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// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/affine/transform.h>
#include <lib/zx/clock.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/clock.h>
#include <array>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
namespace {
// Unpack a zx_clock_transformation_t from a syscall result and put it into an
// affine::Transform so we can call methods on it.
inline affine::Transform UnpackTransform(const zx_clock_transformation_t& ct) {
return affine::Transform{
ct.reference_offset, ct.synthetic_offset, {ct.rate.synthetic_ticks, ct.rate.reference_ticks}};
// Unpack a zx_clock_rate_t from a syscall result and put it into an
// affine::Ratio so we can call methods on it.
inline affine::Ratio UnpackRatio(const zx_clock_rate_t& rate) {
return affine::Ratio{rate.synthetic_ticks, rate.reference_ticks};
inline zx_status_t CreateClock(uint64_t options, zx::time backstop, zx::clock* result) {
if (backstop.get() != 0) {
zx_clock_create_args_v1 args;
args.backstop_time = backstop.get();
return zx::clock::create(options, &args, result);
return zx::clock::create(options, nullptr, result);
TEST(KernelClocksTestCase, Create) {
zx::clock clock;
// Creating a clock with no special options should succeed.
ASSERT_OK(zx::clock::create(0, nullptr, &clock));
// Creating a monotonic clock should succeed.
ASSERT_OK(zx::clock::create(ZX_CLOCK_OPT_MONOTONIC, nullptr, &clock));
// Creating a monotonic + continuous clock should succeed.
ASSERT_OK(zx::clock::create(ZX_CLOCK_OPT_MONOTONIC | ZX_CLOCK_OPT_CONTINUOUS, nullptr, &clock));
// Creating a continuous clock, but failing to say that it is also
// monotonic, should fail. The arguments are invalid.
ASSERT_STATUS(zx::clock::create(ZX_CLOCK_OPT_CONTINUOUS, nullptr, &clock), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
// Attempting to create a clock with any currently undefined option flags
// should fail. The arguments are invalid.
constexpr uint64_t ILLEGAL_OPTION = static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << (ZX_CLOCK_ARGS_VERSION_SHIFT - 1);
static_assert((ZX_CLOCK_OPTS_ALL & ILLEGAL_OPTION) == 0, "Illegal option is actually legal!");
ASSERT_STATUS(zx::clock::create(ILLEGAL_OPTION, nullptr, &clock), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
// Creating a clock with a defined, legal, backstop should work
zx_clock_create_args_v1 args;
args.backstop_time = 12345;
ASSERT_OK(zx::clock::create(0, &args, &clock));
// Passing a backstop time which is less than 0 is illegal
args.backstop_time = -12345;
ASSERT_STATUS(zx::clock::create(0, &args, &clock), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
// Note: the following tests require bypassing ulib/zx. zx::clock_create Will
// not allow us to make these mistakes.
// Passing an args struct without specifying its version should fail.
ASSERT_STATUS(zx_clock_create(0, &args, clock.reset_and_get_address()), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
// Passing no args struct with a valid version should also fail.
ASSERT_STATUS(zx_clock_create(ZX_CLOCK_ARGS_VERSION(1), nullptr, clock.reset_and_get_address()),
// Passing an invalid args version should fail.
ASSERT_STATUS(zx_clock_create(ZX_CLOCK_ARGS_VERSION(7), &args, clock.reset_and_get_address()),
TEST(KernelClocksTestCase, Read) {
zx::clock the_clock;
int64_t read_val;
constexpr std::array BACKSTOPS = {zx::time(0), zx::time(12345)};
for (const auto backstop : BACKSTOPS) {
// Create a basic clock, apply an explicit backstop value if needed.
ASSERT_OK(CreateClock(0, backstop, &the_clock));
// Attempt to read the clock. It has never been set before, so it should
// report the backstop time.
ASSERT_EQ(backstop.get(), read_val);
// Wait a bit and try again. It should still read zero; synthetic clocks do
// not start to tick until after their first update.
