Supply build-time configuration data to components

Note: This guide uses the components v1 architecture.


Base: A collection of software that constitutes the core of the system and is updated atomically as part of a system update.

Component: A unit of execution started by the component framework which constructs its sandbox environment.

Package: A unit of distribution in Fuchsia which is a collection of files. See the Fuchsia package manager{:.external}.


This document describes how to provide product-specific configuration data to components on a Fuchsia system. The mechanism described here is designed for use with components that are part of Base. This mechanism is not suitable for things which are not components.


The goal of the mechanism documented here is to provide a way for configuration for Base components to be decentralized in the source. This means that configuration data for a Base component can come from anywhere in the source tree as Base is being built. This mechanism also makes it easier for component configuration to vary by product.

The config-data mechanism could be used to provide configuration for components that are not part of Base, but using it for this is not recommended. Among other things, the configuration itself is updated as part of Base. Configuration implies an API and the different update timings create the potential for mismatches between the implied API of the configuration data and the component consuming the configuration.

During the build of Base a package is constructed called config-data. This package contains a set of directories whose names are matched against the names of the packages of running components. When the component manager starts a component that has requested the config-data feature, component manager will examine the config-data package for a directory matching the name of the package whose component is being started. If a match is found, the configuration files appear in the component's namespace at /config/data/.

The config-data package is a package included in Base itself and is therefore updated exactly when Base is updated. This fact reduces the security concerns of access based only on string matching since we should have a fair amount of trust that the software in Base is designed to work properly together.

Using config-data

Files supplied via config-data are made available to all components within a package to which the configuration is targeted if those components request access to configuration data. It is not possible to restrict access of the configuration data to anything finer than a package.

Supplying Configuration

If you want your package to insert configuration data into another package, you need to create a config_data rule and use the for_pkg attribute to indicate the target package.

The following parameters are supported:

  • for_pkg (Required): Indicates the name of the package for which this configuration is intended.
  • sources (Required): Zero or more files to include in the configuration.
  • outputs (Optional): If provided, a list containing exactly one pattern to indicate the output file name(s). If a single source is provided, then the pattern can be a simple file name. If multiple sources are provided, then the pattern should use GN placeholders syntax.
config_data("tennis_sysmgr_config") {
  for_pkg = "sysmgr"
  # The file "tennis_sysmgr.config" must be present in the same directory.
  sources = [ "tennis_sysmgr.config" ]
  # The file will be available at runtime as "tennis.config".
  outputs = [ "tennis.config" ]


The component that wants to consume configuration data must request this feature in its component manifest, which might look something like the below.

    "program": {
        "binary": "bin/myapp"
        "sandbox": {
            "features": [

The component consuming the configuration can look in its /config/data directory to see all the configuration files supplied to it.