blob: 5fff839dfd968f731fe298304a5a22d7e04ddfd6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "h264_decoder.h"
#include <lib/media/codec_impl/codec_buffer.h>
#include <lib/media/codec_impl/codec_frame.h>
#include <lib/media/codec_impl/codec_packet.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include "firmware_blob.h"
#include "macros.h"
#include "memory_barriers.h"
#include "pts_manager.h"
#include "util.h"
// TODO(35200):
// Change these to InternalBuffer:
// InputContext::buffer - optionally secure
// (done) reference_mv_buffer_ - optionally secure
// (done) codec_data_ - optionally secure
// (done) sei_data_buffer_ - optionally secure
// Plumb is_secure to each of the above.
// (Fine as io_bufer_t for now:
// * loading firmware uses video_firmware TA when possible, so io_buffer_t when
// !is_tee_available_ is fine.
// * secondary_firmware_ - same as for main firmware.
static const uint32_t kBufferAlignShift = 4 + 12;
static const uint32_t kBufferAlign = 1 << kBufferAlignShift;
constexpr uint32_t kMaxActualDPBSize = 24;
// AvScratch1
class StreamInfo : public TypedRegisterBase<DosRegisterIo, StreamInfo, uint32_t> {
DEF_FIELD(7, 0, width_in_mbs);
DEF_FIELD(23, 8, total_mbs);
DEF_FIELD(30, 24, max_reference_size);
DEF_BIT(31, mv_size_flag);
static auto Get() { return AddrType(0x09c1 * 4); }
// AvScratch2
class SequenceInfo : public TypedRegisterBase<DosRegisterIo, SequenceInfo, uint32_t> {
DEF_BIT(0, aspect_ratio_info_present_flag);
DEF_BIT(1, timing_info_present_flag);
DEF_BIT(4, pic_struct_present_flag);
// relatively lower-confidence vs. other bits - not confirmed
DEF_BIT(6, fixed_frame_rate_flag);
DEF_FIELD(14, 13, chroma_format_idc);
DEF_BIT(15, frame_mbs_only_flag);
DEF_FIELD(23, 16, aspect_ratio_idc);
static auto Get() { return AddrType(0x09c2 * 4); }
// AvScratch3
class SampleAspectRatioInfo
: public TypedRegisterBase<DosRegisterIo, SampleAspectRatioInfo, uint32_t> {
DEF_FIELD(15, 0, sar_width);
DEF_FIELD(31, 16, sar_height);
static auto Get() { return AddrType(0x09c3 * 4); }
// AvScratch6
class CropInfo : public TypedRegisterBase<DosRegisterIo, CropInfo, uint32_t> {
// All quantities are the number of pixels to be cropped from each side.
DEF_FIELD(7, 0, bottom);
DEF_FIELD(15, 8, top); // Ignored
DEF_FIELD(23, 16, right);
DEF_FIELD(31, 24, left); // Ignored
static auto Get() { return AddrType(0x09c6 * 4); }
// AvScratchF
class CodecSettings : public TypedRegisterBase<DosRegisterIo, CodecSettings, uint32_t> {
DEF_BIT(1, trickmode_i);
DEF_BIT(2, zeroed0);
DEF_BIT(3, drop_b_frames);
DEF_BIT(4, error_recovery_mode);
DEF_BIT(5, zeroed1);
DEF_BIT(6, ip_frames_only);
DEF_BIT(7, disable_fast_poc);
static auto Get() { return AddrType(0x09cf * 4); }
// AvScratchInfo1+
class PicInfo : public TypedRegisterBase<DosRegisterIo, PicInfo, uint32_t> {
DEF_FIELD(4, 0, buffer_index);
DEF_BIT(9, error);
DEF_BIT(15, eos);
DEF_FIELD(31, 16, stream_offset);
static auto Get(uint32_t i) { return AddrType((0x09c1 + i) * 4); }
// 0 means "Unspecified"
constexpr uint32_t kAspectRatioIdcExtendedSar = 255;
// This struct type doesn't need a name, since we only read this one static
// instance.
struct {
const uint8_t sar_width;
const uint8_t sar_height;
} kSarTable[] = {
// 0 - entry 0 in this table is never read, but it's only 2 bytes so we just
// let it exist since subtracting 1 from aspect_ratio_idc would probably
// take
// ~2 code bytes or more anyway.
