnce(Result<(), ()>) -> AgUpdate> },
SendHfIndicator { indicator: HfIndicator, response: Box<dyn FnOnce() -> AgUpdate> },
SendDtmf { code: DtmfCode, response: Box<dyn FnOnce() -> AgUpdate> },
SpeakerVolumeSynchronization { level: Gain, response: Box<dyn FnOnce() -> AgUpdate> },
MicrophoneVolumeSynchronization { level: Gain, response: Box<dyn FnOnce() -> AgUpdate> },
QueryCurrentCalls { response: Box<dyn FnOnce(Vec<Call>) -> AgUpdate> },
Answer { response: Box<dyn FnOnce(Result<(), ()>) -> AgUpdate> },
HangUp { response: Box<dyn FnOnce(Result<(), ()>) -> AgUpdate> },
Hold { command: CallHoldAction, response: Box<dyn FnOnce(Result<(), ()>) -> AgUpdate> },
impl From<&InformationRequest> for ProcedureMarker {
fn from(src: &InformationRequest) -> ProcedureMarker {
use InformationRequest::*;
match src {
GetAgFeatures { .. } | GetAgIndicatorStatus { .. } => Self::SlcInitialization,
GetNetworkOperatorName { .. } => Self::QueryOperatorSelection,
GetSubscriberNumberInformation { .. } => Self::SubscriberNumberInformation,
SetNrec { .. } => Self::Nrec,
SendDtmf { .. } => Self::Dtmf,
SendHfIndicator { .. } => Self::TransferHfIndicator,
SpeakerVolumeSynchronization { .. } | MicrophoneVolumeSynchronization { .. } => {
QueryCurrentCalls { .. } => Self::QueryCurrentCalls,
Answer { .. } => Self::Answer,
HangUp { .. } => Self::HangUp,
Hold { .. } => Self::Hold,
impl fmt::Debug for InformationRequest {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let s;
let output = match &self {
Self::GetAgFeatures { .. } => "GetAgFeatures",
Self::GetAgIndicatorStatus { .. } => "GetAgIndicatorStatus",
Self::GetSubscriberNumberInformation { .. } => "GetSubscriberNumberInformation",
Self::SetNrec { enable: true, .. } => "SetNrec(enabled)",
Self::SetNrec { enable: false, .. } => "SetNrec(disabled)",
Self::GetNetworkOperatorName { .. } => "GetNetworkOperatorName",
Self::QueryCurrentCalls { .. } => "QueryCurrentCalls ",
// DTFM Code values are not displayed in Debug representation
Self::SendDtmf { .. } => "SendDtmf",
Self::SendHfIndicator { indicator, .. } => {
s = format!("SendHfIndicator({:?})", indicator);
Self::SpeakerVolumeSynchronization { level, .. } => {
s = format!("SpeakerVolumeSynchronization({:?})", level);
Self::MicrophoneVolumeSynchronization { level, .. } => {
s = format!("MicrophoneVolumeSynchronization({:?})", level);
Self::Answer { .. } => "Answer",
Self::HangUp { .. } => "HangUp",
Self::Hold { .. } => "Hold",
write!(f, "{}", output)
/// The requests generated by an HFP procedure as it progresses through its state machine.
pub enum ProcedureRequest {
/// AT messages to be sent to the peer (HF) - requires no response.
/// Request for information from the HFP component.
/// Error from processing an update.
/// No-op.
impl ProcedureRequest {
/// Returns true if this request requires a response.
pub fn requires_response(&self) -> bool {
match &self {
Self::Info(..) => true,
_ => false,
impl From<Vec<at::Response>> for ProcedureRequest {
fn from(messages: Vec<at::Response>) -> Self {
impl From<InformationRequest> for ProcedureRequest {
fn from(src: InformationRequest) -> Self {
impl From<ProcedureError> for ProcedureRequest {
fn from(src: ProcedureError) -> Self {
/// An interface to interact with an HFP Procedure.
pub trait Procedure {
/// Returns the unique identifier associated with this procedure.
fn marker(&self) -> ProcedureMarker;
/// Receive an HF `update` to progress the procedure. Returns a request
/// to the update.
/// `update` is the incoming AT message received from the HF.
/// `state` is the shared state associated with the service level connection and may be
/// modified when applying the update.
/// There are no guarantees if `hf_update()` is called on a Procedure that is terminated
/// (namely, `is_terminated()` returns true) and may result in an error request.
