blob: d6a27cdaff5437e85564270d665b040d17e409e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include "error_reporter.h"
#include "experimental_flags.h"
#include "lexer.h"
#include "raw_ast.h"
#include "types.h"
namespace fidl {
using namespace errors;
using error_reporter::ErrorReporter;
// See
// for additional context
class Parser {
Parser(Lexer* lexer, ErrorReporter* error_reporter, const ExperimentalFlags& experimental_flags);
std::unique_ptr<raw::File> Parse() { return ParseFile(); }
bool Ok() const { return error_reporter_->errors().size() == 0; }
// currently the only usecase for this enum is to identify the case where the parser
// has seen a doc comment block, followed by a regular comment block, followed by
// a doc comment block
enum class State {
// the parser is currently in a doc comment block
// the parser is currently in a regular comment block, which directly followed a
// doc comment block
// the parser is in kNormal for all other cases
Token Lex() {
for (;;) {
auto token = lexer_->Lex();
switch (token.kind()) {
case Token::Kind::kComment:
if (state_ == State::kDocCommentLast)
state_ = State::kDocCommentThenComment;
case Token::Kind::kDocComment:
if (state_ == State::kDocCommentThenComment)
error_reporter_->ReportWarning(WarnCommentWithinDocCommentBlock, last_token_);
state_ = State::kDocCommentLast;
return token;
state_ = State::kNormal;
return token;
Token::KindAndSubkind Peek() { return last_token_.kind_and_subkind(); }
// ASTScope is a tool to track the start and end source location of each
// node automatically. The parser associates each node with the start and
// end of its source location. It also tracks the "gap" in between the
// start and the previous interesting source element. As we walk the tree,
// we create ASTScope objects that can track the beginning and end of the
// text associated with the Node being built. The ASTScope object then
// colludes with the Parser to figure out where the beginning and end of
// that node are.
// ASTScope should only be created on the stack, when starting to parse
// something that will result in a new AST node.
class ASTScope {
explicit ASTScope(Parser* parser) : parser_(parser) {
suppress_ = parser_->suppress_gap_checks_;
parser_->suppress_gap_checks_ = false;
parser_->active_ast_scopes_.push_back(raw::SourceElement(Token(), Token()));
// The suppress mechanism
ASTScope(Parser* parser, bool suppress) : parser_(parser), suppress_(suppress) {
parser_->active_ast_scopes_.push_back(raw::SourceElement(Token(), Token()));
suppress_ = parser_->suppress_gap_checks_;
parser_->suppress_gap_checks_ = suppress;
raw::SourceElement GetSourceElement() {
parser_->active_ast_scopes_.back().end_ = parser_->previous_token_;
if (!parser_->suppress_gap_checks_) {
parser_->last_was_gap_start_ = true;
return raw::SourceElement(parser_->active_ast_scopes_.back());
~ASTScope() {
parser_->suppress_gap_checks_ = suppress_;
ASTScope(const ASTScope&) = delete;
ASTScope& operator=(const ASTScope&) = delete;
Parser* parser_;
bool suppress_;
void UpdateMarks(Token& token) {
// There should always be at least one of these - the outermost.
if (active_ast_scopes_.size() == 0) {
if (!suppress_gap_checks_) {
// If the end of the last node was the start of a gap, record that.
if (last_was_gap_start_ && previous_token_.kind() != Token::Kind::kNotAToken) {
gap_start_ = token.previous_end();
last_was_gap_start_ = false;
// If this is a start node, then the end of it will be the start of
// a gap.
if (active_ast_scopes_.back().start_.kind() == Token::Kind::kNotAToken) {
last_was_gap_start_ = true;
// Update the token to record the correct location of the beginning of
// the gap prior to it.
if (gap_start_.valid()) {
for (auto& scope : active_ast_scopes_) {
if (scope.start_.kind() == Token::Kind::kNotAToken) {
scope.start_ = token;
previous_token_ = token;
// ConsumeToken consumes a token, and matches using the predicate |p|.
// See #OfKind, and #IdentifierOfSubkind for the two expected predicates.
// If the token is not retained on return, is_discarded should be true.
// That allows the parser to track its source location, in case it should
// become interesting to the AST.
template <class Predicate>
Token ConsumeToken(Predicate p, bool is_discarded = false) {
std::unique_ptr<BaseError> error = p(Peek());
if (error) {
auto token = last_token_;
last_token_ = Lex();
return token;
// MaybeConsumeToken consumes a token if-and-only-if it matches the given
// predicate |p|.
// See #OfKind, and #IdentifierOfSubkind for the two expected predicates.