{0, 0},
// 1
{1, 1},
// 2
{12, 11},
// 3
{10, 11},
// 4
{16, 11},
// 5
{40, 33},
// 6
{24, 11},
// 7
{20, 11},
// 8
{32, 11},
// 9
{80, 33},
// 10
{18, 11},
// 11
{15, 11},
// 12
{64, 33},
// 13
{160, 99},
// 14
{4, 3},
// 15
{3, 2},
// 16
{2, 1},
static uint32_t GetMaxDpbSize(uint32_t level_idc, uint32_t width_in_mbs, uint32_t height_in_mbs) {
// From Table A-1 of the h.264 spec.
uint32_t max_dpb_mbs;
switch (level_idc) {
case 10:
max_dpb_mbs = 396;
case 11:
max_dpb_mbs = 900;
case 12:
case 13:
case 20:
max_dpb_mbs = 2376;
case 21:
max_dpb_mbs = 4752;
case 22:
case 30:
max_dpb_mbs = 8100;
case 31:
max_dpb_mbs = 18000;
case 32:
max_dpb_mbs = 20480;
case 40:
case 41:
max_dpb_mbs = 32768;
case 42:
max_dpb_mbs = 34816;
case 50:
max_dpb_mbs = 110400;
case 51:
case 52:
max_dpb_mbs = 184320;
case 60:
case 61:
case 62:
max_dpb_mbs = 696320;
return 0;
uint32_t num_mbs = width_in_mbs * height_in_mbs;
if (!num_mbs)
return 0;
return std::min(16u, (max_dpb_mbs + num_mbs - 1) / num_mbs);
H264Decoder::~H264Decoder() {
// ~reference_mv_buffer_
// ~sei_data_buffer_
// ~codec_data_
zx_status_t H264Decoder::ResetHardware() {
DosSwReset0::Get().FromValue((1 << 7) | (1 << 6) | (1 << 4)).WriteTo(owner_->dosbus());
// Reads are used for delaying running later code.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
DosSwReset0::Get().FromValue((1 << 7) | (1 << 6) | (1 << 4)).WriteTo(owner_->dosbus());
DosSwReset0::Get().FromValue((1 << 9) | (1 << 8)).WriteTo(owner_->dosbus());
// Reads are used for delaying running later code.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
auto temp = PowerCtlVld::Get().ReadFrom(owner_->dosbus());
temp.set_reg_value(temp.reg_value() | (1 << 9) | (1 << 6));
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t H264Decoder::LoadSecondaryFirmware(const uint8_t* data, uint32_t firmware_size) {
// For some reason, some portions of the firmware aren't loaded into the
// hardware directly, but are kept in main memory.
constexpr uint32_t kSecondaryFirmwareSize = 4 * 1024;
constexpr uint32_t kSecondaryFirmwareBufferSize = kSecondaryFirmwareSize * 5;
zx_status_t status = io_buffer_init_aligned(&secondary_firmware_, owner_->bti()->get(),
kSecondaryFirmwareBufferSize, kBufferAlignShift,
if (status != ZX_OK) {
DECODE_ERROR("Failed to make second firmware buffer: %d", status);
return status;
SetIoBufferName(&secondary_firmware_, "H264SecondaryFirmware");
auto addr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(io_buffer_virt(&secondary_firmware_));
// The secondary firmware is in a different order in the file than the main
// firmware expects it to have.
memcpy(addr + 0, data + 0x4000, kSecondaryFirmwareSize); // header
memcpy(addr + 0x1000, data + 0x2000, kSecondaryFirmwareSize); // data
memcpy(addr + 0x2000, data + 0x6000, kSecondaryFirmwareSize); // mmc
memcpy(addr + 0x3000, data + 0x3000, kSecondaryFirmwareSize); // list
memcpy(addr + 0x4000, data + 0x5000, kSecondaryFirmwareSize); // slice
io_buffer_cache_flush(&secondary_firmware_, 0, kSecondaryFirmwareBufferSize);
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t H264Decoder::Initialize() {
uint8_t* data;
uint32_t firmware_size;
zx_status_t status =
owner_->SetProtected(VideoDecoder::Owner::ProtectableHardwareUnit::kVdec, is_secure_);
if (status != ZX_OK)
return status;
if (owner_->is_tee_available()) {
status = owner_->TeeSmcLoadVideoFirmware(FirmwareBlob::FirmwareType::kDec_H264,
if (status != ZX_OK) {
LOG(ERROR, "owner_->TeeSmcLoadVideoFirmware() failed - status: %d", status);
return status;
} else {
status = owner_->firmware_blob()->GetFirmwareData(FirmwareBlob::FirmwareType::kDec_H264, &data,
if (status != ZX_OK)
return status;
status = owner_->core()->LoadFirmware(data, firmware_size);
if (status != ZX_OK)
return status;
status = LoadSecondaryFirmware(data, firmware_size);
if (status != ZX_OK)
return status;
BarrierAfterFlush(); // After secondary_firmware_ cache is flushed to RAM.
