blob: b783229472e3e23a8ff12a01e8c62f85ebb709d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
protocol::indicators::{CallIndicators, CallIndicatorsUpdates},
stream::{StreamItem, StreamMap, StreamWithEpitaph, Tagged, WithEpitaph, WithTag},
fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_hfp::{CallMarker, CallProxy, PeerHandlerProxy},
fuchsia_async as fasync,
futures::stream::{FusedStream, Stream, StreamExt},
log::{debug, info, warn},
task::{Context, Poll},
pub use {fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_hfp::CallState, number::Number};
// Enclose `Number` in a submodule to keep the private items from leaking into the `calls` module.
mod number {
use super::FidlNumber;
/// A phone number.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Hash, Default, Eq)]
pub struct Number(String);
impl Number {
/// Format value indicating no changes on the number presentation are required.
/// See HFP v1.8, Section 4.34.2.
const NUMBER_FORMAT: i64 = 129;
/// Returns the numeric representation of the Number's format as specified in HFP v1.8,
/// Section 4.34.2.
pub fn type_(&self) -> i64 {
impl From<Number> for String {
fn from(x: Number) -> Self {
impl From<&str> for Number {
fn from(n: &str) -> Self {
// Phone numbers must be enclosed in double quotes
let inner = if n.starts_with("\"") && n.ends_with("\"") {
} else {
format!("\"{}\"", n)
impl From<FidlNumber> for Number {
fn from(n: FidlNumber) -> Self {
/// The index associated with a call, that is guaranteed to be unique for the lifetime of the call,
/// but will be recycled after the call is released.
pub type CallIdx = usize;
/// The direction of call initiation.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Direction {
/// Call Direction is not known at this time.
/// Call originated on this device. This is also known as an Outgoing call.
/// Call is terminated on this device. This is also known as an Incoming call.
impl From<CallState> for Direction {
fn from(x: CallState) -> Self {
match x {
CallState::IncomingRinging | CallState::IncomingWaiting => Self::MobileTerminated,
CallState::OutgoingDialing | CallState::OutgoingAlerting => Self::MobileOriginated,
_ => Self::Unknown,
impl From<Direction> for i64 {
fn from(x: Direction) -> Self {
match x {
// When we do not know the direction, arbitrarily choose Mobile Originated.
// TODO ( Update the FIDL API so that the direction is always provided.
Direction::Unknown => 0,
Direction::MobileOriginated => 0,
Direction::MobileTerminated => 1,
/// Internal state and resources associated with a single call.
struct CallEntry {
/// Proxy associated with this call.
// TODO (fxb/64550): Remove when call requests are initiated
proxy: CallProxy,
/// The remote party's number.
number: Number,
/// Current state.
state: CallState,
/// Time of the last update to the call's `state`.
state_updated_at: fasync::Time,
/// Direction of the call. If the Direction cannot be determined from the Call's CallState, it
/// is set to `Unknown`.
direction: Direction,
impl CallEntry {
pub fn new(proxy: CallProxy, number: Number, state: CallState) -> Self {
let state_updated_at = fasync::Time::now();
Self { proxy, number, state, state_updated_at, direction: state.into() }
/// Update the state. Also update the direction if it is Unknown.
/// `state_updated_at` is changed only if self.state != state.
pub fn set_state(&mut self, state: CallState) {
if self.direction == Direction::Unknown {
self.direction = state.into();
if self.state != state {
self.state_updated_at = fasync::Time::now();
self.state = state;
// TODO (fxb/64550): Remove when call requests are initiated
pub fn is_active(&self) -> bool {
self.state == CallState::OngoingActive
/// The current state of a call.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Call {
/// Unique identifier associated with a call for the lifetime of the call.
/// Once the state is `Terminated` or `TransferredToAg` the index may be reused by another
/// call.
pub index: CallIdx,
/// Remote party's number.
pub number: Number,
/// Current state.
pub state: CallState,
/// Direction of the call.
pub direction: Direction,
impl Call {
pub fn new(index: CallIdx, number: Number, state: CallState, direction: Direction) -> Self {
Self { index, number, state, direction }
/// The fuchsia.bluetooth.hfp library representation of a Number.
type FidlNumber = String;
/// A stream of updates to the state of calls. Each update contains the `Number` and the
/// `CallState`. When the channel for a given call is closed, an epitaph is returned with the
/// `Number`.
