blob: 297fba60b79f66429c0b35c9ff5bd8c7dce63862 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
if (defined(zx)) {
config("kazoo_config") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
include_dirs = [ rebase_path("../..") ]
# rapidjson is header-only, but sets these defines from its build file. We
# can't depend on it directly until build unification.
defines = [
include_dirs += [ "$zx/../third_party/rapidjson/include" ]
zx_library("kazoo_lib") {
host = true
configs += [ ":kazoo_config" ]
sources = [
deps = [ "$zx/system/public" ]
zx_host_tool("kazoo") {
configs += [ ":kazoo_config" ]
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [
zx_test("tests") {
configs += [ ":kazoo_config" ]
output_name = "kazoo-test"
deps = [
# The "../.." is so that the generated files can be included with a
# "tools/kazoo/" prefix.
include_dirs = [ "$target_gen_dir/../.." ]
sources = [
host_tool_action_foreach("test_files_fidl_to_json") {
tool = "$zx/tools/fidl:fidlc"
args = [
rebase_path("$target_gen_dir") + "/{{source_name_part}}.json",
outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/{{source_name_part}}.json" ]
sources = [
action_foreach("generate_test_files") {
script = ""
deps = [ ":test_files_fidl_to_json" ]
args = [
rebase_path("$target_gen_dir") + "/test_ir_{{source_name_part}}.h",
outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/test_ir_{{source_name_part}}.h" ]
sources = get_target_outputs(":test_files_fidl_to_json")