Low-Level C++ Language Bindings

This section builds on the C Language Bindings and reuses many of its elements where appropriate.

See Comparing C, Low-Level C++, and High-Level C++ Language Bindings for a comparative analysis of the goals and use cases for all the C-family language bindings.



  • Support encoding and decoding FIDL messages with C++17.
  • Provide fine-grained control over memory allocation.
  • More type-safety and more features than the C language bindings.
  • Match the size and efficiency of the C language bindings.
  • Depend only on a small subset of the standard library.
  • Minimize code bloat through table-driven encoding and decoding.
  • Reuse encoders, decoders, and coding tables generated for C language bindings.

Code Generator

Mapping FIDL Types to Low-Level C++ Types

This is the mapping from FIDL types to low-Level C++ types which the code generator produces.

FIDLLow-Level C++
boolbool, assuming sizeof(bool) ==1
handle, handle?zx::handle
handle<T>,handle<T>?zx::T (subclass of zx::object)
array<T>:Nfidl::Array<T, N>
protocol, protocol?zx::channel
request<Protocol>, request<Protocol>?zx::channel
struct Structstruct Struct
struct? Structstruct Struct*
table Table(not yet supported)
union Unionstruct Union
union? Unionstruct Union*
xunion Xunionstruct Xunion
xunion? Xunionstruct Xunion*
enum Fooenum class Foo : data type


Defined in lib/fidl/cpp/string_view.h

Holds a reference to a variable-length string stored within the buffer. C++ wrapper of fidl_string. Does not own the memory of the contents.

It is memory layout compatible with fidl_string. No constructor or destructor so this is POD.


Defined in lib/fidl/cpp/vector_view.h

Holds a reference to a variable-length vector of elements stored within the buffer. C++ wrapper of fidl_vector. Does not own the memory of elements.

It is memory layout compatible with fidl_vector. No constructor or destructor so this is POD.

fidl::Array<T, N>

Defined in lib/fidl/llcpp/array.h

Owns a fixed-length array of elements. Similar to std::array<T, N> but intended purely for in-place use.

It is memory layout compatible with FIDL arrays, and is standard-layout. The destructor closes handles if applicable e.g. it is an array of handles.

Mapping FIDL methods to Client API and Server Stubs

Low-Level C++ bindings extends the features of C bindings to cover non-simple messages, while also enabling allocation control and zero-copy encoding/decoding if desired. Let's use this FIDL protocol as a motivating example:

// fleet.fidl
library fuchsia.fleet;

struct Planet {
    string name;
    float64 mass;
    handle<channel> radio;

The following code is generated (simplified from actual code):

// fleet.h
struct Planet {
  fidl::StringView name;
  double mass;
  zx::channel radio;

Note that string maps to fidl::StringView, hence the Planet struct will not own the memory associated with the name string. Rather, all strings point within some buffer space that is managed by the bindings library, or that the caller could customize. The same goes for the fidl::VectorView<Planet> in the code below.

Continuing with the FIDL protocol:

// fleet.fidl continued...
protocol SpaceShip {
    SetHeading(int16 heading);
    ScanForPlanets() -> (vector<Planet> planets);

The following code is generated (simplified from actual code):

// fleet.h continued...
class SpaceShip final {
  struct SetHeadingRequest final {
    fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
    int16_t heading;

  struct ScanForPlanetsResponse final {
    fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
    fidl::VectorView<Planet> planets;
  using ScanForPlanetsRequest = fidl::AnyZeroArgMessage;

  class SyncClient final { /* ... */ };
  class Call final { /* ... */ };
  class Interface { /* ... */ };

  static bool TryDispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, fidl::Transaction* txn);
  static bool Dispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, fidl::Transaction* txn);

Notice that every request and response is modelled as a struct. E.g. SetHeadingRequest, ScanForPlanetsResponse, etc. ScanForPlanets() has a request that contains no arguments, and we provide a special type for that, fidl::AnyZeroArgMessage.

Following that, there are three related concepts in the generated code:

  • SyncClient: a class that owns a Zircon channel, providing methods to make requests to the FIDL server.
  • Call: A class that contains static functions to make sync FIDL calls directly on an unowned channel, avoiding setting up a SyncClient. This is similar to the simple client wrappers from the C bindings, which take a zx_handle_t.
  • Interface and [Try]Dispatch: A server should implement the Interface pure virtual class, which allows Dispatch to call one of the defined handlers with a received FIDL message.