/// The `Number` uniquely identifies a call. TODO ( Handle multi-party calls.
type CallStateUpdates =
StreamMap<CallIdx, StreamWithEpitaph<Tagged<CallIdx, HangingGetStream<CallState>>, CallIdx>>;
/// Manages the state of all ongoing calls reported by the call manager.
/// ### Fetching Call information.
/// `Calls` provides methods for interacting with specific calls or listing all calls. These methods
/// can be used to query information about a call such as the associated `Number` or the
/// `CallState`.
/// ### Requesting Action on Calls
/// `Calls` can be used to request that a new call be made or for a call's state to be changed. Any
/// request to change the state of a call cannot be handled directly by `Calls`. Instead the request
/// will be forwarded to the Call Manager service for handling.
/// The state of a call is not updated to reflect a request until the Call Manager notifies `Calls`
/// that a change has taken effect. A client of `Calls` cannot assume that a request succeeded
/// until the status has been updated in `Calls`.
/// ### Calls as Stream of Call Status Updates.
/// Clients that are interested in changes to Call Status Updates should poll `Calls`' Stream
/// implementation. A Vec of `Indicator`s will be produced as a stream item whenever the status
/// of at least one call related `Indicator` has changed since the last stream item was produced.
/// The returned Vec has both Ordering and Uniqueness guarantees.
/// It is guaranteed to be ordered such that Indicator::Call values come before Indicator::CallSetup
/// values and Indicator::CallSetup values come before Indicator::CallHeld values.
/// This Vec is also is guaranteed to have no more than one value for each `Indicator` variant
/// which represents the current state of the calls as reported by the Call Manager.
pub(crate) struct Calls {
/// A Stream of new calls.
new_calls: Option<HangingGetStream<(ClientEnd<CallMarker>, FidlNumber, CallState)>>,
/// Store the current state and associated resources of every Call.
current_calls: CallList<CallEntry>,
/// A Stream of all updates to the state of ongoing calls.
call_updates: CallStateUpdates,
/// The last set of indicator values returned from Polling Calls as a Stream.
reported_indicators: CallIndicators,
/// The Calls Stream terminated state.
terminated: bool,
impl Calls {
pub fn new(proxy: Option<PeerHandlerProxy>) -> Self {
let new_calls =|proxy| HangingGetStream::new(Box::new(move || Some(proxy.wait_for_call()))));
Self {
current_calls: CallList::default(),
call_updates: CallStateUpdates::empty(),
reported_indicators: CallIndicators::default(),
terminated: false,
/// Insert a new call
fn handle_new_call(&mut self, call: ClientEnd<CallMarker>, number: Number, state: CallState) {
let proxy = call.into_proxy().unwrap();
let call = CallEntry::new(proxy.clone(), number.clone(), state);
let index = self.current_calls.insert(call);
let call_state = HangingGetStream::new(Box::new(move || Some(proxy.watch_state())));
self.call_updates.insert(index, call_state.tagged(index).with_epitaph(index));
self.terminated = false;
/// Check and mark this stream "terminated" if the appropriate conditions are met.
/// Specifically, Calls is terminated if both `new_calls` and `call_updates` cannot produce any
/// new values.
fn check_termination_condition(&mut self) {
self.terminated = self.new_calls.is_none() && self.call_updates.inner().is_empty();
/// Run `f`, passing the CallProxy associated with the given `number` into `f` and removing
/// the CallProxy from the map if an error is returned by running `f`.
fn send_call_request(
&mut self,
index: CallIdx,
f: impl FnOnce(&CallProxy) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>,
) -> Result<(), CallError> {
let result =
if let Err(e) = result {
if !e.is_closed() {
warn!("Error making request on Call channel for call {:?}: {}", index, e);
/// Send a request to the call manager to place the call on hold.
pub fn _request_hold(&mut self, index: CallIdx) -> Result<(), CallError> {
self.send_call_request(index, |proxy| proxy.request_hold())
/// Send a request to the call manager to make the call active.
