blob: 37165e592c19ed268e684bd79de236185523ff72 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
diagnostics::{Diagnostics, Event},
ClockCorrectionStrategy, ClockUpdateReason, StartClockSource, Track, WriteRtcOutcome,
time_source_manager::{KernelMonotonicProvider, TimeSourceManager},
fuchsia_async as fasync, fuchsia_zircon as zx,
fmt::{self, Debug},
tracing::{error, info},
/// One million for PPM calculations
const MILLION: i64 = 1_000_000;
/// The maximum clock frequency adjustment that Timekeeper will apply to slew away a UTC error,
/// expressed as a PPM deviation from nominal.
const MAX_RATE_CORRECTION_PPM: i64 = 200;
/// The clock frequency adjustment that Timekeeper will prefer when slewing away a UTC error,
/// expressed as a PPM deviation from nominal.
/// The longest duration for which Timekeeper will apply a clock frequency adjustment in response to
/// a single time update.
const MAX_SLEW_DURATION: zx::Duration = zx::Duration::from_minutes(90);
/// The largest error that may be corrected through slewing at the maximum rate.
const MAX_RATE_MAX_ERROR: zx::Duration =
zx::Duration::from_nanos((MAX_SLEW_DURATION.into_nanos() * MAX_RATE_CORRECTION_PPM) / MILLION);
/// The largest error that may be corrected through slewing at the preferred rate.
const NOMINAL_RATE_MAX_ERROR: zx::Duration = zx::Duration::from_nanos(
/// The change in error bound that requires an update to the reported value. In some conditions
/// error bound may be updated even when it has changed by less than this value.
const ERROR_BOUND_UPDATE: u64 = 100_000_000; // 100ms
/// The interval at which the error bound will be refreshed while no other events are in progress.
const ERROR_REFRESH_INTERVAL: zx::Duration = zx::Duration::from_minutes(6);
/// Describes how a correction will be made to a clock.
enum ClockCorrection {
impl ClockCorrection {
/// Create a `ClockCorrection` to transition a clock from `initial_transform` to
/// `final_transform` starting at a monotonic time of `start_time` and using standard policy for
/// the rates and durations. Error bounds are calculated based on `final_transform`.
fn for_transition(
start_time: zx::Time,
initial_transform: &Transform,
final_transform: &Transform,
) -> Self {
let difference = final_transform.difference(&initial_transform, start_time);
let difference_nanos = difference.into_nanos();
let difference_abs = zx::Duration::from_nanos(difference_nanos.abs());
let sign = if difference_nanos < 0 { -1 } else { 1 };
if difference_abs < NOMINAL_RATE_MAX_ERROR {
let rate = (NOMINAL_RATE_CORRECTION_PPM * sign) as i32;
let duration = (difference_abs * MILLION) / NOMINAL_RATE_CORRECTION_PPM;
ClockCorrection::NominalRateSlew(Slew::new(rate, duration, start_time, final_transform))
} else if difference_abs < MAX_RATE_MAX_ERROR {
// Round rate up to the next greater PPM such that duration will be slightly under
// MAX_SLEW_DURATION rather that slightly over MAX_SLEW_DURATION.
let rate =
(((difference_nanos * MILLION) / MAX_SLEW_DURATION.into_nanos()) + sign) as i32;
let duration = (difference * MILLION) / rate;
ClockCorrection::MaxDurationSlew(Slew::new(rate, duration, start_time, final_transform))
} else {
ClockCorrection::Step(Step::new(difference, start_time, final_transform))
/// Returns the total clock change made by this `ClockCorrection`.
fn difference(&self) -> zx::Duration {
match self {
ClockCorrection::Step(step) => step.difference,
ClockCorrection::NominalRateSlew(slew) | ClockCorrection::MaxDurationSlew(slew) => {
(slew.duration.into_nanos() * slew.slew_rate_adjust as i64) / MILLION,
/// Returns the strategy corresponding to this `ClockCorrection`.
fn strategy(&self) -> ClockCorrectionStrategy {
match self {
ClockCorrection::Step(_) => ClockCorrectionStrategy::Step,
ClockCorrection::NominalRateSlew(_) => ClockCorrectionStrategy::NominalRateSlew,
ClockCorrection::MaxDurationSlew(_) => ClockCorrectionStrategy::MaxDurationSlew,
/// Describes in detail how a clock will be stepped in order to correct time.
struct Step {
/// Change in clock value being made.
difference: zx::Duration,
/// Monotonic time at the step.
monotonic: zx::Time,
/// UTC time after the step.
utc: zx::Time,
/// Rate adjust in PPM after the step.
rate_adjust_ppm: i32,
/// Error bound after the step.
