blob: a67b3b10c7c927cc93f9a2e3695894b03b128f8e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
// This is a minimal googletest-like testing framework. It's originally derived
// from Ninja's src/test.h. You might prefer that one if you have different
// tradeoffs (in particular, if you don't need to stream message to assertion
// failures, Ninja's is a bit simpler.)
namespace testing {
class Test {
Test() : failed_(false) {}
virtual ~Test() {}
virtual void SetUp() {}
virtual void TearDown() {}
virtual void Run() = 0;
bool Failed() const { return failed_; }
friend class TestResult;
bool failed_;
extern testing::Test* g_current_test;
class TestResult {
TestResult(bool condition, const char* error) : condition_(condition), error_(error) {
if (!condition)
g_current_test->failed_ = true;
// For _EQ so we can print both sides.
template <class T, class U>
TestResult(bool condition, const char* error, const T& left, const U& right)
: TestResult(condition, error) {
std::stringstream lss;
lss << left;
left_ = lss.str();
std::stringstream rss;
rss << right;
right_ = rss.str();
operator bool() const { return condition_; }
const char* error() const { return error_; }
const std::string& left() const { return left_; }
const std::string& right() const { return right_; }
bool condition_;
const char* error_;
std::string left_;
std::string right_;
class Message {
Message() {}
~Message() { printf("%s\n\n", ss_.str().c_str()); }
template <typename T>
inline Message& operator<<(const T& val) {
ss_ << val;
return *this;
std::stringstream ss_;
class AssertHelper {
AssertHelper(const char* file, int line, const TestResult& test_result)
: file_(file),
right_(test_result.right()) {}
void operator=(const Message& message) const {
printf("\n*** FAILURE %s:%d: %s\n", file_, line_, error_);
if (!left_.empty() || !right_.empty()) {
printf("LHS:\n-----\n%s\n-----\nRHS:\n-----\n%s\n-----\n", left_.c_str(), right_.c_str());
const char* file_;
int line_;
const char* error_;
std::string left_;
std::string right_;
} // namespace testing
void RegisterTest(testing::Test* (*)(), const char*);
#define TEST_F_(x, y, name) \
struct y : public x { \
static testing::Test* Create() { return testing::g_current_test = new y; } \
virtual void Run(); \
}; \
struct Register##y { \
Register##y() { RegisterTest(y::Create, name); } \
}; \
Register##y g_register_##y; \
void y::Run()
#define TEST_F(x, y) TEST_F_(x, x##y, #x "." #y)
#define TEST(x, y) TEST_F_(testing::Test, x##y, #x "." #y)
#define FRIEND_TEST(x, y) friend class x##y
// Some compilers emit a warning if nested "if" statements are followed by an
// "else" statement and braces are not used to explicitly disambiguate the
// "else" binding. This leads to problems with code like:
// if (something)
// ASSERT_TRUE(condition) << "Some message";
switch (0) \
case 0: \
#define TEST_ASSERT_(expression, on_failure) \
if (const ::testing::TestResult test_result = (expression)) \
; \
else \
#define TEST_NONFATAL_FAILURE_(message) \
::testing::AssertHelper(__FILE__, __LINE__, message) = ::testing::Message()
#define TEST_FATAL_FAILURE_(message) \
return ::testing::AssertHelper(__FILE__, __LINE__, message) = ::testing::Message()
#define EXPECT_EQ(a, b) \
do { \
const auto& _a = (a); \
const auto& _b = (b); \
TEST_ASSERT_(::testing::TestResult(_a == _b, #a " == " #b, _a, _b), TEST_NONFATAL_FAILURE_); \
} while (false)
#define EXPECT_NE(a, b) \
TEST_ASSERT_(::testing::TestResult(a != b, #a " != " #b), TEST_NONFATAL_FAILURE_)
#define EXPECT_LT(a, b) \
TEST_ASSERT_(::testing::TestResult(a < b, #a " < " #b), TEST_NONFATAL_FAILURE_)
#define EXPECT_GT(a, b) \
TEST_ASSERT_(::testing::TestResult(a > b, #a " > " #b), TEST_NONFATAL_FAILURE_)
#define EXPECT_LE(a, b) \
TEST_ASSERT_(::testing::TestResult(a <= b, #a " <= " #b), TEST_NONFATAL_FAILURE_)
#define EXPECT_GE(a, b) \
TEST_ASSERT_(::testing::TestResult(a >= b, #a " >= " #b), TEST_NONFATAL_FAILURE_)
#define EXPECT_TRUE(a) \
TEST_ASSERT_(::testing::TestResult(static_cast<bool>(a), #a), TEST_NONFATAL_FAILURE_)
#define EXPECT_FALSE(a) \
TEST_ASSERT_(::testing::TestResult(!static_cast<bool>(a), #a), TEST_NONFATAL_FAILURE_)
#define EXPECT_STREQ(a, b) \
TEST_ASSERT_(::testing::TestResult(strcmp(a, b) == 0, #a " str== " #b), TEST_NONFATAL_FAILURE_)
#define ASSERT_EQ(a, b) \
TEST_ASSERT_(::testing::TestResult(a == b, #a " == " #b), TEST_FATAL_FAILURE_)
#define ASSERT_NE(a, b) \
TEST_ASSERT_(::testing::TestResult(a != b, #a " != " #b), TEST_FATAL_FAILURE_)
#define ASSERT_LT(a, b) TEST_ASSERT_(::testing::TestResult(a < b, #a " < " #b), TEST_FATAL_FAILURE_)
#define ASSERT_GT(a, b) TEST_ASSERT_(::testing::TestResult(a > b, #a " > " #b), TEST_FATAL_FAILURE_)
#define ASSERT_LE(a, b) \
TEST_ASSERT_(::testing::TestResult(a <= b, #a " <= " #b), TEST_FATAL_FAILURE_)
#define ASSERT_GE(a, b) \
TEST_ASSERT_(::testing::TestResult(a >= b, #a " >= " #b), TEST_FATAL_FAILURE_)
#define ASSERT_TRUE(a) \
TEST_ASSERT_(::testing::TestResult(static_cast<bool>(a), #a), TEST_FATAL_FAILURE_)
#define ASSERT_FALSE(a) \
TEST_ASSERT_(::testing::TestResult(!static_cast<bool>(a), #a), TEST_FATAL_FAILURE_)
#define ASSERT_STREQ(a, b) \
TEST_ASSERT_(::testing::TestResult(strcmp(a, b) == 0, #a " str== " #b), TEST_FATAL_FAILURE_)