/// Only one call can be active at a time. Before requesting the call at `index` be made
/// active, all active calls are either terminated or placed on hold depending on
/// `terminate_others`.
pub fn request_active(
&mut self,
index: CallIdx,
terminate_others: bool,
) -> Result<(), CallError> {
let action =
if terminate_others { CallProxy::request_terminate } else { CallProxy::request_hold };
// Collect active_calls into a Vec to avoid double borrowing self.
let active_calls: Vec<_> = self
.filter_map(|(i, call)| (i != index && call.is_active()).then(|| i))
for i in active_calls {
// Failures are ignored.
let _ = self.send_call_request(i, action);
self.send_call_request(index, |proxy| proxy.request_active())
/// Send a request to the call manager to terminate the call.
pub fn request_terminate(&mut self, index: CallIdx) -> Result<(), CallError> {
self.send_call_request(index, |proxy| proxy.request_terminate())
/// Send a request to the call manager to transfer the audio of the call from the
/// headset to the fuchsia device.
pub fn _request_transfer_audio(&mut self, index: CallIdx) -> Result<(), CallError> {
self.send_call_request(index, |proxy| proxy.request_transfer_audio())
/// Send a dtmf code to the call manager for active call,
pub async fn send_dtmf_code(&mut self, _code: DtmfCode) {
"Sending a dtmf code can fail where other call requests cannot. \
It must be handled separately"
/// Return a Vec of the current call state for every call that `Calls` is tracking.
pub fn current_calls(&self) -> Vec<Call> {
.map(|(index, call)| Call::new(index, call.number.clone(), call.state, call.direction))
/// Remove all references to the call assigned to `index`.
fn remove_call(&mut self, index: CallIdx) {
/// Operations that act on calls in a particular state should act on the call that was put into
/// that state first. `oldest_by_state` allows querying for a call that meets that criteria.
fn oldest_by_state(&self, state: CallState) -> Option<(CallIdx, &CallEntry)> {
self.calls().filter(|c| c.1.state == state).min_by_key(|c| c.1.state_updated_at)
/// Return the Call that has been in the IncomingRinging call state the longest if at least one
/// exists.
pub fn ringing(&self) -> Option<Call> {
.map(|(idx, call)| Call::new(idx, call.number.clone(), call.state, call.direction))
/// Get the Call that has been waiting the longest. Returns None if there are no waiting calls.
pub fn waiting(&self) -> Option<Call> {
.map(|(idx, call)| Call::new(idx, call.number.clone(), call.state, call.direction))
/// Answer the call that has been in the IncomingRinging state the longest.
/// Returns an Error if there are no calls in the IncomingRinging state.
pub fn answer(&mut self) -> Result<(), CallError> {
let state = CallState::IncomingRinging;
let idx = self.oldest_by_state(state).ok_or(CallError::None(vec![state]))?.0;
self.request_active(idx, true)
/// Terminate a call.
/// The AT+CHUP command does not specify a particular call to be terminated. When there are
/// multiple calls that could be terminated, the Audio Gateway must make a determination as to
/// which call to terminate. This prioritization is based on the perceived urgency of a call in
/// a given state.
/// Terminate a single call based on the following policy:
/// * The oldest Incoming Ringing call is terminated.
/// * If there are no Incoming Ringing calls, the oldest Ongoing Active call is terminated.
/// * If there are no Ongoing Active calls, the oldest Ongoing Held call is terminated.
/// * If there are no calls in any of the previously specified states, return an Error.
// If it becomes desirable for this policy to be configurable, it should be pulled out into the
// component's configuration data.
pub fn hang_up(&mut self) -> Result<(), CallError> {
use CallState::*;
let idx = self
.or_else(|| self.oldest_by_state(OngoingActive))
.or_else(|| self.oldest_by_state(OngoingHeld))
.ok_or(CallError::None(vec![IncomingRinging, OngoingActive, OngoingHeld]))?