/// The handling of unexpected or invalid updates is procedure dependent.
/// Developers should ensure that the final request of a Procedure does not require
/// a response.
fn hf_update(&mut self, update: at::Command, _state: &mut SlcState) -> ProcedureRequest {
/// Receive an AG `update` to progress the procedure. Returns a request
/// to the update.
/// `update` is the incoming AT message received from the AG.
/// `state` is the shared state associated with the service level connection and may be
/// modified when applying the update.
/// There are no guarantees if `ag_update()` is called on a Procedure that is terminated
/// (namely, `is_terminated()` returns true) and may result in an error request.
/// The handling of unexpected or invalid updates is procedure dependent.
/// Developers should ensure that the final request of a Procedure does not require
/// a response.
fn ag_update(&mut self, update: AgUpdate, _state: &mut SlcState) -> ProcedureRequest {
/// Returns true if the Procedure is finished.
fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
/// An update from the AG. Each update contains all the information necessary to generate a list of
/// AT responses.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum AgUpdate {
/// HFP Features supported by the AG
/// Three Way Calling support
/// Current status of all AG Indicators
/// An Update that contains no additional information
/// An error occurred and should be communicated to the HF
/// Supported AG Indicators
/// The AG's supported HF indicators.
SupportedHfIndicators { safety: bool, battery: bool },
/// The current status (enabled/disabled) of the AG's supported HF indicators.
/// The name of the network operator
NetworkOperatorName(at::NetworkOperatorNameFormat, String),
/// Phone status indicator
/// The AG's network subscriber number(s).
/// The list of ongoing calls.
/// The information of an IncomingRinging call.
/// The information of an IncomingRinging call.
impl From<AgUpdate> for ProcedureRequest {
fn from(msg: AgUpdate) -> Self {
match msg {
AgUpdate::Features(features) => vec![
at::success(at::Success::Brsf { features: features.bits() as i64 }),
AgUpdate::ThreeWaySupport => {
let commands = THREE_WAY_SUPPORT.into_iter().map(|&s| s.into()).collect();
vec![at::success(at::Success::Chld { commands }), at::Response::Ok]
AgUpdate::IndicatorStatus(status) => vec![
at::success(at::Success::Cind {
service: status.service,
callsetup: status.callsetup as i64,
callheld: status.callheld as i64,
signal: status.signal as i64,
roam: status.roam,
battchg: status.battchg as i64,
AgUpdate::Ok => vec![at::Response::Ok],
AgUpdate::Error => vec![at::Response::Error],
AgUpdate::SupportedAgIndicators => {
vec![at::Response::RawBytes(CIND_TEST_RESPONSE_BYTES.to_vec()), at::Response::Ok]
AgUpdate::SupportedHfIndicators { safety, battery } => {
let mut indicators = vec![];
if safety {
if battery {
vec![at::success(at::Success::BindList { indicators }), at::Response::Ok]
AgUpdate::SupportedHfIndicatorStatus(hf_indicators) => hf_indicators.bind_response(),
AgUpdate::NetworkOperatorName(format, name) => vec![
at::success(at::Success::Cops {
zero: 0,
// TODO( Make this optional if it's not set.
operator: name,
AgUpdate::PhoneStatusIndicator(status) => {
AgUpdate::SubscriberNumbers(numbers) => {
AgUpdate::CurrentCalls(calls) => calls
AgUpdate::Ring(call) => {
at::success(at::Success::Clip {
ty: call.number.type_(),
number: call.number.into(),
AgUpdate::CallWaiting(call) => {
vec![at::success(at::Success::Ccwa {
ty: call.number.type_(),
number: call.number.into(),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use matches::assert_matches;
/// A vec of responses converts to the expected request
fn at_responses_to_procedure_request_conversion() {
let messages = vec![at::Response::Ok, at::Response::Error];
let request: ProcedureRequest = messages.into();
if messages == vec![at::Response::Ok, at::Response::Error]
fn match_conditional_commands_based_on_slci() {
let command = at::Command::Cmer { mode: 3, keyp: 0, disp: 0, ind: 1 };
let marker = ProcedureMarker::match_command(&command, false).expect("command to match");
assert_eq!(marker, ProcedureMarker::SlcInitialization);
let command = at::Command::Cmer { mode: 3, keyp: 0, disp: 0, ind: 1 };
let marker = ProcedureMarker::match_command(&command, true).expect("command to match");
assert_eq!(marker, ProcedureMarker::Indicators);