Sysmem VMO management

This document describes the hierarchy of VMOs that Sysmem uses to manage memory. This document assumes a familiarity with virtual memory and the accounting of non-sysmem memory on Fuchsia.


All VMOs are allocated from a heap. The current heaps are:

NameFixed PoolDescription
Sysmem-coreNoGeneric main memory
SysmemAmlogicProtectedPoolYesMemory inaccessible from CPU
SysmemContiguousPoolYesPhysically-contiguous main memory
tee_secureYesSpecial-purpose protected memory for Amlogic decrypted encoded video
Sysmem-external-heap (possibly multiple)NoCurrently used for goldfish
Sysmem-contig-coreNoContiguous main memory; only used on systems without SysmemContiguousPool

Not all heaps suballocate from a fixed pool; e.g. “Core” and “Contig Core” can allocate from main memory. Some heaps correspond directly with fuchsia.sysmem.HeapType values, but the heap chosen may also depend on BufferMemorySettings members like is_physically_contiguous.


Sysmem-core allocates from main memory. It's the default option if no constraints are added to the memory.


The CPU and some other devices on the system only need virtually-contiguous memory. They can pick arbitrary pages with any physical address, and rely on MMU hardware to assign new contiguous virtual addresses. This makes it easy to allocate memory, since any physical page can be used.

However, some hardware doesn‘t have MMUs or scatter-gather capability. That hardware needs physically-contiguous address space - that’s where every page in memory is in the same order in RAM. As the system runs, main memory becomes more and more fragmented and it becomes impossible to find long runs of free memory, because other allocated pages happen to be randomly scattered around memory.

To avoid this becoming a problem, Sysmem has a separate contiguous pool. It allocates a large pool of memory shortly after boot before memory is fragmented, then hands out smaller sections to applications. In theory this memory could still become fragmented, but in practice it works because only larger chunks of memory are allocated from the pool, and all memory in a chunk is released back into the pool at the same time.


On systems with Amlogic SoCs, DRM (protected memory) video needs to be allocated in special regions with access control to ensure that applications can‘t read the decrypted video. These regions must be inaccessible by the CPU, and only accessible by the GPU and other hardware in special modes where the hardware is wired to ensure it can’t leak the memory.

Memory can't be marked as protected or unprotected arbitrarily. The hardware can only mark a small number (< 32) of regions as protected. To support this, sysmem can allocate a protected pool soon after boot (similar to the contiguous pool) and tell the firmware to protect all the memory in that region. Then it can suballocate from this pool of protected memory.


tee_secure is for another type of protected memory that stores a different type of data. The firmware allocates this region, and the ZBI must tell zircon not to allocate from the memory and never to touch it. Another driver can retrieve information on the memory and where it's located from the firmware, and then tells sysmem. Sysmem can suballocate from this heap as needed.


External heaps don‘t necessarily use real memory. For example, the goldfish heap is an external heap that represents video memory outside the FEMU virtual machine. Clients can pass VMO handles around, but aren’t supposed to write directly to the memory; instead the goldfish driver looks up host resources using the VMO koid.

VMO hierarchy

Sysmem uses a hierarchy of VMOs to keep track of the memory usage for clients. There are three things that can keep a VMO alive:

  1. A handle to the VMO.

  2. A mapping of a VMO into a process's address space.

  3. A PMT representing that it's mapped onto a device.

For security reasons, sysmem can't reclaim memory for a VMO to use with another client until all of these types of references go away. For normal VMOs, the kernel handles this by only destroying a VMO once all references have gone away. However, sysmem suballocates VMOs from larger physical address ranges so it needs to have insight into whether a VMO is destroyed so it can decide which memory ranges to reuse.

The kernel supports a ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN signal to help with these use-cases - if all children of a VMO are closed then ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN will be signaled on the parent VMO.

VMO hierarchy

Client leaf VMOs

These are the VMOs handed out to clients; clients name them by calling BufferCollection.SetName before the VMOs are allocated. Clients can also set ZX_PROP_NAME on the VMOs directly but that‘s not recommended because the sysmem driver can’t access that name.

Sysmem also holds on to references to these VMOs as long as a BufferCollection continues to reference them, even if no child currently has a VMO handle.

Middle VMOs

Each leaf VMO has a middle VMO as a parent. There is a 1-1 mapping between leaf and middle VMOs. The names are set by the heap, and are usually fixed for all VMOs coming from a heap. For example, SysmemContiguousPool-child for VMOs from the contiguous pool.

Sysmem uses these VMOs to detect if all references to a leaf VMO are cleared out; once it receives the ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN signal it knows that it's safe for it to delete the VMO and possibly reuse the space. Middle VMOs are never passed outside the sysmem process, so clients can never reference them directly.

Heap VMOs

These represent the entire pool of memory that VMOs in a heap are allocated from. They're often allocated soon after boot, to ensure that enough memory is available. Heap VMOs may also represent a carved-out range of physical addresses - for example tee_secure overlays a specific physical range allocated by the bootloader.