/// Returns true if the state of any calls requires ringing.
pub fn should_ring(&self) -> bool {
self.calls().any(|c| c.1.state == CallState::IncomingRinging)
/// Get the current `CallIndicators` based on the state of all calls.
pub fn indicators(&mut self) -> CallIndicators {
let mut calls = self.calls().collect::<Vec<_>>();
calls.sort_by_key(|c| c.1.state_updated_at);
CallIndicators::find(calls.into_iter().rev().map(|c| c.1.state))
/// Return an iterator of the calls and associated call indices.
fn calls(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (CallIdx, &CallEntry)> + Clone {
/// Helper function to poll the new_calls hanging get for any available items.
/// Polls until there are no more items ready. Updates internal state with the
/// available items.
fn poll_and_consume_new_calls(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) {
// Loop until pending or self.new_calls is set to None.
while let Some(new_calls) = &mut self.new_calls {
match new_calls.poll_next_unpin(cx) {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok((call, fidl_number, state)))) => {
self.handle_new_call(call, fidl_number.into(), state);
Poll::Ready(Some(Err(_e))) => self.new_calls = None,
Poll::Ready(None) => self.new_calls = None,
Poll::Pending => break,
/// Helper function to poll the call_updates collection for call state changes.
/// Polls until there are no more updates ready. Updates internal state with
/// available items.
fn poll_and_consume_call_updates(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) {
// Loop until self.call_updates is terminated or the stream is exhausted.
while !self.call_updates.is_terminated() {
match self.call_updates.poll_next_unpin(cx) {
Poll::Ready(Some(item)) => match item {
StreamItem::Item((index, Ok(state))) => {
if let Some(call) = self.current_calls.get_mut(index) {
} else {
StreamItem::Item((index, Err(e))) => {
info!("Call {} channel closed with error: {}", index, e);
StreamItem::Epitaph(index) => {
debug!("Call {} channel closed", index);
Poll::Ready(None) | Poll::Pending => break,
impl Unpin for Calls {}
impl Stream for Calls {
type Item = CallIndicatorsUpdates;
fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
if self.terminated {
return Poll::Ready(None);
// Update the state of all new and ongoing calls.
let previous = self.reported_indicators;
self.reported_indicators = self.indicators();
// Return a list of all the indicators that have changed as a result of the
// new call state.
let changes = self.reported_indicators.difference(previous);
if !changes.is_empty() {
} else {
impl FusedStream for Calls {
fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
/// A collection designed for the specific requirements of storing Calls with an associated index.
/// The requirements found in HFP v1.8, Section 4.34.2, "+CLCC":
/// * Each call is assigned a number starting at 1.
/// * Calls hold their number until they are released.
/// * New calls take the lowest available number.
/// Note: "Insert" is a O(n) operation in order to simplify the implementation.
/// This data structure is best suited towards small n for this reason.
struct CallList<T> {
inner: Vec<Option<T>>,
impl<T> Default for CallList<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self { inner: Vec::default() }
impl<T> CallList<T> {
/// Insert a new value into the list, returning an index that is guaranteed to be unique until
/// the value is removed from the list.
fn insert(&mut self, value: T) -> CallIdx {
let index = if let Some(index) = self.inner.iter_mut().position(|v| v.is_none()) {
self.inner[index] = Some(value);
} else {
self.inner.len() - 1
/// Retrieve a value by index. Returns `None` if the index does not point to a value.
// TODO (fxb/64550): Remove when call requests are initiated
fn get(&self, index: CallIdx) -> Option<&T> {
match Self::to_internal_index(index) {
Some(index) => self.inner.get(index).map(|v| v.as_ref()).unwrap_or(None),
None => None,
/// Retrieve a mutable reference to a value by index. Returns `None` if the index does not point
/// to a value.
fn get_mut(&mut self, index: CallIdx) -> Option<&mut T> {
match Self::to_internal_index(index) {
Some(index) => self.inner.get_mut(index).map(|v| v.as_mut()).unwrap_or(None),
None => None,
/// Remove a value by index. Returns `None` if the value did not point to a value.
fn remove(&mut self, index: CallIdx) -> Option<T> {
match Self::to_internal_index(index) {
Some(index) => self.inner.get_mut(index).map(|v| v.take()).unwrap_or(None),
None => None,
/// Return an iterator of the calls and associated call indices.
fn calls(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (CallIdx, &T)> + Clone {
.flat_map(|(i, entry)| entry.as_ref().map(|v| (Self::to_call_index(i), v)))
/// Convert a `CallIdx` to the internal index used to locate a call.