if (!WaitForRegister(std::chrono::milliseconds(100), [this]() {
return !(DcacDmaCtrl::Get().ReadFrom(owner_->dosbus()).reg_value() & 0x8000);
})) {
DECODE_ERROR("Waiting for DCAC DMA timed out\n");
if (!WaitForRegister(std::chrono::milliseconds(100), [this]() {
return !(LmemDmaCtrl::Get().ReadFrom(owner_->dosbus()).reg_value() & 0x8000);
})) {
DECODE_ERROR("Waiting for LMEM DMA timed out\n");
status = ResetHardware();
if (status != ZX_OK)
return status;
// TODO(34192): After sysmem has min_base_phys_address_divisor, use that to avoid over-allocating
// and rounding up here.
const uint32_t kCodecDataSize = 0x1ee000 + kBufferAlign;
auto codec_data_create_result = InternalBuffer::Create(
"H264CodecData", &owner_->SysmemAllocatorSyncPtr(), owner_->bti(), kCodecDataSize, is_secure_,
/*is_writable=*/true, /*is_mapping_needed*/ false);
if (!codec_data_create_result.is_ok()) {
LOG(ERROR, "Failed to make codec data buffer - status: %d", codec_data_create_result.error());
return codec_data_create_result.error();
zx_paddr_t aligned_codec_data_phys = fbl::round_up(codec_data_->phys_base(), kBufferAlign);
// sysmem ensures that newly allocated buffers are zeroed and flushed, to extent possible, so
// codec_data_ doesn't need CacheFlush() here.
enum {
kBufferStartAddressOffset = 0x1000000,
// This may wrap if the address is less than the buffer start offset.
uint32_t buffer_offset = truncate_to_32(aligned_codec_data_phys) - kBufferStartAddressOffset;
// TODO(34192): After sysmem has min_base_phys_address_divisor, use that to avoid over-allocating
// and rounding up here.
constexpr uint32_t kSeiBufferSize = 8 * 1024 + kBufferAlign;
// Sei data buffer must be readable from CPU (though we don't actually use it
// yet).
auto sei_create_result = InternalBuffer::Create("H264SeiData", &owner_->SysmemAllocatorSyncPtr(),
owner_->bti(), kSeiBufferSize, false,
/*is_writable=*/true, /*is_mapping_neede=*/false);
if (!sei_create_result.is_ok()) {
LOG(ERROR, "Failed to make sei data buffer - status: %d", sei_create_result.error());
return sei_create_result.error();
zx_paddr_t sei_data_buffer_aligned_phys =
fbl::round_up(sei_data_buffer_->phys_base(), kBufferAlign);
// Sysmem has zeroed sei_data_buffer_, flushed the zeroes, and fenced the flush, to extent
// possible.
.FromValue(truncate_to_32(sei_data_buffer_aligned_phys) - buffer_offset)
return ZX_OK;
void H264Decoder::InitializedFrames(std::vector<CodecFrame> frames, uint32_t coded_width,
uint32_t coded_height, uint32_t stride) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(state_ == DecoderState::kWaitingForNewFrames);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(coded_width == stride);
uint32_t frame_count = frames.size();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < frame_count; ++i) {
auto frame = std::make_shared<VideoFrame>();
// While we'd like to pass in IO_BUFFER_CONTIG, since we know the VMO was
// allocated with zx_vmo_create_contiguous(), the io_buffer_init_vmo()
// treats that flag as an invalid argument, so instead we have to pretend as
// if it's a non-contiguous VMO, then validate that the VMO is actually
// contiguous later in aml_canvas_config() called by
// owner_->ConfigureCanvas() below.
