blob: 6c889003f7fb1a06fd61da5062d16650bfb868c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fidl.test.llcpp.dirent;
const uint32 TEST_MAX_PATH = 10;
/// Fake dirent structure to exercise linearization codepaths.
struct DirEnt {
bool is_dir;
string:TEST_MAX_PATH name;
int32 some_flags;
const uint32 SMALL_DIR_VECTOR_SIZE = 3;
/// Test interface implemented by LLCPP, with a manually written server,
/// since types with more than one level of indirections are not handled by the C binding.
protocol DirEntTestInterface {
/// Iterate over the dirents and return the number of directories within them.
CountNumDirectories(vector<DirEnt>:1000 dirents) -> (int64 num_dir);
/// Return a vector of dirents. Empty request. Response may stack-allocate.
ReadDir() -> (vector<DirEnt>:SMALL_DIR_VECTOR_SIZE dirents);
/// Consume dirents. Empty response. Request may stack-allocate.
ConsumeDirectories(vector<DirEnt>:SMALL_DIR_VECTOR_SIZE dirents) -> ();
/// Event
-> OnDirents(vector<DirEnt>:1000 dirents);
/// Binding will not wait for response.
/// But here we send an eventpair which the server will signal upon receipt of message.
OneWayDirents(vector<DirEnt>:1000 dirents, handle<eventpair> ep);