/// The CallIdx for a call starts at 1 instead of 0, so the internal index must be decremented
/// after being received by the user.
/// Returns `None` if `index` is 0 because 0 is an invalid index.
fn to_internal_index(index: CallIdx) -> Option<usize> {
(index != 0).then(|| index - 1)
/// Convert the internal index for a call to the external `CallIdx`.
/// The CallIdx for a call starts at 1 instead of 0, so the internal index must be incremented
/// before being returned to the user.
fn to_call_index(internal: usize) -> CallIdx {
internal + 1
mod tests {
use {
CallRequest, CallRequestStream, PeerHandlerMarker, PeerHandlerRequest,
fuchsia_async as fasync,
fn number_type_in_valid_range() {
let number = Number::from("1234567");
// type values must be in range 128-175.
assert!(number.type_() >= 128);
assert!(number.type_() <= 175);
fn number_str_roundtrip() {
let number = Number::from("1234567");
assert_eq!(number.clone(), Number::from(&*String::from(number)));
fn call_is_active() {
// executor must be created before fidl endpoints can be created
let _exec = fasync::Executor::new().unwrap();
let (proxy, _) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy::<CallMarker>().unwrap();
let mut call = CallEntry::new(proxy, "1".into(), CallState::IncomingRinging);
fn call_list_insert() {
let mut list = CallList::default();
let i1 = list.insert(1);
assert_eq!(i1, 1, "The first value must be assigned the number 1");
let i2 = list.insert(2);
assert_eq!(i2, 2, "The second value is assigned the next available number");
fn call_list_get() {
let mut list = CallList::default();
let i1 = list.insert(1);
let i2 = list.insert(2);
assert_eq!(list.get(0), None);
assert_eq!(list.get(i1), Some(&1));
assert_eq!(list.get(i2), Some(&2));
assert_eq!(list.get(3), None);
fn call_list_get_mut() {
let mut list = CallList::default();
let i1 = list.insert(1);
let i2 = list.insert(2);
assert_eq!(list.get_mut(i1), Some(&mut 1));
assert_eq!(list.get_mut(i2), Some(&mut 2));
assert_eq!(list.get_mut(3), None);
fn call_list_remove() {
let mut list = CallList::default();
let i1 = list.insert(1);
let i2 = list.insert(2);
let removed = list.remove(i1);
assert_eq!(list.get(i1), None, "The value at i1 is removed");
assert_eq!(list.get(i2), Some(&2), "The value at i2 is untouched");
let invalid_idx = 0;
fn call_list_remove_and_insert_behaves() {
let mut list = CallList::default();
let i1 = list.insert(1);
let i2 = list.insert(2);
let i3 = list.insert(3);
let i4 = list.insert(4);
let i5 = list.insert(5);
assert_eq!(i5, i1, "i5 is the lowest possible index (i1) even though i1 was not the first or last index removed");
assert_eq!(list.get(i5), Some(&5), "The value at i5 is correct");
let i6 = list.insert(6);
let i7 = list.insert(7);
assert_eq!(i6, i2, "i6 takes the next available index (i2)");
assert_eq!(i7, i3, "i7 takes the next available index (i3)");
let i8_ = list.insert(8);
assert_ne!(i8_, i4, "i4 is reserved, so i8_ must take a new index");
i8_, 5,
"i8_ takes an index of 5 since it is the last of the 5 values to be inserted"
fn call_list_iter_returns_all_valid_values() {
let mut list = CallList::default();
let i1 = list.insert(1);
let i2 = list.insert(2);
let i3 = list.insert(3);
let i4 = list.insert(4);
let actual: Vec<_> = list.calls().collect();
let expected = vec![(i1, &1), (i3, &3), (i4, &4)];
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
/// The most common test setup includes an initialized Calls instance and an ongoing call.