ASSERT_EQ(backstop.get(), read_val);
// Set the clock to a time. Record clock monotonic before and after we
// perform the initial update operation. While we cannot control the exact
// time at which the set operation will take place, we can bound the range
// of possible transformations and establish a min and max.
constexpr zx::time INITIAL_VALUE{1'000'000};
zx::clock::update_args args;
zx::time before_update = zx::clock::get_monotonic();
zx::time after_update = zx::clock::get_monotonic();
// Now read the clock, and make sure that the value we read makes sense
// given our bounds.
zx::time before_read = zx::clock::get_monotonic();
zx::time after_read = zx::clock::get_monotonic();
// Compute the minimum and maximum values we should be able to get from our
// read operation based on the various bounds we have established.
affine::Transform min_function{after_update.get(), INITIAL_VALUE.get(), {}};
affine::Transform max_function{before_update.get(), INITIAL_VALUE.get(), {}};
int64_t min_expected = min_function.Apply(before_read.get());
int64_t max_expected = max_function.Apply(after_read.get());
ASSERT_GE(read_val, min_expected);
ASSERT_LE(read_val, max_expected);
// Remove the READ rights from the clock, then verify that we can no longer read the clock.
ASSERT_OK(the_clock.replace(ZX_DEFAULT_CLOCK_RIGHTS & ~ZX_RIGHT_READ, &the_clock));
TEST(KernelClocksTestCase, GetDetails) {
// Create clocks with the default backstop of zero, and an explicit backstop
constexpr std::array BACKSTOPS = {zx::time(0), zx::time(12345)};
// Create the 3 types of clocks (basic, monotonic, and monotonic +
// continuous), then make sure that get_details behaves properly for each
// clock type as we update the clocks.
std::array OPTIONS{
for (const auto backstop : BACKSTOPS) {
for (const auto options : OPTIONS) {
// Create the clock
zx::clock the_clock;
ASSERT_OK(CreateClock(options, backstop, &the_clock));
// Phase 1: Fetch the initial details
zx_clock_details_v1_t details;
zx::ticks get_details_before = zx::ticks::now();
zx::ticks get_details_after = zx::ticks::now();
// Check the generation counter. It does not have a defined starting
// value, but it should always be even. An odd generation counter
// indicates a clock which is in the process of being updates (something
// we should never see when querying details)
ASSERT_TRUE((details.generation_counter & 0x1) == 0);
// The options reported should match those used to create the clock.
ASSERT_EQ(options, details.options);
// The backstop reported should match that used to create the clock (or be
// 0 if the defaults were used).
ASSERT_EQ(backstop.get(), details.backstop_time);
// The |query_ticks| field of the details should indicate that this
// clock was queried sometime between the before and after times latched
// above.
ASSERT_GE(details.query_ticks, get_details_before.get());
ASSERT_LE(details.query_ticks, get_details_after.get());
// The error bound should default to "unknown"
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_CLOCK_UNKNOWN_ERROR, details.error_bound);
// None of the dynamic properties of the clock have ever been set.
// Their last update times should be 0.
ASSERT_EQ(0, details.last_value_update_ticks);
ASSERT_EQ(0, details.last_rate_adjust_update_ticks);
ASSERT_EQ(0, details.last_error_bounds_update_ticks);
// Both initial transformations should indicate that the clock has never
// been set. This is done by setting the numerator of the
// transformation to 0, effectively stopping the synthetic clock.
ASSERT_EQ(0, details.ticks_to_synthetic.rate.synthetic_ticks);
ASSERT_EQ(0, details.mono_to_synthetic.rate.synthetic_ticks);
// Record the details we just observed so we can observe how they change
// as we update.
zx_clock_details_v1_t last_details = details;
// Phase 2: Set the initial value of the clock, then sanity check the
// details.
constexpr zx::time INITIAL_VALUE{1'000'000};
zx::ticks update_before = zx::ticks::now();
zx::ticks update_after = zx::ticks::now();
get_details_before = zx::ticks::now();
get_details_after = zx::ticks::now();
// Sanity check the query time
ASSERT_GE(details.query_ticks, get_details_before.get());
ASSERT_LE(details.query_ticks, get_details_after.get());
// The generation counter should have incremented by exactly 2.