error_bound: u64,
impl Step {
/// Returns a step to move onto the supplied transform at the supplied monotonic time.
fn new(difference: zx::Duration, start_time: zx::Time, final_transform: &Transform) -> Self {
Step {
monotonic: start_time,
utc: final_transform.synthetic(start_time),
rate_adjust_ppm: final_transform.rate_adjust_ppm,
error_bound: final_transform.error_bound(start_time),
/// Returns a zx::ClockUpdate describing the update to make to a clock to implement this `Step`.
fn clock_update(&self) -> zx::ClockUpdate {
.absolute_value(self.monotonic, self.utc)
/// Describes in detail how a clock will be slewed in order to correct time.
struct Slew {
/// Clock rate adjustment to account for estimated oscillator error, in parts per million.
base_rate_adjust: i32,
/// Additional clock rate adjustment to execute the slew, in parts per million.
slew_rate_adjust: i32,
/// Monotonic duration for which the slew is to be maintained.
duration: zx::Duration,
/// Error bound at start of the slew.
start_error_bound: u64,
/// Error bound at completion of the slew.
end_error_bound: u64,
impl Slew {
/// Returns a fully defined slew to achieve the supplied parameters, calculating error bounds
/// using the supplied transform and assuming the slew starts at the supplied monotonic time.
fn new(
slew_rate_adjust: i32,
duration: zx::Duration,
start_time: zx::Time,
final_transform: &Transform,
) -> Self {
let absolute_slew_correction_nanos =
(duration.into_nanos() * slew_rate_adjust as i64).abs() / MILLION;
Slew {
base_rate_adjust: final_transform.rate_adjust_ppm,
// The initial error bound is the estimate error bound plus the entire correction.
start_error_bound: final_transform.error_bound(start_time)
+ absolute_slew_correction_nanos as u64,
end_error_bound: final_transform.error_bound(start_time + duration),
/// Returns the overall rate adjustment applied while the slew is in progress, composed of the
/// base rate due to oscillator error plus an additional rate to conduct the correction.
fn total_rate_adjust(&self) -> i32 {
self.base_rate_adjust + self.slew_rate_adjust
/// Returns a vector of (async::Time, zx::ClockUpdate, ClockUpdateReason) tuples describing the
/// updates to make to a clock during the slew. The first update is guaranteed to be requested
/// immediately.
fn clock_updates(&self) -> Vec<(fasync::Time, zx::ClockUpdate, ClockUpdateReason)> {
// Note: fuchsia_async time can be mocked independently so can't assume its equivalent to
// the supplied monotonic time.
let start_time = fasync::Time::now();
let finish_time = start_time + self.duration;
// For large slews we expect the reduction in error bound while applying the correction to
// exceed the growth in error bound due to oscillator error but there is no guarantee of
// this. If error bound will increase through the slew, just use the worst case throughout.
let begin_error_bound = cmp::max(self.start_error_bound, self.end_error_bound);
// The final vector is composed of an initial update to start the slew...
let mut updates = vec![(
// ... intermediate updates to reduce the error bound if it reduces by more than the
// threshold during the course of the slew ...
if self.start_error_bound > self.end_error_bound + ERROR_BOUND_UPDATE {
let bound_change = (self.start_error_bound - self.end_error_bound) as i64;
let error_update_interval = zx::Duration::from_nanos(
((self.duration.into_nanos() as i128 * ERROR_BOUND_UPDATE as i128)
/ bound_change as i128) as i64,
let mut i: i64 = 1;
while start_time + error_update_interval * i < finish_time {
start_time + error_update_interval * i,
.error_bounds(self.start_error_bound - ERROR_BOUND_UPDATE * i as u64)
i += 1;
// ... and a final update to return the rate to normal.
impl Debug for Slew {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("rate_ppm", &self.slew_rate_adjust)
.field("duration_ms", &self.duration.into_millis())
/// Generates and applies all updates needed to maintain a userspace clock object (and optionally
/// also a real time clock) with accurate UTC time. New time samples are received from a
/// `TimeSourceManager` and a UTC estimate is produced based on these samples by an `Estimator`.
pub struct ClockManager<T: TimeSource, R: Rtc, D: Diagnostics> {
/// The userspace clock to be maintained.
clock: Arc<zx::Clock>,
/// The `TimeSourceManager` that supplies validated samples from a time source.
time_source_manager: TimeSourceManager<T, D, KernelMonotonicProvider>,
/// The `Estimator` that maintains an estimate of the UTC and frequency, populated after the
/// first sample has been received.
estimator: Option<Estimator<D>>,
/// An optional real time clock that will be updated when new UTC estimates are produced.