/// This helper function sets up a `Calls` instance in that state and returns the associated
/// endpoints.
fn setup_ongoing_call() -> (Calls, PeerHandlerRequestStream, CallRequestStream, CallIdx, Number)
let (proxy, peer_stream) =
let mut calls = Calls::new(Some(proxy));
let (client_end, call_stream) = fidl::endpoints::create_request_stream().unwrap();
let num = Number::from("1");
calls.handle_new_call(client_end, num.clone(), CallState::IncomingRinging);
let expected = CallIndicators {
call: indicators::Call::None,
callsetup: indicators::CallSetup::Incoming,
callwaiting: false,
callheld: indicators::CallHeld::None,
assert_eq!(calls.indicators(), expected);
(calls, peer_stream, call_stream, 1, num)
fn calls_should_ring_succeeds() {
let mut exec = fasync::Executor::new().unwrap();
let (mut calls, _peer_handler, mut call_stream, _idx, _num) = setup_ongoing_call();
poll_next_item(&mut exec, &mut calls);
update_call(&mut exec, &mut call_stream, CallState::OngoingActive);
poll_next_item(&mut exec, &mut calls);
// Call is no longer ringing after call state has changed
async fn call_requests_send_requests_to_server() {
let (mut calls, _peer_handler, mut call_stream, idx, _num) = setup_ongoing_call();
calls._request_hold(idx).expect("valid index");
assert_matches!(, Some(Ok(CallRequest::RequestHold { .. })));
// Make a second call that is active
let (client_end, mut call_stream_2) = fidl::endpoints::create_request_stream().unwrap();
let num = "2".into();
let _ = calls.handle_new_call(client_end, num, CallState::OngoingActive);
// Sending a RequestActive for the first call will send a RequestTerminate for the second
// call when `true` is passed to request_active.
calls.request_active(idx, true).expect("valid index");
assert_matches!(, Some(Ok(CallRequest::RequestActive { .. })));
assert_matches!(, Some(Ok(CallRequest::RequestTerminate { .. })));
// Place the first call back on hold, so that we can activate it again.
calls._request_hold(idx).expect("valid index");
assert_matches!(, Some(Ok(CallRequest::RequestHold { .. })));
// Make a third call that is active
let (client_end, mut call_stream_3) = fidl::endpoints::create_request_stream().unwrap();
let num = "3".into();
let _ = calls.handle_new_call(client_end, num, CallState::OngoingActive);
// Sending a RequestActive for the first call will send a RequestHold for the third
// call when `false` is passed to request_active.
calls.request_active(idx, false).expect("valid index");
assert_matches!(, Some(Ok(CallRequest::RequestActive { .. })));
assert_matches!(, Some(Ok(CallRequest::RequestHold { .. })));
calls.request_terminate(idx).expect("valid index");
assert_matches!(, Some(Ok(CallRequest::RequestTerminate { .. })));
calls._request_transfer_audio(idx).expect("valid index");
Some(Ok(CallRequest::RequestTransferAudio { .. }))
async fn call_requests_invalid_index_return_error() {
let (mut calls, _peer_handler, _call_stream, _idx, _num) = setup_ongoing_call();
let invalid = 2;
let result = calls._request_hold(invalid);
assert_eq!(result, Err(CallError::UnknownIndexError(invalid.clone())));
let result = calls.request_active(invalid, false);
assert_eq!(result, Err(CallError::UnknownIndexError(invalid.clone())));
let result = calls.request_terminate(invalid);
assert_eq!(result, Err(CallError::UnknownIndexError(invalid.clone())));
let result = calls._request_transfer_audio(invalid);
assert_eq!(result, Err(CallError::UnknownIndexError(invalid.clone())));
async fn call_requests_manager_closed_clears_call() {
let (mut calls, _peer_handler, call_stream, idx, num) = setup_ongoing_call();
let call =
calls.current_calls().into_iter().find(|info| info.index == idx && info.number == num);
assert!(call.is_some(), "Call must exist in list of calls");
// A request made to a Call channel that is closed will remove the call entry.