zx_status_t status = io_buffer_init_vmo(
&frame->buffer, owner_->bti()->get(),
frames[i], 0, IO_BUFFER_RW);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
DECODE_ERROR("Failed to io_buffer_init_vmo() for frame - status: %d\n", status);
io_buffer_cache_flush(&frame->buffer, 0, io_buffer_size(&frame->buffer, 0));
frame->hw_width = coded_width;
frame->hw_height = coded_height;
frame->coded_width = coded_width;
frame->coded_height = coded_height;
frame->stride = stride;
frame->uv_plane_offset = stride * coded_height;
frame->display_width = display_width_;
frame->display_height = display_height_;
frame->index = i;
// can be nullptr
frame->codec_buffer = frames[i].codec_buffer_ptr;
if (frames[i].codec_buffer_ptr) {
// The ConfigureCanvas() calls validate that the VMO is physically
// contiguous, regardless of how the VMO was created.
auto y_canvas =
owner_->ConfigureCanvas(&frame->buffer, 0, frame->stride, frame->coded_height, 0, 0);
auto uv_canvas = owner_->ConfigureCanvas(&frame->buffer, frame->uv_plane_offset, frame->stride,
frame->coded_height / 2, 0, 0);
if (!y_canvas || !uv_canvas) {
.FromValue((uv_canvas->index() << 16) | (uv_canvas->index() << 8) | (y_canvas->index()))
video_frames_.push_back({std::move(frame), std::move(y_canvas), std::move(uv_canvas)});
uint32_t actual_dpb_size = frame_count;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(actual_dpb_size <= kMaxActualDPBSize);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(next_mv_buffer_count_ <= next_max_dpb_size_ + 1);
uint32_t av_scratch0 =
(next_mv_buffer_count_ << 24) | (actual_dpb_size << 16) | (next_max_dpb_size_ << 8);
state_ = DecoderState::kRunning;
zx_status_t H264Decoder::InitializeFrames(uint32_t min_frame_count, uint32_t max_frame_count,
uint32_t coded_width, uint32_t coded_height,
uint32_t display_width, uint32_t display_height,
bool has_sar, uint32_t sar_width, uint32_t sar_height) {
DLOG("InitializeFrames() display_width: %u display_height: %u", display_width, display_height);
uint32_t stride = coded_width;
display_width_ = display_width;
display_height_ = display_height;
// Regardless of local allocation of VMOs or remote allocation of VMOs, we
// first represent the frames this way. This representation conveys the
// potentially-non-zero offset into the VMO, and allows sharing code further
// down.
std::vector<CodecFrame> frames;
::zx::bti duplicated_bti;
zx_status_t dup_result = owner_->bti()->duplicate(ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &duplicated_bti);
if (dup_result != ZX_OK) {
DECODE_ERROR("Failed to duplicate BTI - status: %d\n", dup_result);
return dup_result;
zx_status_t initialize_result = client_->InitializeFrames(
std::move(duplicated_bti), min_frame_count, max_frame_count, coded_width, coded_height,
stride, display_width, display_height, has_sar, sar_width, sar_height);
if (initialize_result != ZX_OK) {
if (initialize_result != ZX_ERR_STOP) {
DECODE_ERROR("initialize_frames_handler_() failed - status: %d\n", initialize_result);
return initialize_result;
return ZX_OK;
void H264Decoder::ReturnFrame(std::shared_ptr<VideoFrame> video_frame) {
void H264Decoder::TryReturnFrames() {
while (!returned_frames_.empty()) {
std::shared_ptr<VideoFrame> frame = returned_frames_.back();
if (frame->index >= video_frames_.size() || frame != video_frames_[frame->index].frame) {
// Possible if the stream size changed.
if (AvScratch7::Get().ReadFrom(owner_->dosbus()).reg_value() == 0) {
AvScratch7::Get().FromValue(frame->index + 1).WriteTo(owner_->dosbus());
} else if (AvScratch8::Get().ReadFrom(owner_->dosbus()).reg_value() == 0) {
AvScratch8::Get().FromValue(frame->index + 1).WriteTo(owner_->dosbus());
} else {
// Neither return slot is free, so give up for now. An interrupt
// signaling completion of a frame should cause this to be tried again.