rtc: Option<R>,
/// A diagnostics implementation for recording events of note.
diagnostics: Arc<D>,
/// The track of the estimate being managed.
track: Track,
/// A task used to complete any delayed clock updates, such as finishing a slew or increasing
/// error bound in the absence of corrections.
delayed_updates: Option<fasync::Task<()>>,
impl<T: TimeSource, R: Rtc, D: 'static + Diagnostics> ClockManager<T, R, D> {
/// Construct a new `ClockManager` and start synchronizing the clock. The returned future
/// will never complete.
pub async fn execute(
clock: Arc<zx::Clock>,
time_source_manager: TimeSourceManager<T, D, KernelMonotonicProvider>,
rtc: Option<R>,
diagnostics: Arc<D>,
track: Track,
) {
ClockManager::new(clock, time_source_manager, rtc, diagnostics, track)
// TODO(jsankey): Once the network availability detection code is in the time sources (so we
// no longer need to wait for network in between initializing the clock from rtc and
// communicating with a time source) add an `execute_from_rtc` method that populates the clock
// with the rtc value before beginning the maintain clock method.
/// Construct a new `ClockManager`.
fn new(
clock: Arc<zx::Clock>,
time_source_manager: TimeSourceManager<T, D, KernelMonotonicProvider>,
rtc: Option<R>,
diagnostics: Arc<D>,
track: Track,
) -> Self {
ClockManager {
estimator: None,
delayed_updates: None,
/// Maintain the clock indefinitely. This future will never complete.
async fn maintain_clock(mut self) {
let details = self.clock.get_details().expect("failed to get UTC clock details");
let mut clock_started =
details.backstop.into_nanos() != details.ticks_to_synthetic.synthetic_offset;
loop {
// Acquire a new sample.
let sample = self.time_source_manager.next_sample().await;
// Feed it to the estimator (or initialize the estimator).
match &mut self.estimator {
Some(estimator) => estimator.update(sample),
None => {
self.estimator =
Some(Estimator::new(self.track, sample, Arc::clone(&self.diagnostics)))
// Note: Both branches of the match led to a populated estimator so safe to unwrap.
let estimator: &mut Estimator<D> = &mut self.estimator.as_mut().unwrap();
// Determine the intended monotonic->UTC transform and start or correct the clock.
let estimate_transform = estimator.transform();
if !clock_started {
clock_started = true;
} else {
// Update the RTC clock if we have one.
/// Starts the clock on the requested monotonic->utc transform, recording diagnostic events.
fn start_clock(&mut self, estimate_transform: &Transform) {
let mono = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
let clock_update = estimate_transform.jump_to(mono);
self.diagnostics.record(Event::StartClock {
track: self.track,
source: StartClockSource::External(self.time_source_manager.role()),
let utc_chrono = Utc.timestamp_nanos(estimate_transform.synthetic(mono).into_nanos());
info!("started {:?} clock from external source at {}", self.track, utc_chrono);
self.set_delayed_update_task(vec![], estimate_transform);
/// Applies a correction to the clock to reach the requested monotonic->utc transform, selecting
/// and applying the most appropriate strategy and recording diagnostic events.
async fn apply_clock_correction(&mut self, estimate_transform: &Transform) {
let track = self.track;
// Any pending clock updates will be superseded by the handling of this one.
if let Some(task) = self.delayed_updates.take() {
let current_transform = Transform::from(self.clock.as_ref());
let mono = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
let correction =
ClockCorrection::for_transition(mono, &current_transform, estimate_transform);
self.record_clock_correction(correction.difference(), correction.strategy());
match correction {
ClockCorrection::MaxDurationSlew(slew) | ClockCorrection::NominalRateSlew(slew) => {
let mut updates = slew.clock_updates();
// The first update is guaranteed to be immediate.
let (_, clock_update, reason) = updates.remove(0);
info!("started {:?} {:?} with {} scheduled updates", track, slew, updates.len());
// Create a task to asynchronously apply all the remaining updates and then increase
// error bound over time.
self.set_delayed_update_task(updates, estimate_transform);
ClockCorrection::Step(step) => {
let utc_chrono =
info!("stepped {:?} clock to {}", self.track, utc_chrono);
// Create a task to asynchronously increase error bound over time.
self.set_delayed_update_task(vec![], estimate_transform);
/// Updates the real time clock to the supplied transform if an RTC is configured.
async fn update_rtc(&mut self, estimate_transform: &Transform) {
// Note RTC only applies to primary so we don't include the track in our log messages.