let result = calls._request_hold(idx);
assert_eq!(result, Ok(()));
let call =
calls.current_calls().into_iter().find(|info| info.index == idx && info.number == num);
assert!(call.is_none(), "Call must not exist in list of calls");
/// Make a new call, manually driving async execution.
fn new_call(
exec: &mut fasync::Executor,
stream: &mut PeerHandlerRequestStream,
num: &str,
state: CallState,
) -> CallRequestStream {
// Get WaitForCall request.
let responder = match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(PeerHandlerRequest::WaitForCall { responder, .. }))) => responder,
result => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", result),
// Respond with a call.
let (client, call) = fidl::endpoints::create_request_stream::<CallMarker>().unwrap();
responder.send(client, num, state).expect("response to succeed");
/// Update call state, manually driving async execution.
fn update_call(exec: &mut fasync::Executor, stream: &mut CallRequestStream, state: CallState) {
// Get WatchState request for call
let responder = match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(CallRequest::WatchState { responder, .. }))) => responder,
result => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", result),
// Respond with a call state.
responder.send(state).expect("response to succeed");
/// Assert the Calls stream is pending, manually driving async execution.
fn assert_poll_pending(exec: &mut fasync::Executor, calls: &mut Calls) {
let result = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut;
/// Return the next item from the Calls stream, manually driving async execution.
/// Panics if the stream does not produce some item.
fn poll_next_item(exec: &mut fasync::Executor, calls: &mut Calls) -> CallIndicatorsUpdates {
let result = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut;
match result {
Poll::Ready(Some(ind)) => ind,
result => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", result),
fn calls_stream_lifecycle() {
// Test the Stream for items when a single call is tracked, then a second call is added,
// when the states of those calls are modified, and finally, when both calls have been
// removed from the stream.
let mut exec = fasync::Executor::new().unwrap();
let (mut calls, mut handler_stream, mut call_1, _idx_1, _num_1) = setup_ongoing_call();
let item = poll_next_item(&mut exec, &mut calls);
let expected = CallIndicatorsUpdates {
callsetup: Some(indicators::CallSetup::Incoming),
assert_eq!(item, expected);
// Stream doesn't have an item ready.
assert_poll_pending(&mut exec, &mut calls);
let mut call_2 = new_call(&mut exec, &mut handler_stream, "2", CallState::OutgoingAlerting);
// There are no new calls in this test so close handler stream.
// Stream has an item ready.
let item = poll_next_item(&mut exec, &mut calls);
// The ready item is OutgoingAlerting even though there is also an IncomingRinging call.
// This is because the OutgoingAlerting call state was reported last.
let expected = CallIndicatorsUpdates {
callsetup: Some(indicators::CallSetup::OutgoingAlerting),
assert_eq!(item, expected);
// Stream doesn't have an item ready.
assert_poll_pending(&mut exec, &mut calls);
update_call(&mut exec, &mut call_1, CallState::OngoingActive);
// Stream has an item ready.
let item = poll_next_item(&mut exec, &mut calls);
// Only indicators that have changed are returned.
let expected = CallIndicatorsUpdates {
call: Some(indicators::Call::Some),
assert_eq!(item, expected);
update_call(&mut exec, &mut call_2, CallState::OngoingHeld);
// Stream has an item ready.
let item = poll_next_item(&mut exec, &mut calls);
let expected = CallIndicatorsUpdates {
callsetup: Some(indicators::CallSetup::None),
callheld: Some(indicators::CallHeld::Held),
assert_eq!(item, expected);
// Stream has an item ready.
let item = poll_next_item(&mut exec, &mut calls);
let expected = CallIndicatorsUpdates {
call: Some(indicators::Call::None),
callheld: Some(indicators::CallHeld::None),
assert_eq!(item, expected);
// Stream doesn't have an item ready.
let result = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut;
assert_matches!(result, Poll::Ready(None));