ASSERT_EQ(last_details.generation_counter + 2, details.generation_counter);
// The options should not have changed.
ASSERT_EQ(options, details.options);
// The error bound should still be "unknown"
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_CLOCK_UNKNOWN_ERROR, details.error_bound);
// The last value update time should be between the ticks that we
// latched above. Since this was the initial clock set operation, the
// last rate adjustment time should update as well. Even though we
// didn't request it explicitly, the rate did go from stopped to
// running.
ASSERT_GE(details.last_value_update_ticks, update_before.get());
ASSERT_LE(details.last_value_update_ticks, update_after.get());
ASSERT_EQ(details.last_value_update_ticks, details.last_rate_adjust_update_ticks);
ASSERT_EQ(details.last_value_update_ticks, details.last_rate_adjust_update_ticks);
// The synthetic clock offset for both transformations should be the
// initial value we set for the clock.
ASSERT_EQ(INITIAL_VALUE.get(), details.ticks_to_synthetic.synthetic_offset);
ASSERT_EQ(INITIAL_VALUE.get(), details.mono_to_synthetic.synthetic_offset);
// The rate of the mono <-> synthetic transformation should be 1:1. We
// have not adjusted its rate yet, and its nominal rate is the same as
// clock monotonic.
ASSERT_EQ(1, details.mono_to_synthetic.rate.synthetic_ticks);
ASSERT_EQ(1, details.mono_to_synthetic.rate.reference_ticks);
// The expected ticks reference should be the update time.
// Note: this validation behavior assumes a particular behavior of the
// kernel's update implementation. Technically, there are many valid
// solutions for computing this equation; the two offsets allow us to
// write the equation for a line many different ways. Even so, we
// expect the kernel to be using the method we validate here because it
// is simple, cheap, and precise.
ASSERT_EQ(details.last_value_update_ticks, details.ticks_to_synthetic.reference_offset);
// The rate of the ticks <-> synthetic should be equal to the ticks to
// clock monotonic ratio. Right now, however, we don't have a good way
// to query the VDSO constants in order to find this ratio. Instead, we
// take it on faith that this is correct, then use the ratio to compute
// and check the mono <-> synthetic reference offset.
// TODO(johngro): consider exposing this ratio from a VDSO based
// syscall.
int64_t expected_mono_reference;
affine::Ratio ticks_to_mono = UnpackRatio(details.ticks_to_synthetic.rate);
expected_mono_reference = ticks_to_mono.Scale(details.ticks_to_synthetic.reference_offset);
ASSERT_EQ(expected_mono_reference, details.mono_to_synthetic.reference_offset);
// Update the last_details and move on to the next phase.
last_details = details;
// Phase 3: Change the rate of the clock, then sanity check the details.
constexpr int32_t PPM_ADJ = 65;
update_before = zx::ticks::now();
update_after = zx::ticks::now();
get_details_before = zx::ticks::now();
get_details_after = zx::ticks::now();
// Sanity check the query time
ASSERT_GE(details.query_ticks, get_details_before.get());
ASSERT_LE(details.query_ticks, get_details_after.get());
// The generation counter should have incremented by exactly 2.
ASSERT_EQ(last_details.generation_counter + 2, details.generation_counter);
// The options should not have changed.
ASSERT_EQ(options, details.options);
// The error bound should still be "unknown"
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_CLOCK_UNKNOWN_ERROR, details.error_bound);
// The last value and error bound update times should not have changed.
// The last rate adjustment timestamp should be bounded by
// update_before/update_after.
ASSERT_EQ(last_details.last_value_update_ticks, details.last_value_update_ticks);
ASSERT_GE(details.last_rate_adjust_update_ticks, update_before.get());
ASSERT_LE(details.last_rate_adjust_update_ticks, update_after.get());
// Validate the various transformation equations.
// Note: this validation behavior assumes a particular behavior of the
// kernel. Technically, there are many valid solutions for computing
// this equation; the two offsets allow us to write the equation for a
// line many different ways. Even so, we expect the kernel to be using
// the method we validate here because it is simple, cheap, and precise.
// If the behavior changes, there should be a Very Good Reason, and we
// would like this test to break if someone decides to update the
// methodology without updating the tests as well.