template <class Predicate>
bool MaybeConsumeToken(Predicate p) {
std::unique_ptr<BaseError> error = p(Peek());
if (error) {
return false;
previous_token_ = last_token_;
last_token_ = Lex();
return true;
static auto OfKind(Token::Kind expected_kind) {
return [expected_kind](Token::KindAndSubkind actual) -> std::unique_ptr<BaseError> {
if (actual.kind() != expected_kind) {
return ErrorReporter::MakeError(
ErrUnexpectedTokenOfKind, actual,
Token::KindAndSubkind(expected_kind, Token::Subkind::kNone));
return nullptr;
static auto IdentifierOfSubkind(Token::Subkind expected_subkind) {
return [expected_subkind](Token::KindAndSubkind actual) -> std::unique_ptr<BaseError> {
auto expected = Token::KindAndSubkind(Token::Kind::kIdentifier, expected_subkind);
if (actual.combined() != expected.combined()) {
return ErrorReporter::MakeError(
ErrUnexpectedIdentifier, actual,
Token::KindAndSubkind(Token::Kind::kIdentifier, Token::Subkind::kNone));
return nullptr;
bool LookupHandleSubtype(const raw::Identifier* identifier,
std::optional<types::HandleSubtype>* out_handle_subtype);
std::nullptr_t Fail();
std::nullptr_t Fail(std::unique_ptr<BaseError> err);
template <typename ...Args>
std::nullptr_t Fail(const ErrorDef<Args...>& err, const Args& ...args);
template <typename ...Args>
std::nullptr_t Fail(const ErrorDef<Args...>& err, Token token, const Args& ...args);
template <typename ...Args>
std::nullptr_t Fail(const ErrorDef<Args...>& err, const std::optional<SourceSpan>& span, const Args& ...args);
std::optional<types::Strictness> MaybeParseStrictness();
std::unique_ptr<raw::Identifier> ParseIdentifier(bool is_discarded = false);
std::unique_ptr<raw::CompoundIdentifier> ParseCompoundIdentifier();
std::unique_ptr<raw::CompoundIdentifier> ParseLibraryName();
std::unique_ptr<raw::StringLiteral> ParseStringLiteral();
std::unique_ptr<raw::NumericLiteral> ParseNumericLiteral();
std::unique_ptr<raw::TrueLiteral> ParseTrueLiteral();
std::unique_ptr<raw::FalseLiteral> ParseFalseLiteral();
std::unique_ptr<raw::Literal> ParseLiteral();
std::unique_ptr<raw::Ordinal32> ParseOrdinal32();
std::unique_ptr<raw::Constant> ParseConstant();
std::unique_ptr<raw::Attribute> ParseAttribute();
std::unique_ptr<raw::Attribute> ParseDocComment();
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> ParseAttributeList(
std::unique_ptr<raw::Attribute> doc_comment, ASTScope& scope);
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> MaybeParseAttributeList(bool for_parameter = false);
std::unique_ptr<raw::Using> ParseUsing(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, ASTScope&);
std::unique_ptr<raw::TypeConstructor> ParseTypeConstructor();
std::unique_ptr<raw::BitsMember> ParseBitsMember();
std::unique_ptr<raw::BitsDeclaration> ParseBitsDeclaration(
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, ASTScope&, types::Strictness);
std::unique_ptr<raw::ConstDeclaration> ParseConstDeclaration(
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, ASTScope&);
std::unique_ptr<raw::EnumMember> ParseEnumMember();
std::unique_ptr<raw::EnumDeclaration> ParseEnumDeclaration(
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, ASTScope&, types::Strictness);
std::unique_ptr<raw::Parameter> ParseParameter();
std::unique_ptr<raw::ParameterList> ParseParameterList();
std::unique_ptr<raw::ProtocolMethod> ParseProtocolEvent(
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, ASTScope& scope);
std::unique_ptr<raw::ProtocolMethod> ParseProtocolMethod(
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, ASTScope& scope,
std::unique_ptr<raw::Identifier> method_name);
// ParseProtocolMember parses any one protocol member, i.e. an event,
// a method, or a compose stanza.
void ParseProtocolMember(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<raw::ComposeProtocol>>* composed_protocols,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<raw::ProtocolMethod>>* methods);
std::unique_ptr<raw::ProtocolDeclaration> ParseProtocolDeclaration(
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, ASTScope&);
std::unique_ptr<raw::ServiceMember> ParseServiceMember();
std::unique_ptr<raw::ServiceDeclaration> ParseServiceDeclaration(
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, ASTScope&);
std::unique_ptr<raw::StructMember> ParseStructMember();
std::unique_ptr<raw::StructDeclaration> ParseStructDeclaration(
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, ASTScope&);
std::unique_ptr<raw::TableMember> ParseTableMember();
std::unique_ptr<raw::TableDeclaration> ParseTableDeclaration(
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, ASTScope&, types::Strictness);
std::unique_ptr<raw::UnionMember> ParseUnionMember();
std::unique_ptr<raw::UnionDeclaration> ParseUnionDeclaration(
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, ASTScope&, types::Strictness);
std::unique_ptr<raw::File> ParseFile();
std::map<std::string_view, types::HandleSubtype> handle_subtype_table_;
Lexer* lexer_;
ErrorReporter* error_reporter_;
const ExperimentalFlags& experimental_flags_;
// The stack of information interesting to the currently active ASTScope
// objects.
std::vector<raw::SourceElement> active_ast_scopes_;
// The most recent start of a "gap" - the uninteresting source prior to the
// beginning of a token (usually mostly containing whitespace).
SourceSpan gap_start_;
// Indicates that the last element was the start of a gap, and that the
// scope should be updated accordingly.
bool last_was_gap_start_ = false;
// Suppress updating the gap for the current Scope. Useful when
// you don't know whether a scope is going to be interesting lexically, and
// you have to decide at runtime.
bool suppress_gap_checks_ = false;
// The token before last_token_ (below).
Token previous_token_;
Token last_token_;
State state_;
} // namespace fidl