if let Some(ref rtc) = self.rtc {
let estimate_utc = estimate_transform.synthetic(zx::Time::get_monotonic());
let utc_chrono = Utc.timestamp_nanos(estimate_utc.into_nanos());
match rtc.set(estimate_utc).await {
Err(err) => {
error!("failed to update RTC to {}: {}", utc_chrono, err);
self.diagnostics.record(Event::WriteRtc { outcome: WriteRtcOutcome::Failed });
Ok(()) => {
info!("updated RTC to {}", utc_chrono);
.record(Event::WriteRtc { outcome: WriteRtcOutcome::Succeeded });
/// Sets a task that asynchronously applies the supplied scheduled clock updates and then
/// periodically applies an increase in the error bound indefinitely based on supplied estimate
/// transform.
fn set_delayed_update_task(
&mut self,
scheduled_updates: Vec<(fasync::Time, zx::ClockUpdate, ClockUpdateReason)>,
estimate_transform: &Transform,
) {
let clock = Arc::clone(&self.clock);
let diagnostics = Arc::clone(&self.diagnostics);
let track = self.track;
let transform = estimate_transform.clone();
let async_now = fasync::Time::now();
// The first periodic step in error bound occurs a fixed duration after the last
// scheduled update or after current time if no scheduled updates were supplied.
let mut step_async_time =
scheduled_updates.last().map(|tup| tup.0).unwrap_or(async_now) + ERROR_REFRESH_INTERVAL;
// Updates are supplied in fuchsia_async time for ease of scheduling and unit testing, but
// we need to calculate a corresponding monotonic time to read the absolute error bound.
let mut step_mono_time = zx::Time::get_monotonic() + (step_async_time - async_now);
self.delayed_updates = Some(fasync::Task::spawn(async move {
for (update_time, update, reason) in scheduled_updates.into_iter() {
info!("executing scheduled {:?} clock update: {:?}, {:?}", track, reason, update);
update_clock(&clock, &track, update);
diagnostics.record(Event::UpdateClock { track, reason });
loop {
let step_error_bound = transform.error_bound(step_mono_time);
info!("increasing {:?} error bound to {:?}ns", track, step_error_bound);
.record(Event::UpdateClock { track, reason: ClockUpdateReason::IncreaseError });
step_async_time += ERROR_REFRESH_INTERVAL;
step_mono_time += ERROR_REFRESH_INTERVAL;
/// Applies an update to the clock.
fn update_clock(&mut self, update: impl Into<zx::ClockUpdate>) {
update_clock(&self.clock, &self.track, update);
/// Records the reason for a clock update with diagnostics.
fn record_clock_update(&self, reason: ClockUpdateReason) {
self.diagnostics.record(Event::UpdateClock { track: self.track, reason });
/// Records a correction to the clock with diagnostics.
fn record_clock_correction(&self, correction: zx::Duration, strategy: ClockCorrectionStrategy) {
self.diagnostics.record(Event::ClockCorrection { track: self.track, correction, strategy });
/// Applies an update to the supplied clock, panicking with a comprehensible error on failure.
fn update_clock(clock: &Arc<zx::Clock>, track: &Track, update: impl Into<zx::ClockUpdate>) {
if let Err(status) = clock.update(update) {
// Clock update errors should only be caused by an invalid clock (or potentially a
// serious bug in the generation of a time update). There isn't anything Timekeeper
// could do to gracefully handle them.
panic!("Failed to apply update to {:?} clock: {}", track, status);
mod tests {
use {
diagnostics::{FakeDiagnostics, ANY_DURATION},
enums::{FrequencyDiscardReason, Role, WriteRtcOutcome},
time_source::{Event as TimeSourceEvent, FakeTimeSource, Sample},
fidl_fuchsia_time_external::{self as ftexternal, Status},
fuchsia_async as fasync, fuchsia_zircon as zx,
test_util::{assert_geq, assert_gt, assert_leq, assert_lt, assert_near},
const NANOS_PER_SECOND: i64 = 1_000_000_000;
const TEST_ROLE: Role = Role::Primary;
const SAMPLE_SPACING: zx::Duration = zx::Duration::from_millis(100);
const OFFSET: zx::Duration = zx::Duration::from_seconds(1111_000);
const OFFSET_2: zx::Duration = zx::Duration::from_seconds(2222_000);
const BASE_RATE: i32 = -9;
const BASE_RATE_2: i32 = 2;
const STD_DEV: zx::Duration = zx::Duration::from_millis(88);
const BACKSTOP_TIME: zx::Time = zx::Time::from_nanos(222222 * NANOS_PER_SECOND);
const ERROR_GROWTH_PPM: u32 = 30;
lazy_static! {
static ref TEST_TRACK: Track = Track::from(TEST_ROLE);
static ref CLOCK_OPTS: zx::ClockOpts = zx::ClockOpts::empty();
static ref START_CLOCK_SOURCE: StartClockSource = StartClockSource::External(TEST_ROLE);
/// Creates and starts a new clock with default options.