// TODO: Try returning frames again after a delay, to ensure this won't
// hang forever.
zx_status_t H264Decoder::InitializeStream() {
LOG(INFO, "H264Decoder::InitializeStream()");
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(state_ == DecoderState::kRunning);
state_ = DecoderState::kWaitingForNewFrames;
BarrierBeforeRelease(); // For reference_mv_buffer_
// Ensure empty; may or may not be set at this point.
// StreamInfo AKA AvScratch1.
auto stream_info = StreamInfo::Get().ReadFrom(owner_->dosbus());
// SequenceInfo AKA AvScratch2.
auto sequence_info = SequenceInfo::Get().ReadFrom(owner_->dosbus());
// SampleAspectRatioInfo AKA AvScratch3
auto sar_info = SampleAspectRatioInfo::Get().ReadFrom(owner_->dosbus());
uint32_t level_idc = AvScratchA::Get().ReadFrom(owner_->dosbus()).reg_value();
uint32_t mb_mv_byte = stream_info.mv_size_flag() ? 24 : 96;
uint32_t mb_width = stream_info.width_in_mbs();
if (!mb_width && stream_info.total_mbs())
mb_width = 256;
if (!mb_width) {
DECODE_ERROR("Width is 0 macroblocks\n");
// Not returning ZX_ERR_IO_DATA_INTEGRITY, because this isn't an explicit
// integrity check.
uint32_t mb_height = stream_info.total_mbs() / mb_width;
constexpr uint32_t kMaxDimension = 4096;
constexpr uint32_t kMacroblockPixels = 16;
if (mb_width > kMaxDimension / kMacroblockPixels ||
mb_height > kMaxDimension / kMacroblockPixels) {
DECODE_ERROR("Unsupported dimensions %dx%d macroblocks\n", mb_width, mb_height);
uint32_t max_dpb_size = GetMaxDpbSize(level_idc, mb_width, mb_height);
if (max_dpb_size == 0) {
"level_idc, mb_width and/or mb_height invalid? - level_idc: %u mb_width: %u mb_height: %u",
level_idc, mb_width, mb_height);
// GetMaxDpbSize() returns max 16, but kMaxActualDPBSize is 24.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(max_dpb_size < kMaxActualDPBSize);
// |max_reference_size| comes directly from max_num_ref_frames from the bitstream. Fix it up at
// least enough to avoid crashes, but if this value is invalid it's possible anything else in the
// bitstream could be broken.
uint32_t max_reference_size = stream_info.max_reference_size();
if (max_reference_size > max_dpb_size) {
"max_reference_size is too large - clamping - max_reference_size: %u max_dpb_size: %u",
max_reference_size, max_dpb_size);
max_reference_size = max_dpb_size;
} else if (max_reference_size == 0) {
// This is technically permissible by the h.264 spec, but still try to increase it to avoid
// issues.
LOG(WARN, "max_reference_size is zero - unexpected - using default: %u", max_dpb_size);
max_reference_size = max_dpb_size;
// The HW decoder / firmware seems to require several extra frames or it won't continue decoding
// frames. TODO(fxb/43085): Verify whether min_buffer_count_for_camping (as opposed to
// min_buffer_count) can be reduced to max_dpb_size + 1, which is what you would expect based on
// max_num_reorder_frames from the h.264 spec.
constexpr uint32_t kDbpSizeAdj = 6;
// Seems needed for decoding bear.h264, but unclear why.
constexpr uint32_t kAbsoluteMinBufferCount = 10u;
// Technically the max we should need to camp on to decode is max_dpb_size + 1. That's because a
// frame is guaranteed to be output when the DPB is full and the hardware tries to insert the
// newly-decoding frame into it. That's also the minimum because until the DPB is full we don't
// know which frame should be output first (except in certain special cases like IDR frames or SEI
// data reducing the limit).
// In practice the firmware won't necessarily output frames immediately, so we need to add on some
// slack. |max_reference_size| + 6 is what the linux driver does in low memory situations, so it
// should normally work. However, when max_dpb_size and max_reference_size are very low (like in
// bear.h264) that isn't always enough for the firmware, so we require at least 10.
uint32_t min_buffer_count = std::max(std::max(max_reference_size + kDbpSizeAdj, max_dpb_size + 1),
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(min_buffer_count < kMaxActualDPBSize);
// These we pass back to the firmware later, having computed/adjusted as above.
next_max_dpb_size_ = max_dpb_size;
// We need to store reference MVs for all active reference frames, as well as 1 extra for the
// frame that's being decoded into (in case it later becomes a reference frame).