// The expected synthetic clock offset for the transformations should be
// the projected value of the last_rate_adjust_ticks time using the previous
// transformation.
int64_t expected_synth_offset;
affine::Transform last_ticks_to_synth = UnpackTransform(last_details.ticks_to_synthetic);
expected_synth_offset = last_ticks_to_synth.Apply(details.last_rate_adjust_update_ticks);
ASSERT_EQ(expected_synth_offset, details.ticks_to_synthetic.synthetic_offset);
ASSERT_EQ(expected_synth_offset, details.mono_to_synthetic.synthetic_offset);
// The reference offset for ticks <-> synth should be the update time.
// The reference for mono <-> synth should be the ticks reference
// converted to mono.
expected_mono_reference = ticks_to_mono.Scale(details.ticks_to_synthetic.reference_offset);
ASSERT_EQ(expected_mono_reference, details.mono_to_synthetic.reference_offset);
ASSERT_EQ(details.last_rate_adjust_update_ticks, details.ticks_to_synthetic.reference_offset);
// Check our ratios. We need to be a bit careful here; one cannot
// simply compare ratios for equality without reducing them first.
// The mono <-> synth ratio should just be a function of the PPM
// adjustment we applied.
affine::Ratio expected_mono_ratio{1'000'000 + PPM_ADJ, 1'000'000};
affine::Ratio actual_mono_ratio = UnpackRatio(details.mono_to_synthetic.rate);
ASSERT_EQ(expected_mono_ratio.numerator(), actual_mono_ratio.numerator());
ASSERT_EQ(expected_mono_ratio.denominator(), actual_mono_ratio.denominator());
// The ticks <-> synth ratio should be the product of ticks to mono and
// mono to synth.
affine::Ratio expected_ticks_ratio = ticks_to_mono * expected_mono_ratio;
affine::Ratio actual_ticks_ratio = UnpackRatio(details.ticks_to_synthetic.rate);
ASSERT_EQ(expected_ticks_ratio.numerator(), actual_ticks_ratio.numerator());
ASSERT_EQ(expected_ticks_ratio.denominator(), actual_ticks_ratio.denominator());
// Update the last_details and move on to the next phase.
last_details = details;
// Phase 4: Update the error bound and verify that it sticks. None
// of the other core details should change.
constexpr uint64_t ERROR_BOUND = 1234567;
update_before = zx::ticks::now();
update_after = zx::ticks::now();
get_details_before = zx::ticks::now();
get_details_after = zx::ticks::now();
// Sanity check the query time
ASSERT_GE(details.query_ticks, get_details_before.get());
ASSERT_LE(details.query_ticks, get_details_after.get());
// The generation counter should have incremented by exactly 2.
ASSERT_EQ(last_details.generation_counter + 2, details.generation_counter);
// The options should not have changed.
ASSERT_EQ(options, details.options);
// The error bound should be what we set it to.
ASSERT_EQ(ERROR_BOUND, details.error_bound);
// The last value and rate adjust update times not have changed. The
// last error bound timestamp should be bounded by
// update_before/update_after.
ASSERT_EQ(last_details.last_value_update_ticks, details.last_value_update_ticks);
ASSERT_EQ(last_details.last_rate_adjust_update_ticks, details.last_rate_adjust_update_ticks);
ASSERT_GE(details.last_error_bounds_update_ticks, update_before.get());
ASSERT_LE(details.last_error_bounds_update_ticks, update_after.get());
// None of the transformations should have changed.
auto CompareTransformation = [](const zx_clock_transformation_t& expected,
const zx_clock_transformation_t& actual) {
ASSERT_EQ(expected.reference_offset, expected.reference_offset);
ASSERT_EQ(expected.synthetic_offset, expected.synthetic_offset);
ASSERT_EQ(expected.rate.synthetic_ticks, expected.rate.synthetic_ticks);
ASSERT_EQ(expected.rate.reference_ticks, expected.rate.reference_ticks);
CompareTransformation(last_details.ticks_to_synthetic, details.ticks_to_synthetic));
CompareTransformation(last_details.mono_to_synthetic, details.mono_to_synthetic));
// Phase 5: Make sure that attempt to fetch details fail when we mess up
// things like the details structure version number, or the V1 structure
// size. Note that we need to bypass the zx::clock API for these tests.
