blob: d462ed90bc1d7094f98ba00642f268dcddaf3f08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
#include <fuchsia/hardware/block/volume/c/fidl.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include "src/lib/uuid/uuid.h"
#include "src/storage/fvm/format.h"
namespace fvm {
namespace {
static_assert(kGuidSize == uuid::kUuidSize, "Guid size doesn't match");
// Used to check whether a given VPartitionEntry is flagged as an inactive partition.
// This flags are a mirror of those exposed in the fidl interface. Since this code is used in host
// too, we can't rely on them directly, but enforce compile time checks that the values match.
constexpr uint32_t kVPartitionEntryFlagMask = 0x00000001;
constexpr uint32_t kVPartitionEntryFlagInactive = 0x00000001;
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
// Enforce target and host flags to match.
static_assert(kVPartitionEntryFlagInactive ==
"Inactive Flag must match FIDL definition.");
// Slice Entry mask for retrieving the assigned partition.
constexpr uint64_t kVPartitionEntryMax = (1ull << kSliceEntryVPartitionBits) - 1;
constexpr uint64_t kVPartitionEntryMask = kVPartitionEntryMax;
static_assert(kMaxVPartitions <= kVPartitionEntryMax,
"VPartition addres space needs to fit within Slice Entry VPartitionBits.");
// Slice Entry mask for retrieving the assigned vslice.
constexpr uint64_t kSliceEntryVSliceMax = (1ull << kSliceEntryVSliceBits) - 1;
constexpr uint64_t kSliceEntryVSliceMask = kSliceEntryVSliceMax << kSliceEntryVPartitionBits;
static_assert(kSliceEntryVSliceMax >= fvm::kMaxVSlices,
"SliceEntry must be able to address the range [0. kMaxVSlice)");
// Remaining bits.
constexpr uint64_t kSliceEntryReservedBits = 16;
static_assert(kSliceEntryVPartitionBits + kSliceEntryVSliceBits + kSliceEntryReservedBits == 64,
"Exceeding SliceEntry payload size.");
// Returns how large one copy of the metadata is for the given table settings.
constexpr size_t MetadataSizeForUsableEntries(size_t usable_partitions, size_t usable_slices) {
return kBlockSize + // Superblock
PartitionTableByteSizeForUsablePartitionCount(usable_partitions) + // Partition table.
constexpr size_t DataStartForUsableEntries(size_t usable_partitions, size_t usable_slices) {
// The data starts after the two copies of the metadata.
return MetadataSizeForUsableEntries(usable_partitions, usable_slices) * 2;
} // namespace
Header Header::FromDiskSize(size_t usable_partitions, size_t disk_size, size_t slice_size) {
return FromGrowableDiskSize(usable_partitions, disk_size, disk_size, slice_size);
Header Header::FromGrowableDiskSize(size_t usable_partitions, size_t initial_disk_size,
size_t max_disk_size, size_t slice_size) {
// The relationship between the minimum number of slices required and the disk size is nonlinear
// because the metadata takes away from the usable disk space covered by the slices and the
// allocation table size is always block-aligned.
// Here we ignore this and just compute the metadata size based on the number of slices required
// to cover the entire device, even though we don't need a slice to cover the copies of the
// metadata.
// This function always rounds down because we can't have partial slices. If the non-metadata
// space isn't a multiple of the slice size, there will be some unusable space at the end.
size_t max_usable_slices = max_disk_size / slice_size;
// Compute the initial slice count. Unlike when calculating the max usable slices, we can't ignore
// the metadata size since the caller expects the metadata and the used slices to fit in the
// requested disk size.
size_t slice_data_start = DataStartForUsableEntries(usable_partitions, max_usable_slices);
size_t initial_slices = 0;
if (initial_disk_size > slice_data_start)
initial_slices = (initial_disk_size - slice_data_start) / slice_size;
return FromGrowableSliceCount(usable_partitions, initial_slices, max_usable_slices, slice_size);
Header Header::FromSliceCount(size_t usable_partitions, size_t usable_slices, size_t slice_size) {
return FromGrowableSliceCount(usable_partitions, usable_slices, usable_slices, slice_size);
Header Header::FromGrowableSliceCount(size_t usable_partitions, size_t initial_usable_slices,
size_t max_usable_slices, size_t slice_size) {
// Slice size must be a multiple of the block size.
ZX_ASSERT(slice_size % kBlockSize == 0);
// TODO(fxb/40192): Allow the partition table to vary.
ZX_ASSERT(usable_partitions == kMaxUsablePartitions);
Header result{
.magic = kMagic,
.major_version = kCurrentMajorVersion,
.pslice_count = 0, // Will be set properly below.