next_mv_buffer_count_ = max_reference_size + 1;
// Rounding to 4 macroblocks is for matching the linux driver, in case the
// hardware happens to round up as well.
uint32_t mv_buffer_size = fbl::round_up(mb_height, 4u) * fbl::round_up(mb_width, 4u) *
mb_mv_byte * next_mv_buffer_count_;
uint32_t mv_buffer_alloc_size = fbl::round_up(mv_buffer_size, ZX_PAGE_SIZE);
auto create_result = InternalBuffer::Create("H264ReferenceMvs", &owner_->SysmemAllocatorSyncPtr(),
owner_->bti(), mv_buffer_alloc_size, is_secure_,
/*is_writable=*/true, /*is_mapping_needed*/ false);
if (!create_result.is_ok()) {
LOG(ERROR, "Couldn't allocate reference mv buffer - status: %d", create_result.error());
return create_result.error();
// sysmem ensure that newly allocated buffers are zeroed and flushed to RAM and fenced, to the
// degree possible.
// In the linux driver AvScratch3 is used to communicate about the display
// canvas.
.FromValue(truncate_to_32(reference_mv_buffer_->phys_base() + mv_buffer_size))
auto crop_info = CropInfo::Get().ReadFrom(owner_->dosbus());
uint32_t display_width = mb_width * 16 - crop_info.right();
uint32_t display_height = mb_height * 16 - crop_info.bottom();
// Canvas width must be a multiple of 32 bytes.
uint32_t coded_width = fbl::round_up(mb_width * 16, 32u);
uint32_t coded_height = mb_height * 16;
// Sample aspect ratio - normalize as sar_width : sar_height.
// The has_sar will be true for any explicitly-specified SAR, and false for
// all other cases (both explicitly "Unspecified" and "Reserved" cases that we
// don't recognize).
bool has_sar = false;
uint32_t sar_width = 1;
uint32_t sar_height = 1;
if (sequence_info.aspect_ratio_info_present_flag()) {
uint32_t aspect_ratio_idc = sequence_info.aspect_ratio_idc();
if (aspect_ratio_idc == kAspectRatioIdcExtendedSar) {
sar_width = sar_info.sar_width();
sar_height = sar_info.sar_height();
has_sar = true;
if (sar_width == 0 || sar_height == 0) {
// spec says this condition means "considered unspecified"
sar_width = 1;
sar_height = 1;
has_sar = false;
} else {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(aspect_ratio_idc != kAspectRatioIdcExtendedSar);
// aspect_ratio_idc == 0 and "Reserved" values are treated the same way as
// each other, and both cases don't run the body of the following "if". We
// treat "Reserved" the same as "Unspecified" instead of flagging an error
// because it seems extremely unlikely that any "Reserved" value in this
// context would have meaning beyond specifying sar_width and sar_height.
// So for "Reserved" values we just end up with has_sar false, which
// should allow _something_ to be displayed even if the displayed frames
// have the wrong SAR.
if (aspect_ratio_idc >= 1 && aspect_ratio_idc <= 16) {
sar_width = kSarTable[aspect_ratio_idc].sar_width;
sar_height = kSarTable[aspect_ratio_idc].sar_height;
has_sar = true;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(aspect_ratio_idc != 0 || (!has_sar && sar_width == 1 && sar_height == 1));
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(has_sar || (sar_width == 1 && sar_height == 1));
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(sar_width != 0 && sar_height != 0);
// The actual # of buffers is determined by sysmem, but constrainted by "max_dpb_size" as the min
// # of needed buffers for reference and re-ordering purposes, not counting decode-into buffer.
// The "max" means the max the stream might require, so that's actually the min # of buffers we
// need. The +1 accounts for the decode-into buffer (AFAICT). Reduce this number at your own
// risk - YMMV.