Sync Client

class SyncClient final {
  SyncClient(zx::channel channel);

  zx_status_t SetHeading(int16_t heading);
  zx_status_t SetHeading(fidl::BytePart request_buffer, int16_t heading);
  zx_status_t SetHeading(fidl::DecodedMessage<SetHeadingRequest> params);

  ScanForPlanets(fidl::BytePart response_buffer,
                 fidl::VectorView<Planet>* out_planets);
  ScanForPlanets(fidl::BytePart response_buffer);

The one-way FIDL method SetHeading(int16 heading) maps to three overloads:

  • zx_status_t SetHeading(int16_t heading): This is called the “C flavor”. Buffer allocation for requests and responses are entirely managed by the bindings library, as is the case in simple C bindings. The request message may be non-simple. The response however, cannot have out-of-line objects, as those pointers would outlive any internal buffers allocated by the function.
  • zx_status_t SetHeading(fidl::BytePart request_buffer, int16_t heading): This is the “caller-allocating flavor”. Here we see an additional parameter request_buffer, which references a buffer address and size. The buffer will be used by the bindings library to construct the FIDL request, hence it must be of sufficiently large size. The method parameters (e.g. heading) are copied to appropriate locations within the buffer. If SetHeading had a return value, this flavor would ask for a response_buffer too.
  • zx_status_t SetHeading(fidl::DecodedMessage<SetHeadingRequest> params): This is the “in-place flavor”. In this flavor, the caller must construct a DecodedMessage object and manually fill in all members except _hdr. This flavor would perform in-place encoding of params.

The two-way non-simple FIDL method ScanForPlanets() -> (vector<Planet> planets) maps to two overloads. The C flavor is not generated, due to out-of-line types in the response.

  • fidl::DecodeResult<ScanForPlanetsResponse> ScanForPlanets(fidl::BytePart response_buffer, fidl::VectorView<Planet>* out_planets): The caller-allocating flavor receives the message into response_buffer, decodes it, and updates out_planets to point to the vector living inside the buffer. Since each Planet has a handle zx::channel radio, and the fidl::VectorView<Planet> type does not own the individual Planet objects, there needs to be a reliable way to capture the lifetime of those handles. Here the return value fidl::DecodeResult<ScanForPlanetsResponse> owns the handles, and takes care of closing them when it goes out of scope. Note that if any handle is std::moveed away, DecodeResult would not accidentally close it.
  • fidl::DecodeResult<ScanForPlanetsResponse> ScanForPlanets(fidl::BytePart response_buffer): The in-place flavor is similar to the caller-allocating flavor, except that one has to reach into the fidl::DecodeResult to inspect the return values of the FIDL call.

Static Functions (Call)

class Call final {
  static zx_status_t SetHeading(zx::unowned_channel client_end,
                                int16_t heading);
  static zx_status_t SetHeading(zx::unowned_channel client_end,
                                fidl::BytePart request_buffer,
                                int16_t heading);
  static zx_status_t SetHeading(zx::unowned_channel client_end,
                                fidl::DecodedMessage<SetHeadingRequest> params);

  static fidl::DecodeResult<ScanForPlanetsResponse>
  ScanForPlanets(zx::unowned_channel client_end,
                 fidl::BytePart response_buffer,
                 fidl::VectorView<Planet>* out_planets);
  static fidl::DecodeResult<ScanForPlanetsResponse>
  ScanForPlanets(zx::unowned_channel client_end,
                 fidl::BytePart response_buffer);

These methods are similar to those found in SyncClient. However, they do not own the channel. This is useful if one is migrating existing code from the C bindings to low-level C++. Another use case is when implementing C APIs which take a raw zx_handle_t. For example:

// C interface which does not own the channel.
zx_status_t spaceship_set_heading(zx_handle_t spaceship, int16_t heading) {
  return fuchsia::fleet::SpaceShip::Call::SetHeading(
      zx::unowned_channel(spaceship), heading);