// As written, the zx::clock API will not allow us to make these mistakes.
// Test a bad version number
zx_clock_get_details(the_clock.get_handle(), ZX_CLOCK_ARGS_VERSION(2), &details),
// Test a bad pointer.
ASSERT_STATUS(zx_clock_get_details(the_clock.get_handle(), ZX_CLOCK_ARGS_VERSION(1), nullptr),
// A buffer larger than strictly required should still work.
uint8_t big_buffer[sizeof(details) + 8];
ASSERT_OK(zx_clock_get_details(the_clock.get_handle(), ZX_CLOCK_ARGS_VERSION(1), big_buffer));
// Phase 6: Finally, reduce the rights on the clock, discarding the READ
// right in the process. Make sure that we can no longer get_details.
ASSERT_OK(the_clock.replace(ZX_DEFAULT_CLOCK_RIGHTS & ~ZX_RIGHT_READ, &the_clock));
ASSERT_EQ(the_clock.get_details(&details), ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED);
TEST(KernelClocksTestCase, Update) {
zx::clock basic;
zx::clock mono;
zx::clock mono_cont;
// Create three clocks. A basic clock, a monotonic clock, and a monotonic
// + continuous clock.
ASSERT_OK(zx::clock::create(0, nullptr, &basic));
ASSERT_OK(zx::clock::create(ZX_CLOCK_OPT_MONOTONIC, nullptr, &mono));
zx::clock::create(ZX_CLOCK_OPT_MONOTONIC | ZX_CLOCK_OPT_CONTINUOUS, nullptr, &mono_cont));
// Set each clock to its initial value. All clocks need to allow being
// initially set, so this should be just fine.
constexpr zx::time INITIAL_VALUE{1'000'000};
zx::clock::update_args args;
// Attempt to make each clock jump forward. This should succeed for the
// basic clock and the monotonic clock, but fail for the continuous clock
// with 'invalid args'. Note that this operation is timing sensitive. If
// the clocks are permitted to advance to the point that our value is no
// longer in the future, then the monotonic set operation will fail as well.
// To make sure this does not happen, make the jump be something enormous;
// much larger than the maximum conceivable test watchdog timeout. We use a
// full day.
constexpr zx::duration FWD_JUMP = zx::sec(86400);
args.set_value(INITIAL_VALUE + FWD_JUMP);
ASSERT_STATUS(mono_cont.update(args), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
// Attempt to make each clock jump backwards. This should only succeed the
// basic clock. Neither flavor of monotonic should allow this.
args.set_value(INITIAL_VALUE - zx::nsec(1));
ASSERT_STATUS(mono_cont.update(args), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
// Test rate adjustments. All clocks should permit rate adjustment, but the
// legal rate adjustment is fixed.
struct RateTestVector {
int32_t adj;
zx_status_t expected_result;
constexpr std::array RATE_TEST_VECTORS = {
RateTestVector{0, ZX_OK},
for (const auto& v : RATE_TEST_VECTORS) {
ASSERT_STATUS(basic.update(args), v.expected_result);
ASSERT_STATUS(mono.update(args), v.expected_result);
ASSERT_STATUS(mono_cont.update(args), v.expected_result);
// Test error bound reporting. Error bounds are just information which is
// atomically updated while making adjustments to the clock. The kernel
// should permit any value for this.
constexpr std::array ERROR_BOUND_VECTORS = {
for (const auto& err_bound : ERROR_BOUND_VECTORS) {
// Attempt to set an illegal option for update option. This should always
// fail, but we have to by pass the zx::clock API in order to test this.
// zx::clock will not allow this mistake to be made..
constexpr uint64_t ILLEGAL_OPTION = 0x80000000;
"Illegal opt is actually legal!");
zx_clock_update_args_v1_t update_args;
ASSERT_STATUS(zx_clock_update(basic.get_handle(), options, &update_args), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
ASSERT_STATUS(zx_clock_update(mono.get_handle(), options, &update_args), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
ASSERT_STATUS(zx_clock_update(mono_cont.get_handle(), options, &update_args),
// Attempt to pass an invalid version number for the update argument struct.