fn create_clock() -> Arc<zx::Clock> {
let clock = zx::Clock::create(*CLOCK_OPTS, Some(BACKSTOP_TIME)).unwrap();
/// Creates a new `ClockManager` from a time source manager that outputs the supplied samples.
fn create_clock_manager(
clock: Arc<zx::Clock>,
samples: Vec<Sample>,
final_time_source_status: Option<ftexternal::Status>,
rtc: Option<FakeRtc>,
diagnostics: Arc<FakeDiagnostics>,
) -> ClockManager<FakeTimeSource, FakeRtc, FakeDiagnostics> {
let mut events: Vec<TimeSourceEvent> =
samples.into_iter().map(|sample| TimeSourceEvent::from(sample)).collect();
events.insert(0, TimeSourceEvent::StatusChange { status: ftexternal::Status::Ok });
if let Some(status) = final_time_source_status {
events.push(TimeSourceEvent::StatusChange { status });
let time_source = FakeTimeSource::events(events);
let time_source_manager = TimeSourceManager::new_with_delays_disabled(
ClockManager::new(clock, time_source_manager, rtc, diagnostics, *TEST_TRACK)
/// Creates a new transform.
fn create_transform(
monotonic: zx::Time,
synthetic: zx::Time,
rate_adjust_ppm: i32,
std_dev: zx::Duration,
) -> Transform {
Transform {
monotonic_offset: monotonic.into_nanos(),
synthetic_offset: synthetic.into_nanos(),
error_bound_at_offset: 2 * std_dev.into_nanos() as u64,
error_bound_growth_ppm: ERROR_GROWTH_PPM,
fn clock_correction_for_transition_nominal_rate_slew() {
let mono = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
// Note the initial transform has a reference point before monotonic_ref and has been
// running since then with a small rate adjustment.
let initial_transform =
create_transform(mono - 1.minute(), mono - 1.minute() + OFFSET, BASE_RATE, 0.nanos());
let final_transform =
create_transform(mono, mono + OFFSET + 50.millis(), BASE_RATE_2, STD_DEV);
let correction =
ClockCorrection::for_transition(mono, &initial_transform, &final_transform);
let expected_difference =
zx::Duration::from_nanos(1.minute().into_nanos() * -BASE_RATE as i64 / MILLION)
+ 50.millis();
assert_eq!(correction.difference(), expected_difference);
// The values chosen for rates and offset differences mean this is a nominal rate slew.
let expected_duration = (expected_difference * MILLION) / NOMINAL_RATE_CORRECTION_PPM;
let expected_start_error_bound =
final_transform.error_bound(mono) + expected_difference.into_nanos() as u64;
let expected_end_error_bound = final_transform.error_bound(mono + expected_duration);
assert_eq!(correction.strategy(), ClockCorrectionStrategy::NominalRateSlew);
match correction {
ClockCorrection::NominalRateSlew(slew) => {
assert_eq!(slew.base_rate_adjust, BASE_RATE_2);
assert_eq!(slew.slew_rate_adjust, NOMINAL_RATE_CORRECTION_PPM as i32);
assert_eq!(slew.total_rate_adjust(), slew.slew_rate_adjust + slew.base_rate_adjust);
assert_eq!(slew.duration, expected_duration);
assert_eq!(slew.start_error_bound, expected_start_error_bound);
assert_eq!(slew.end_error_bound, expected_end_error_bound);
_ => panic!("incorrect clock correction type returned"),
fn clock_correction_for_transition_max_duration_slew() {
let mono = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
let initial_transform = create_transform(mono, mono + OFFSET, BASE_RATE, STD_DEV);
let final_transform =
create_transform(mono, mono + OFFSET - 500.millis(), BASE_RATE, STD_DEV);
let correction =
ClockCorrection::for_transition(mono, &initial_transform, &final_transform);
let expected_difference = (-500).millis();
// Note there is a slight loss of precision in converting from a difference to a rate for
// a duration.
assert_near!(correction.difference().into_nanos(), expected_difference.into_nanos(), 10);
// The value chosen for offset difference means this is a max duration slew.
