blob: de61dd0873b09c11938e756d0ab3f9ad85ca9177 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.hardware.platform.bus;
using fuchsia.hardware.platform.device;
using zx;
type PbusMmio = struct {
/// Physical address of MMIO region.
/// Does not need to be page aligned.
base zx.paddr;
/// Length of MMIO region in bytes.
/// Does not need to be page aligned.
length uint64;
type PbusIrq = struct {
irq uint32;
/// `ZX_INTERRUPT_MODE_*` flags
mode uint32;
type PbusBti = struct {
iommu_index uint32;
bti_id uint32;
type PbusSmc = struct {
/// The device is granted the ability to make SMC calls with service call numbers ranging from
/// service_call_num_base to service_call_num_base + count - 1.
service_call_num_base uint32;
count uint32;
/// The device has exclusive access to this smc range.
exclusive bool;
/// Device metadata.
type PbusMetadata = struct {
/// Metadata type.
type uint32;
/// Pointer to metadata.
data vector<uint8>:MAX;
/// Device metadata to be passed from bootloader via a ZBI record.
type PbusBootMetadata = struct {
/// Metadata type (matches `zbi_header_t.type` for bootloader metadata).
zbi_type uint32;
/// Matches `zbi_header_t.extra` for bootloader metadata.
/// Used in cases where bootloader provides multiple metadata records of the same type.
zbi_extra uint32;
type PbusDev = struct {
name string:MAX;
vid uint32;
pid uint32;
did uint32;
/// Instance ID. Contributes to device-name if non-zero.
instance_id uint32;
mmio vector<PbusMmio>:MAX;
irq vector<PbusIrq>:MAX;
bti vector<PbusBti>:MAX;
smc vector<PbusSmc>:MAX;
metadata vector<PbusMetadata>:MAX;
boot_metadata vector<PbusBootMetadata>:MAX;
/// Subset of pdev_board_info_t to be set by the board driver.
type PbusBoardInfo = struct {
/// Board name from the boot image platform ID record,
/// (or from the BIOS on x86 platforms).
board_name string:32;
/// Board specific revision number.
board_revision uint32;
type PbusBootloaderInfo = struct {
vendor string:32;
protocol PbusSysSuspend {
Callback(struct {
requested_state uint8;
enable_wake bool;
suspend_reason uint8;
}) -> (struct {
out_status zx.status;
out_state uint8;
protocol PBus {
/// Adds a new platform device to the bus, using configuration provided by |dev|.
/// Platform devices are created in their own separate devhosts.
DeviceAdd(struct {
dev PbusDev;
}) -> (struct {
s zx.status;
/// Adds a device for binding a protocol implementation driver.
/// These devices are added in the same devhost as the platform bus.
/// After the driver binds to the device it calls `pbus_register_protocol()`
/// to register its protocol with the platform bus.
/// `pbus_protocol_device_add()` blocks until the protocol implementation driver
/// registers its protocol (or times out).
ProtocolDeviceAdd(struct {
proto_id uint32;
dev PbusDev;
}) -> (struct {
s zx.status;
/// Called by protocol implementation drivers to register their protocol
/// with the platform bus.
RegisterProtocol(struct {
proto_id uint32;
protocol vector<uint8>:MAX;
}) -> (struct {
s zx.status;
/// Board drivers may use this to get information about the board, and to
/// differentiate between multiple boards that they support.
GetBoardInfo() -> (struct {
s zx.status;
info fuchsia.hardware.platform.device.PdevBoardInfo;
/// Board drivers may use this to set information about the board
/// (like the board revision number).
/// Platform device drivers can access this via `pdev_get_board_info()`.
SetBoardInfo(struct {
info PbusBoardInfo;
}) -> (struct {
s zx.status;
/// Board drivers may use this to set information about the bootloader.
SetBootloaderInfo(struct {
info PbusBootloaderInfo;
}) -> (struct {
s zx.status;
RegisterSysSuspendCallback(resource struct {
suspend_cb client_end:PbusSysSuspend;
}) -> (struct {
s zx.status;
/// Deprecated, use AddComposite() instead.
/// Adds a composite platform device to the bus. The platform device specified by |dev|
/// is the zeroth fragment and the |fragments| array specifies fragments 1 through n.
/// The composite device is started in a the driver host of the
/// |primary_fragment| if it is specified, or a new driver host if it is is
/// NULL. It is not possible to set the primary fragment to "pdev" as that
/// would cause the driver to spawn in the platform bus's driver host.
// Note: fragments is of type device_fragment_t*.
// TODO(fxb/69023): restore type.
CompositeDeviceAdd(struct {
dev PbusDev;
fragments uint64;
fragments_count uint64;
primary_fragment string:MAX;
}) -> (struct {
s zx.status;
/// Adds a composite platform device to the bus.
// TODO(fxb/69023): Restore |fragments| to device_fragment_t* type.
AddComposite(struct {
dev PbusDev;
fragments uint64;
fragment_count uint64;
primary_fragment string:MAX;
}) -> (struct {
s zx.status;