Middle VMOs are allocated as slices from the heap vmo, so each middle VMO represents a different range of memory in the heap

If a heap doesn‘t represent a physical pool of memory then it doesn’t need a heap VMO. In that case the Middle VMO is allocated without a parent VMO.

Reporting memory


Sysmem supplies Inspect hierarchy to report its memory usage to snapshots and other client applications. Here's a simple example hierarchy:

          allocator_id = 1
          heap = 0
          min_coded_height = 1024
          min_coded_width = 600
          name = vc-framebuffer
          pixel_format = 101
          pixel_format_modifier = 0
          size_bytes = 2490368
          vmo_count = 1
            channel_koid = 20048
            debug_id = 5498
            debug_name = driver_host:pdev:00:00:1e
            channel_koid = 20050
            debug_id = 5498
            debug_name = driver_host:pdev:00:00:1e
            debug_id = 19829
            debug_name =
            min_buffer_count = 1
            debug_id = 5498
            debug_name = driver_host:pdev:00:00:1e
            debug_id = 5498
            debug_name = driver_host:pdev:00:00:1e
            koid = 20085
          allocations_failed = 0
          allocations_failed_fragmentation = 0
          free_at_high_water_mark = 37498880
          high_water_mark = 2490368
          id = 1
          is_ready = true
          last_allocation_failed_timestamp_ns = 0
          max_free_at_high_water = 37498880
          size = 39989248
          used_size = 2490368
            koid = 20085
            size = 2490368
          id = 0

Sysmem reports its view of memory through an inspect hierarchy in the /dev/diagnostics/class/sysmem/000.inspect file. Each logical-collection shown represents a set of identical buffers allocated by a set of clients. Those logical-collections contain lists of koids of live middle VMOs in that collection. koids are unique for the lifetime of the system and can be used to uniquely identify sysmem VMOs in memgraph output.

All heaps also have inspect nodes. These can include the size and koids of all child VMOs, as well as information about how full the heap is and whether it has failed any allocations. Some heaps only a name and id properties and not information about the VMOs allocated from them.

The allocator_id of a logical-collection matches the id of the heap used to allocate its memory.

The inspect data is limited because sysmem doesn‘t have a view into other processes in the system. For example, it doesn’t know which other processes are holding onto references to its VMOs, only that at least one process is. It also doesn‘t know the exact names of client processes that created VMOs. Sysmem clients are supposed to call Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo with their process name and koid, but that’s not enforced and there's no guarantee that the name the client sets is correct.

However, there are some pieces of information that can only be determined from the inspect data. For example, a client process can hold onto a channel to a BufferCollection without holding on to any handles to the VMOs. Only sysmem knows the mapping between BufferCollection channels and VMOs inside its process. The channel_koid property provides information on the server koid of the channel.


This syscall is used by the memgraph and mem tools. It can determine what processes have references to VMOs, which is important for attributing memory to processes in a secure way.

The VMO hierarchy that sysmem uses can cause problems for these tools. For example, mem ignores VMOs that don‘t have any committed memory to avoid cluttering the output. That causes mem to ignore leaf VMOs because it’s the root VMO in the tree that actually allocated the memory. Mem has some hacks to propagate memory information down the tree for VMOs that are children of SysmemContiguousPool and SysmemAmlogicProtectedPool - it looks at the “size” of the leaf VMO and assumes that all that memory is allocated. This works only for fixed-size pools that are allocated with no overlap, which is why it's restricted to a hard-coded set of pools.

External heap VMOs are also complicated since they don‘t actually take up memory inside the guest virtual machine. As such, mem is doing the right thing in not reporting them (their committed memory size is 0), but that means it’s hard to attribute memory on the host system to processes inside the guest.

memgraph -v does less processing of the memory information, but then the user needs to do their own processing to determine memory usage. It can also be difficult to determine what VMOs come from sysmem, since they don't necessarily have consistent names.

A unified approach

Any utility that wants a complete and accurate view of sysmem VMOs must synthesize inspect and ZX_INFO_PROCESS_VMOS information. Sysmem's inspect data should be the source of truth for what sysmem VMOs exist, and the kernel is the source of truth for which processes hold references to VMOs. This would require iterating through logical-buffer-collection entries and listing their koids, then looking through ZX_INFO_PROCESS_VMOS to find their sizes and what processes reference their children.

A utility can snapshot ZX_INFO_HANDLE_TABLE for every process. Then it can look up the koid in channel_koid using that table to determine which process is retaining that BufferCollection.

There are some circumstances where memory can‘t be accounted correctly. The main problem is that handles held in channel messages aren’t reported anywhere, which makes it impossible to account for those references. A client could shove a VMO handle into a channel and never read from the channel, and even the kernel wouldn't know who to attribute the memory to. The debug client info is usable as a fallback in those cases.

Potential future changes

  • Make a middle VMO for each client, so sysmem can determine itself which clients still have references to VMOs.

  • Have component framework pass an unforgeable identifier to sysmem instead of having the client pass a forgeable debug name.