blob: 1506b959aa00100fb0ff4454a5b8ff9d18b591d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/fidl.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
// Available transformations.
typedef uint32_t fidl_transformation_t;
// No-op transformation.
// See also `fidl_transform`.
#define FIDL_TRANSFORMATION_NONE ((fidl_transformation_t)0u)
// In the old wire format, a FIDL union is encoded as a static union. In the v1 wire format, a FIDL
// union is encoded as an extensible union.
// Performing the FIDL_TRANSFORMATION_V1_TO_OLD transformation will transform a top-level struct
// that contains FIDL unions from extensible unions to static unions. The |src_bytes| buffer passed
// to `fidl_transform` MUST have been previously validated with `fidl_validate`, or the behavior is
// undefined.
// See also `fidl_transform`.
#define FIDL_TRANSFORMATION_V1_TO_OLD ((fidl_transformation_t)1u)
// Performing FIDL_TRANSFORMATION_OLD_TO_V1 transformation will transform a top-level struct that
// contains FIDL unions from static unions to extensible unions. The |src_bytes| buffer passed to
// `fidl_transform` MUST have been previously validated with `fidl_validate`, or the behavior is
// undefined.
// See also `fidl_transform`.
#define FIDL_TRANSFORMATION_OLD_TO_V1 ((fidl_transformation_t)2u)
// Transforms an encoded FIDL buffer from one wire format to another.
// Starting from the root of the encoded objects present in the |src_bytes|
// buffer, this function traverses all objects and transforms them from one
// wire format into another, placing the transformed encoded objects into the
// |dst_bytes| buffer. Both |src_bytes| and |dst_bytes| should be aligned to
// Upon success, this function returns `ZX_OK` and records the total size
// of bytes written to the |dst_bytes| buffer into |out_dst_num_bytes|.
// Upon failure (and if provided) this function writes an error message
// to |out_error_msg|. The caller is not responsible for the memory backing the
// error message.
// See also `fidl_transformation_t` and `FIDL_TRANSFORMATION_...` constants.
zx_status_t fidl_transform(fidl_transformation_t transformation, const fidl_type_t* type,
const uint8_t* src_bytes, uint32_t src_num_bytes, uint8_t* dst_bytes,
uint32_t dst_num_bytes_capacity, uint32_t* out_dst_num_bytes,
const char** out_error_msg);