ASSERT_STATUS(zx_clock_update(basic.get_handle(), options, &update_args), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
ASSERT_STATUS(zx_clock_update(mono.get_handle(), options, &update_args), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
ASSERT_STATUS(zx_clock_update(mono_cont.get_handle(), options, &update_args),
// Attempt to pass a bad pointer update argument struct.
ASSERT_STATUS(zx_clock_update(basic.get_handle(), options, nullptr), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
ASSERT_STATUS(zx_clock_update(mono.get_handle(), options, nullptr), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
ASSERT_STATUS(zx_clock_update(mono_cont.get_handle(), options, nullptr), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
// Attempt to send an update command with no valid flags at all (eg; a
// no-op). This should also fail.
ASSERT_STATUS(mono_cont.update(args), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
// Remove the WRITE rights from the basic clock handle, then verify that we
// can no longer update it.
TEST(KernelClocksTestCase, Backstop) {
constexpr zx::time INITIAL_VALUE{zx::sec(86400).get()};
constexpr zx::time BACKSTOP{12345};
zx::clock the_clock;
zx_time_t read_val;
// Create a simple clock with an explicit backstop time
ASSERT_OK(CreateClock(0, BACKSTOP, &the_clock));
// Attempt to perform an initial set of the clock which would violate the
// backstop. This should fail.
zx::clock::update_args args;
args.set_value(BACKSTOP - zx::nsec(1));
ASSERT_STATUS(the_clock.update(args), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
// The clock should still be at its backstop value and not advancing because
// the initial set failed.
ASSERT_EQ(BACKSTOP.get(), read_val);
ASSERT_EQ(BACKSTOP.get(), read_val);
// Set the clock to a valid initial value. This should succeed.
// Attempt to roll the clock back to before the backstop. This should fail,
// and the clock should still have a value >= the initial value we set.
args.set_value(BACKSTOP - zx::nsec(1));
ASSERT_STATUS(the_clock.update(args), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
ASSERT_GE(read_val, INITIAL_VALUE.get());
// Roll the clock all of the way back to the backstop. We did not declare the
// clock to be monotonic, so this should be OK.
// The clock now must be >= the backstop value we set. Also check to be sure
// that it is <= the initial value set. While this is technically a race and
// _could_ flake, we chose an initial value of 24hrs and an initial backstop
// of 12.345 uSec. If the test framework takes more than 24 hrs - 12 uSec
// to get from the update operation to this clock read operation (and has not
// timed out in the process), then we have other more serious issues.
ASSERT_GE(read_val, BACKSTOP.get());
ASSERT_LT(read_val, INITIAL_VALUE.get());
TEST(KernelClocksTestCase, StartedSignal) {
// Make a simple clock.
zx::clock clock;
ASSERT_OK(zx::clock::create(0, nullptr, &clock));
// Wait up to 50msec for the clock to become started. This should time out,
// and the pending signals should come back as nothing.
zx_signals_t pending = 0;
ASSERT_STATUS(clock.wait_one(ZX_CLOCK_STARTED, zx::deadline_after(zx::msec(50)), &pending),
ASSERT_EQ(pending, 0);
// Now go ahead and start the clock running.
zx::clock::update_args args;
// This time, our wait should succeed and the pending signal should indicate
ASSERT_OK(clock.wait_one(ZX_CLOCK_STARTED, zx::deadline_after(zx::msec(50)), &pending));
TEST(KernelClocksTestCase, DefaultRights) {
// Make a simple clock.
zx::clock clock;
ASSERT_OK(zx::clock::create(0, nullptr, &clock));
// Fetch the basic info from the object. It tell us the object's current rights.
zx_info_handle_basic_t basic_info;
size_t count;
ASSERT_OK(clock.get_info(ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC, &basic_info, sizeof(basic_info), &count, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(1, count);
// Make sure that the default rights match what we expect.
} // namespace