let expected_duration = 5376344086021.nanos();
let expected_rate = -93;
let expected_start_error_bound =
final_transform.error_bound(mono) + correction.difference().into_nanos().abs() as u64;
let expected_end_error_bound = final_transform.error_bound(mono + expected_duration);
assert_eq!(correction.strategy(), ClockCorrectionStrategy::MaxDurationSlew);
match correction {
ClockCorrection::MaxDurationSlew(slew) => {
assert_eq!(slew.base_rate_adjust, BASE_RATE);
assert_eq!(slew.slew_rate_adjust, expected_rate);
assert_eq!(slew.total_rate_adjust(), slew.slew_rate_adjust + slew.base_rate_adjust);
assert_eq!(slew.duration, expected_duration);
assert_eq!(slew.start_error_bound, expected_start_error_bound);
assert_eq!(slew.end_error_bound, expected_end_error_bound);
_ => panic!("incorrect clock correction type returned"),
fn clock_correction_for_transition_step() {
let mono = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
let initial_transform =
create_transform(mono - 1.minute(), mono - 1.minute() + OFFSET, 0, 0.nanos());
let final_transform =
create_transform(mono, mono + OFFSET + 1.hour(), BASE_RATE_2, STD_DEV);
let correction =
ClockCorrection::for_transition(mono, &initial_transform, &final_transform);
let expected_difference = 1.hour();
assert_eq!(correction.difference(), expected_difference);
assert_eq!(correction.strategy(), ClockCorrectionStrategy::Step);
match correction {
ClockCorrection::Step(step) => {
assert_eq!(step.clock_update(), final_transform.jump_to(mono));
_ => panic!("incorrect clock correction type returned"),
fn slew_clock_updates_fn() {
let executor = fasync::TestExecutor::new_with_fake_time().unwrap();
// Simple constructor lambdas to improve readability of the test logic.
let full_update = |rate: i32, error_bound: u64| -> zx::ClockUpdate {
let error_update = |error_bound: u64| -> zx::ClockUpdate {
let time_seconds =
|seconds: i64| -> fasync::Time { fasync::Time::from_nanos(seconds * NANOS_PER_SECOND) };
// A short slew should contain no error bound updates.
let slew = Slew {
base_rate_adjust: 5,
slew_rate_adjust: -20,
duration: 10.seconds(),
start_error_bound: 9_000_000,
end_error_bound: 1_000_000,
full_update(slew.total_rate_adjust(), slew.start_error_bound),
full_update(slew.base_rate_adjust, slew.end_error_bound),
// A larger slew should contain as many error bound reductions as needed.
let slew = Slew {
base_rate_adjust: 3,
slew_rate_adjust: 80,
duration: 10.hour(),
start_error_bound: 800_000_000,
end_error_bound: 550_000_000,
let update_interval_nanos =
((slew.duration.into_nanos() as i128 * ERROR_BOUND_UPDATE as i128)
/ (slew.start_error_bound - slew.end_error_bound) as i128) as i64;
full_update(slew.total_rate_adjust(), slew.start_error_bound),
error_update(slew.start_error_bound - ERROR_BOUND_UPDATE),
fasync::Time::from_nanos(2 * update_interval_nanos),
error_update(slew.start_error_bound - 2 * ERROR_BOUND_UPDATE),
full_update(slew.base_rate_adjust, slew.end_error_bound),
// When the error reduction from applying the correction is smaller than the growth from the
// oscillator uncertainty the error bound should be fixed at the final value with no
// intermediate updates.
let slew = Slew {
base_rate_adjust: 0,
slew_rate_adjust: -2,
duration: 10.hour(),
start_error_bound: 200_000_000,
end_error_bound: 800_000_000,
full_update(slew.total_rate_adjust(), slew.end_error_bound),
full_update(slew.base_rate_adjust, slew.end_error_bound),
fn single_update_with_rtc() {
let mut executor = fasync::TestExecutor::new().unwrap();
let clock = create_clock();
let rtc = FakeRtc::valid(BACKSTOP_TIME);
let diagnostics = Arc::new(FakeDiagnostics::new());
// Create a clock manager.
let monotonic_ref = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
let clock_manager = create_clock_manager(
vec![Sample::new(monotonic_ref + OFFSET, monotonic_ref, STD_DEV)],
// Maintain the clock until no more work remains.
let monotonic_before = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
let mut fut = clock_manager.maintain_clock().boxed();
let _ = executor.run_until_stalled(&mut fut);
let updated_utc =;
let monotonic_after = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
// Check that the clocks have been updated. The UTC should be bounded by the offset we
// supplied added to the monotonic window in which the calculation took place.
assert_geq!(updated_utc, monotonic_before + OFFSET);
assert_leq!(updated_utc, monotonic_after + OFFSET);
assert_geq!(rtc.last_set().unwrap(), monotonic_before + OFFSET);
assert_leq!(rtc.last_set().unwrap(), monotonic_after + OFFSET);
// Check that the correct diagnostic events were logged.