Server Stub (Interface)

class Interface {
  virtual void SetHeading(int16_t heading,
                          SetHeadingCompleter::Sync completer) = 0;

  class ScanForPlanetsCompleterBase {
    void Reply(fidl::VectorView<Planet> planets);
    void Reply(fidl::BytePart buffer, fidl::VectorView<Planet> planets);
    void Reply(fidl::DecodedMessage<ScanForPlanetsResponse> params);

  using ScanForPlanetsCompleter = fidl::Completer<ScanForPlanetsCompleterBase>;

  virtual void ScanForPlanets(ScanForPlanetsCompleter::Sync completer) = 0;

bool TryDispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, fidl::Transaction* txn);

The generated Interface class has pure virtual functions corresponding to the method calls defined in the FIDL protocol. One may override these functions in a subclass, and dispatch FIDL messages to a server instance by calling TryDispatch. The bindings runtime would invoke these handler functions appropriately.

class MyServer final : fuchsia::fleet::SpaceShip::Interface {
  void SetHeading(int16_t heading,
                  SetHeadingCompleter::Sync completer) override {
    // Update the heading...
  void ScanForPlanets(ScanForPlanetsCompleter::Sync completer) override {
    fidl::VectorView<Planet> discovered_planets = /* perform planet scan */;
    // Send the |discovered_planets| vector as the response.

Each handler function has an additional last argument completer. It captures the various ways one may complete a FIDL transaction, by sending a reply, closing the channel with epitaph, etc. For FIDL methods with a reply e.g. ScanForPlanets, the corresponding completer defines up to three overloads of a Reply() function (C flavor, caller-allocating, in-place), similar to the client side API.

Notice that the type for the completer ScanForPlanetsCompleter::Sync has ::Sync. This indicates the default mode of operation: the server must synchronously make a reply before returning from the handler function. Enforcing this allows optimizations: the bookkeeping metadata for making a reply may be stack-allocated. To asynchronously make a reply, one may call the ToAsync() method on a Sync completer, converting it to ScanForPlanetsCompleter::Async. The Async completer supports the same Reply() functions, and may out-live the scope of the handler function by e.g. moving it into a lambda capture.

void ScanForPlanets(ScanForPlanetsCompleter::Sync completer) override {
  // Suppose scanning for planets takes a long time,
  // and returns the result via a callback...
      .OnDone([completer = completer.ToAsync()] (auto planets) mutable {
        // Here the type of |completer| is |ScanForPlanetsCompleter::Async|.

Bindings Library


The low-level C++ bindings depend only on a small subset of header-only parts of the standard library. As such, they may be used in environments where linking against the C++ standard library is discouraged or impossible.

Helper Types


Defined in lib/fidl/llcpp/decoded_message.h

Manages a FIDL message in decoded form. The message type is specified in the template parameter T. This class takes care of releasing all handles which were not consumed (std::moved from the decoded message) when it goes out of scope.

fidl::Encode(std::move(decoded_message)) encodes in-place.


Defined in lib/fidl/llcpp/encoded_message.h Holds a FIDL message in encoded form, that is, a byte array plus a handle table. The bytes part points to an external caller-managed buffer, while the handles part is owned by this class. Any handles will be closed upon destruction.

fidl::Decode(std::move(encoded_message)) decodes in-place.

zx_status_t SayHello(const zx::channel& channel, fidl::StringView text,
                     zx::handle token) {
    assert(text.size() <= MAX_TEXT_SIZE);

    // Manually allocate the buffer used for this FIDL message,
    // here we assume the message size will not exceed 512 bytes.
    uint8_t buffer[512] = {};
    fidl::DecodedMessage<example::Animal::SayRequest> decoded(
        fidl::BytePart(buffer, 512));

    // Fill in header and contents
    auto& header = decoded.message()->_hdr;
    header.transaction_id = 1;
    header.ordinal = example_Animal_Say_ordinal;

    decoded.message()->text = text;
    // Handle types have to be moved
    decoded.message()->token = std::move(token);

    // Encode the message in-place
    fidl::EncodeResult<example::Animal::SayRequest> encode_result =
    if (encode_result.status != ZX_OK) {
        return encode_result.status;

    fidl::EncodedMessage<example::Animal::SayRequest>& encoded =
    return channel.write(0, encoded.bytes().data(), encoded.bytes().size(),
                            encoded.handles().data(), encoded.handles().size());