LOG(INFO, "max_reference_size: %u max_dpb_size: %u min_buffer_count: %u", max_reference_size,
max_dpb_size, min_buffer_count);
uint32_t min_frame_count = min_buffer_count;
// Also constrained by the maximum number of buffers this driver knows how to track for now, which
// is kMaxActualDPBSize (24).
uint32_t max_frame_count = kMaxActualDPBSize;
zx_status_t status =
InitializeFrames(min_frame_count, max_frame_count, coded_width, coded_height, display_width,
display_height, has_sar, sar_width, sar_height);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
if (status != ZX_ERR_STOP) {
DECODE_ERROR("InitializeFrames() failed: status: %d\n", status);
return status;
return ZX_OK;
void H264Decoder::ReceivedFrames(uint32_t frame_count) {
uint32_t error_count = AvScratchD::Get().ReadFrom(owner_->dosbus()).reg_value();
// This hit_eos is _not_ the same as the is_end_of_stream in PtsOut below.
bool hit_eos = false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < frame_count && !hit_eos; i++) {
auto pic_info = PicInfo::Get(i).ReadFrom(owner_->dosbus());
uint32_t buffer_index = pic_info.buffer_index();
uint32_t slice_type =
(AvScratchH::Get().ReadFrom(owner_->dosbus()).reg_value() >> (i * 4)) & 0xf;
if (pic_info.eos())
hit_eos = true;
// TODO(dustingreen): We'll need to bit-extend (nearest wins to allow for
// re-ordering) this value to uint64_t, so that PTSs for frames after 4GiB
// still work.
uint32_t stream_byte_offset = pic_info.stream_offset();
stream_byte_offset |=
((AvScratch::Get(0xa + i / 2).ReadFrom(owner_->dosbus()).reg_value() >> ((i % 2) * 16)) &
<< 16;
PtsManager::LookupResult pts_result = pts_manager_->Lookup(stream_byte_offset);
video_frames_[buffer_index].frame->has_pts = pts_result.has_pts();
video_frames_[buffer_index].frame->pts = pts_result.pts();
if (pts_result.is_end_of_stream()) {
// TODO(dustingreen): Handle this once we're able to detect this way. For
// now, ignore but print an obvious message.
printf("##### UNHANDLED END OF STREAM DETECTED #####\n");
DLOG("Got buffer %d error %d error_count %d slice_type %d offset %x\n", buffer_index,
pic_info.error(), error_count, slice_type, pic_info.stream_offset());
enum {
kCommandNone = 0,
kCommandInitializeStream = 1,
kCommandNewFrames = 2,
kCommandSwitchStreams = 3,
kCommandFatalError = 6,
kCommandGotFirstOffset = 9,
void H264Decoder::SwitchStreams() {
// Signal that we're ready to allocate new frames for the new stream.
// Signal firmware that command has been processed.
void H264Decoder::HandleInterrupt() {
// Stop processing on fatal error.
if (fatal_error_)
// Some returned frames may have been buffered up earlier, so try to return
// them now that the firmware had a chance to do some work.
// The core signals the main processor what command to run using AvScratch0.
// The main processor returns a result using AvScratch0 to trigger the decoder
// to continue (possibly 0, if no result is needed).
auto scratch0 = AvScratch0::Get().ReadFrom(owner_->dosbus());
DLOG("Got command: %x", scratch0.reg_value());
uint32_t cpu_command = scratch0.reg_value() & 0xff;
switch (cpu_command) {
case kCommandNone:
// It is possible that the interrupt will fire with no command. This could happen if there is
// an SEI message that should be acknowledged. This should not be treated as an error.
case kCommandInitializeStream: {
zx_status_t status = InitializeStream();
if (status != ZX_OK) {
} break;
case kCommandNewFrames:
ReceivedFrames((scratch0.reg_value() >> 8) & 0xff);
case kCommandSwitchStreams:
case kCommandFatalError: {
auto error_count = AvScratchD::Get().ReadFrom(owner_->dosbus()).reg_value();
DECODE_ERROR("Decoder fatal error %d\n", error_count);
// We need to reset the hardware here or for some malformed hardware streams (e.g.
// bear_h264[638] = 44) the CPU will hang when trying to isolate VDEC1 power on shutdown.
// Don't write to AvScratch0, so the decoder won't continue.
case kCommandGotFirstOffset: {
uint32_t first_offset = AvScratch1::Get().ReadFrom(owner_->dosbus()).reg_value();
DLOG("First offset: %d\n", first_offset);
DECODE_ERROR("Got unknown command: %d\n", cpu_command);
auto sei_itu35_flags = AvScratchJ::Get().ReadFrom(owner_->dosbus()).reg_value();
if (sei_itu35_flags & (1 << 15)) {
DLOG("Got Supplemental Enhancement Information buffer");
void H264Decoder::OnFatalError() {
if (!fatal_error_) {
fatal_error_ = true;