.slice_size = slice_size,
.fvm_partition_size = kBlockSize, // Will be set properly below.
.vpartition_table_size = PartitionTableByteSizeForUsablePartitionCount(usable_partitions),
.allocation_table_size = AllocTableByteSizeForUsableSliceCount(max_usable_slices),
.generation = 0,
.oldest_minor_version = kCurrentMinorVersion,
// Set the pslice_count and fvm_partition_size now that we know the metadata size.
return result;
bool Header::IsValid(uint64_t disk_size, uint64_t disk_block_size, std::string& out_err) const {
// Magic.
if (magic != kMagic) {
out_err = "Bad magic value for FVM header.\n" + ToString();
return false;
// Check version.
if (major_version > kCurrentMajorVersion) {
out_err =
"Header major version does not match fvm driver (=" + std::to_string(kCurrentMajorVersion) +
")\n" + ToString();
return false;
// Slice count. This is important to check before using it below to prevent integer overflows.
if (pslice_count > kMaxVSlices) {
out_err =
"Slice count is greater than the max (" + std::to_string(kMaxVSlices) + ")\n" + ToString();
return false;
// Check the slice size.
// It's not currently clear whether we currently require fvm::kBlockSize to be a multiple of the
// disk_block_size. If that requirement is solidifed in the future, that should be checked here.
if (slice_size > kMaxSliceSize) {
out_err = "Slice size would overflow 64 bits\n" + ToString();
return false;
if (slice_size % disk_block_size != 0) {
out_err = "Slice size is not a multiple of the underlying disk's block size (" +
std::to_string(disk_block_size) + ")\n" + ToString();
return false;
// Check partition and allocation table validity. Here we also perform additional validation on
// the allocation table that uses the pslice_count which is not checked by HasValidTableSizes().
if (!HasValidTableSizes(out_err))
return false;
size_t required_alloc_table_len = AllocTableByteSizeForUsableSliceCount(pslice_count);
if (allocation_table_size < required_alloc_table_len) {
out_err = "Expected allocation table to be at least " +
std::to_string(required_alloc_table_len) + "\n" + ToString();
return false;
// The partition must fit in the disk.
if (fvm_partition_size > disk_size) {
out_err = "Block device (" + std::to_string(disk_size) +
" bytes) too small for fvm_partition_size\n" + ToString();
return false;
// The header and addressable slices must fit in the partition.
// The required_data_bytes won't overflow because we already checked that pslice_count and
// slice_size are in range, that that range is specified to avoid overflow.
size_t required_data_bytes = GetAllocationTableUsedEntryCount() * slice_size;
size_t max_addressable_bytes = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() - GetDataStartOffset();
if (required_data_bytes > max_addressable_bytes) {
out_err = "Slice data (" + std::to_string(required_data_bytes) + " bytes) + metadata (" +
std::to_string(GetDataStartOffset()) + " bytes) exceeds max\n" + ToString();
return false;
size_t required_partition_size = GetDataStartOffset() + required_data_bytes;
if (required_partition_size > fvm_partition_size) {
out_err = "Slices + metadata requires " + std::to_string(required_partition_size) +
" bytes which don't fit in fvm_partition_size\n" + ToString();
return false;
return true;
bool Header::HasValidTableSizes(std::string& out_err) const {
// TODO(fxb/40192) Allow the partition table to be different lengths (aligned to blocks):
// size_t kMinPartitionTableSize = kBlockSize;
// if (sb.vpartition_table_size < kMinPartitionTableSize ||
// sb.vpartition_table_size > kMaxPartitionTableByteSize ||
// sb.vpartition_table_size % sizeof(VPartitionEntry) != 0) {
// out_err = ...
// return false;
// Currently the partition table must be a fixed size:
size_t kPartitionTableLength = fvm::kMaxPartitionTableByteSize;
if (vpartition_table_size != kPartitionTableLength) {
out_err = "Bad vpartition table size.\n" + ToString();
return false;
// Validate the allocation table size.