Event::TimeSourceStatus { role: TEST_ROLE, status: Status::Ok },
Event::KalmanFilterUpdated {
track: *TEST_TRACK,
monotonic: monotonic_ref,
utc: monotonic_ref + OFFSET,
sqrt_covariance: STD_DEV,
Event::StartClock { track: *TEST_TRACK, source: *START_CLOCK_SOURCE },
Event::WriteRtc { outcome: WriteRtcOutcome::Succeeded },
fn single_update_without_rtc() {
let mut executor = fasync::TestExecutor::new().unwrap();
let clock = create_clock();
let diagnostics = Arc::new(FakeDiagnostics::new());
let monotonic_ref = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
let clock_manager = create_clock_manager(
vec![Sample::new(monotonic_ref + OFFSET, monotonic_ref, STD_DEV)],
// Maintain the clock until no more work remains
let monotonic_before = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
let mut fut = clock_manager.maintain_clock().boxed();
let _ = executor.run_until_stalled(&mut fut);
let updated_utc =;
let monotonic_after = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
// Check that the clock has been updated. The UTC should be bounded by the offset we
// supplied added to the monotonic window in which the calculation took place.
assert_geq!(updated_utc, monotonic_before + OFFSET);
assert_leq!(updated_utc, monotonic_after + OFFSET);
// If we keep waiting the error bound should increase in the absence of updates.
let details1 = clock.get_details().unwrap();
let _ = executor.run_until_stalled(&mut fut);
let details2 = clock.get_details().unwrap();
assert_eq!(details2.mono_to_synthetic, details1.mono_to_synthetic);
assert_gt!(details2.error_bounds, details1.error_bounds);
let _ = executor.run_until_stalled(&mut fut);
let details3 = clock.get_details().unwrap();
assert_eq!(details3.mono_to_synthetic, details1.mono_to_synthetic);
assert_gt!(details3.error_bounds, details2.error_bounds);
// Check that the correct diagnostic events were logged.
Event::TimeSourceStatus { role: TEST_ROLE, status: Status::Ok },
Event::KalmanFilterUpdated {
track: *TEST_TRACK,
monotonic: monotonic_ref,
utc: monotonic_ref + OFFSET,
sqrt_covariance: STD_DEV,
Event::StartClock { track: *TEST_TRACK, source: *START_CLOCK_SOURCE },
Event::UpdateClock { track: *TEST_TRACK, reason: ClockUpdateReason::IncreaseError },
Event::UpdateClock { track: *TEST_TRACK, reason: ClockUpdateReason::IncreaseError },
fn subsequent_updates_accepted() {
let mut executor = fasync::TestExecutor::new().unwrap();
let clock = create_clock();
let diagnostics = Arc::new(FakeDiagnostics::new());
let monotonic_ref = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
let clock_manager = create_clock_manager(
monotonic_ref - SAMPLE_SPACING + OFFSET,
monotonic_ref - SAMPLE_SPACING,
Sample::new(monotonic_ref + OFFSET_2, monotonic_ref, STD_DEV),
// Maintain the clock until no more work remains
let monotonic_before = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
let mut fut = clock_manager.maintain_clock().boxed();
let _ = executor.run_until_stalled(&mut fut);
let updated_utc =;
let monotonic_after = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
// Since we used the same covariance for the first two samples the offset in the Kalman
// filter is roughly midway between the sample offsets, but slight closer to the second
// because oscillator uncertainty.
let expected_offset = 1666500000080699.nanos();
// Check that the clock has been updated. The UTC should be bounded by the expected offset
// added to the monotonic window in which the calculation took place.
assert_geq!(updated_utc, monotonic_before + expected_offset);
assert_leq!(updated_utc, monotonic_after + expected_offset);
// Check that the correct diagnostic events were logged.
Event::TimeSourceStatus { role: TEST_ROLE, status: Status::Ok },
Event::KalmanFilterUpdated {
track: *TEST_TRACK,
monotonic: monotonic_ref - SAMPLE_SPACING,
utc: monotonic_ref - SAMPLE_SPACING + OFFSET,
sqrt_covariance: STD_DEV,
Event::StartClock { track: *TEST_TRACK, source: *START_CLOCK_SOURCE },
Event::KalmanFilterUpdated {
track: *TEST_TRACK,
monotonic: monotonic_ref,
utc: monotonic_ref + expected_offset,
sqrt_covariance: 62225396.nanos(),
Event::FrequencyWindowDiscarded {
track: *TEST_TRACK,
reason: FrequencyDiscardReason::TimeStep,
Event::ClockCorrection {
track: *TEST_TRACK,
correction: ANY_DURATION,
strategy: ClockCorrectionStrategy::Step,
Event::UpdateClock { track: *TEST_TRACK, reason: ClockUpdateReason::TimeStep },
fn correction_by_slew() {
let mut executor = fasync::TestExecutor::new().unwrap();
// Calculate a small change in offset that will be corrected by slewing and is large enough
// to require an error bound reduction. Note the tests doesn't have to actually wait this
// long since we can manually trigger async timers.
