blob: dedf63717403bf058eb283effc319d36ca04321f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# This variable specifies a fully qualified Chromium build output directory,
# such as `/home/$USER/chrome/src/out/fuchsia`, from which `chrome`,
# `cast_runner`, `web_runner`, and `web_engine` will be obtained.
# All of those targets must exist in the output directory.
# If unset, the prebuilt packages from CIPD will be used.
chromium_build_dir = ""
# Whether to use the most recent (canary) version of prebuilt Chromium
# components. Otherwise, the qualified "release" version is used.
# For scenarios where CastRunner is used,
# [`use_cast_runner_canary`](#use_cast_runner_canary) must be set to the same
# value.
use_chromium_canary = false
# Whether to use the most recent (canary) version of the CastRunner prebuilt.
# Otherwise, the qualified "release" version is used.
# Set [`use_chromium_canary`](#use_chromium_canary) to the same value.
use_cast_runner_canary = false