if (allocation_table_size > kMaxAllocationTableByteSize ||
allocation_table_size % kBlockSize != 0) {
out_err = "Bad allocation table size " + std::to_string(allocation_table_size) +
", expected nonzero multiple of " + std::to_string(kBlockSize) + "\n" + ToString();
return false;
return true;
std::string Header::ToString() const {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "FVM Header" << std::endl;
ss << " magic: " << magic << std::endl;
ss << " major_version: " << major_version << std::endl;
ss << " pslice_count: " << pslice_count << std::endl;
ss << " slice_size: " << slice_size << std::endl;
ss << " fvm_partition_size: " << fvm_partition_size << std::endl;
ss << " vpartition_table_size: " << vpartition_table_size << std::endl;
ss << " allocation_table_size: " << allocation_table_size << std::endl;
ss << " generation: " << generation << std::endl;
ss << " oldest_minor_version: " << oldest_minor_version << std::endl;
return ss.str();
// This is compact so it can fit in a single syslog line.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Header& header) {
return out << "v" << header.major_version << "." << header.oldest_minor_version
<< " slices:" << header.pslice_count << " slice_size:" << header.slice_size
<< " total_part:" << header.fvm_partition_size
<< " ptab:" << header.vpartition_table_size << " atab:" << header.allocation_table_size
<< " gen:" << header.generation;
VPartitionEntry::VPartitionEntry(const uint8_t in_type[kGuidSize], const uint8_t in_guid[kGuidSize],
uint32_t in_slices, std::string in_name, uint32_t in_flags)
: slices(in_slices), flags(MaskInvalidFlags(in_flags)) {
memcpy(&type, in_type, kGuidSize);
memcpy(&guid, in_guid, kGuidSize);
// The input name should not have any embedded nulls.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(in_name.find('\0') == std::string::npos);
memcpy(unsafe_name,, std::min(kMaxVPartitionNameLength, in_name.size()));
VPartitionEntry VPartitionEntry::CreateReservedPartition() {
constexpr const char* kName = "internal";
static_assert(__builtin_strlen(kName) <= kMaxVPartitionNameLength);
return VPartitionEntry(kReservedPartitionTypeGuid.cbegin(), kReservedPartitionTypeGuid.cbegin(),
0, kName, 0);
uint32_t VPartitionEntry::MaskInvalidFlags(uint32_t raw_flags) {
return raw_flags & kVPartitionEntryFlagMask;
bool VPartitionEntry::IsActive() const { return (flags & kVPartitionEntryFlagInactive) == 0; }
bool VPartitionEntry::IsInactive() const { return !IsActive(); }
bool VPartitionEntry::IsAllocated() const { return slices != 0; }
bool VPartitionEntry::IsFree() const { return !IsAllocated(); }
bool VPartitionEntry::IsInternalReservationPartition() const {
return memcmp(type, kReservedPartitionTypeGuid.cbegin(), sizeof(type)) == 0;
void VPartitionEntry::Release() {
memset(this, 0, sizeof(VPartitionEntry));
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(IsFree(), "VPartitionEntry must be free after calling VPartitionEntry::Release()");
void VPartitionEntry::SetActive(bool is_active) {
if (is_active) {
flags &= (~kVPartitionEntryFlagInactive);
} else {
flags |= kVPartitionEntryFlagInactive;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const VPartitionEntry& entry) {
// This is deliberately compact so it can be logged to the system log which has a max per-line
// length.
out << "\"" << << "\" slices:" << entry.slices;
out << " flags:" << entry.flags << " (act=" << entry.IsActive() << ")";
out << " type:" << uuid::Uuid(entry.type);
out << " guid:" << uuid::Uuid(entry.guid);
return out;
SliceEntry::SliceEntry(uint64_t vpartition, uint64_t vslice) { Set(vpartition, vslice); }
void SliceEntry::Set(uint64_t vpartition, uint64_t vslice) {
ZX_ASSERT(vpartition < kVPartitionEntryMax);
ZX_ASSERT(vslice < kSliceEntryVSliceMax);
data = 0ull | (vpartition & kVPartitionEntryMax) |
((vslice & kSliceEntryVSliceMax) << (kSliceEntryVPartitionBits));
void SliceEntry::Release() { data = 0; }
bool SliceEntry::IsAllocated() const { return VPartition() != 0; }
bool SliceEntry::IsFree() const { return !IsAllocated(); }
uint64_t SliceEntry::VSlice() const {
uint64_t vslice = (data & kSliceEntryVSliceMask) >> kSliceEntryVPartitionBits;
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(vslice < (1ul << kSliceEntryVSliceBits), "Slice assigned to vslice out of range.");
return vslice;
uint64_t SliceEntry::VPartition() const {
uint64_t vpartition = (data & kVPartitionEntryMask);
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(vpartition < kMaxVPartitions, "Slice assigned to Partition out of range.");
return vpartition;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const SliceEntry& entry) {
if (entry.IsFree())
return out << "SliceEntry(<free>)";
return out << "SliceEntry(vpartition=" << entry.VPartition() << ", vslice=" << entry.VSlice()
<< ")";
} // namespace fvm