Get supported hardware capabilities.
#include <zircon/syscalls.h> zx_status_t zx_system_get_features(uint32_t kind, uint32_t* features);
populates features with a bit mask of hardware-specific features. kind indicates the specific type of features to retrieve, e.g. ZX_FEATURE_KIND_CPU. The supported kinds and the meaning of individual feature bits is hardware-dependent. ZX_FEATURE_KIND_VM is not hardware-dependent and returns a bitset currently the only meaningful bit is ZX_VM_FEATURE_CAN_MAP_XOM which is 1 if the system can map pages with execute only permission.
returns ZX_OK on success.
ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED The requested feature kind is not available on this platform.
Refer to Install Fuchsia on a device for supported processor architectures.
Refer to zircon/features.h for kinds of features and individual feature bits.