blob: 8f9ee36c65c510eb7110931e68d5c525ca0a93a2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
flutter_app("inspect_flutter_integration_tester") {
main_dart = "lib/main.dart"
package_name = "inspect_flutter_integration_tester"
fuchsia_package_name = "inspect_flutter_integration_tester"
meta = [
path = rebase_path("meta/inspect_flutter_integration_tester.cmx")
dest = "inspect_flutter_integration_tester.cmx"
sources = [
deps = [
dart_test_component("integration-test-component") {
component_name = "inspect-dart-integration-test-driver"
manifest = "meta/inspect_dart_integration_test_driver.cmx"
sources = [ "integration_driver_test.dart" ]
deps = [
fuchsia_test_package("inspect-dart-integration-test-driver") {
test_components = [ ":integration-test-component" ]
test_specs = {
environments = []
# Flutter driver is only available in debug builds, so don't try to run in
# release CI/CQ.
if (is_debug) {
environments += [ nuc_env ]