let delta_offset = 600.millis();
let filtered_delta_offset = delta_offset / 2;
let clock = create_clock();
let diagnostics = Arc::new(FakeDiagnostics::new());
let monotonic_ref = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
let clock_manager = create_clock_manager(
monotonic_ref - SAMPLE_SPACING + OFFSET,
monotonic_ref - SAMPLE_SPACING,
Sample::new(monotonic_ref + OFFSET + delta_offset, monotonic_ref, STD_DEV),
// Leave the time source in network unavailable after its sent the samples so it
// doesn't get killed for being unresponsive while the slew is applied.
// Maintain the clock until no more work remains, which should correspond to having started
// a clock skew but blocking on the timer to end it.
let monotonic_before = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
let mut fut = clock_manager.maintain_clock().boxed();
let _ = executor.run_until_stalled(&mut fut);
let updated_utc =;
let details = clock.get_details().unwrap();
let monotonic_after = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
// The clock time should still be very close to the original value but the details should
// show that a rate change is in progress.
assert_geq!(updated_utc, monotonic_before + OFFSET);
assert_leq!(updated_utc, monotonic_after + OFFSET + filtered_delta_offset);
assert_geq!(details.mono_to_synthetic.rate.synthetic_ticks, 1000050);
assert_eq!(details.mono_to_synthetic.rate.reference_ticks, 1000000);
assert_geq!(details.last_rate_adjust_update_ticks, details.last_value_update_ticks);
// After waiting for the first deferred update the clock should still be still at the
// modified rate with a smaller error bound.
let _ = executor.run_until_stalled(&mut fut);
let details2 = clock.get_details().unwrap();
assert_geq!(details2.mono_to_synthetic.rate.synthetic_ticks, 1000050);
assert_eq!(details2.mono_to_synthetic.rate.reference_ticks, 1000000);
assert_lt!(details2.error_bounds, details.error_bounds);
// After waiting for the next deferred update the clock should be back to the original rate
// with an even smaller error bound.
let _ = executor.run_until_stalled(&mut fut);
let details3 = clock.get_details().unwrap();
assert_eq!(details3.mono_to_synthetic.rate.synthetic_ticks, 1000000);
assert_eq!(details3.mono_to_synthetic.rate.reference_ticks, 1000000);
assert_lt!(details3.error_bounds, details2.error_bounds);
// If we keep on waiting the error bound should keep increasing in the absence of updates.
let _ = executor.run_until_stalled(&mut fut);
let details4 = clock.get_details().unwrap();
assert_eq!(details4.mono_to_synthetic, details3.mono_to_synthetic);
assert_gt!(details4.error_bounds, details3.error_bounds);
let _ = executor.run_until_stalled(&mut fut);
let details5 = clock.get_details().unwrap();
assert_eq!(details5.mono_to_synthetic, details3.mono_to_synthetic);
assert_gt!(details5.error_bounds, details4.error_bounds);
// Check that the correct diagnostic events were logged.
Event::TimeSourceStatus { role: TEST_ROLE, status: Status::Ok },
Event::KalmanFilterUpdated {
track: *TEST_TRACK,
monotonic: monotonic_ref - SAMPLE_SPACING,
utc: monotonic_ref - SAMPLE_SPACING + OFFSET,
sqrt_covariance: STD_DEV,
Event::StartClock { track: *TEST_TRACK, source: *START_CLOCK_SOURCE },
Event::KalmanFilterUpdated {
track: *TEST_TRACK,
monotonic: monotonic_ref,
utc: monotonic_ref + OFFSET + filtered_delta_offset,
sqrt_covariance: 62225396.nanos(),
Event::ClockCorrection {
track: *TEST_TRACK,
correction: ANY_DURATION,
strategy: ClockCorrectionStrategy::MaxDurationSlew,
Event::UpdateClock { track: *TEST_TRACK, reason: ClockUpdateReason::BeginSlew },
Event::TimeSourceStatus { role: TEST_ROLE, status: Status::Network },
Event::UpdateClock { track: *TEST_TRACK, reason: ClockUpdateReason::ReduceError },
Event::UpdateClock { track: *TEST_TRACK, reason: ClockUpdateReason::EndSlew },
Event::UpdateClock { track: *TEST_TRACK, reason: ClockUpdateReason::IncreaseError },
Event::UpdateClock { track: *TEST_TRACK, reason: ClockUpdateReason::IncreaseError },