blob: 53e100df23606c766aa3fa31bd86a6517138d42f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <lib/fidl/coding.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
// TODO(dustingreen): Switch to llcpp, DecodedMessage, etc, probably.
template <typename FidlCStruct, auto FidlCMetaTable>
class FidlStruct {
// These are used to select which constructor.
enum DefaultType { Default };
enum NullType { Null };
// For request structs, the request handler is expected to close all the
// handles, but the incoming struct itself isn't owned by the hander, and
// the incoming struct is const, which conflicts with managing handles by
// zeroing a handle field when the handle is closed. So for now, we always
// copy the incoming struct, own the copy, and close the handles via the
// copy. The _dispatch() caller won't try to close the handles in its copy.
FidlStruct(const FidlCStruct& to_copy_and_own_handles)
// struct copy
: storage_(to_copy_and_own_handles), ptr_(&storage_) {
// nothing else to do here
// There is intentionally not a zero-arg constructor, to force selection
// between starting with default-initialized storage with handles owned by
// ptr_ (any handles set to non-zero value after construction), vs. starting
// with ptr_ set to nullptr so a later reset() is faster.
// For reply structs, it's useful to start with a default-initialized struct
// that can get incrementally populated, with a partially-initialized struct
// along the way that's still possible to clean up so handles get closed
// properly even if the reply never gets fully built and/or never gets sent.
FidlStruct(DefaultType not_used) : ptr_(&storage_) {
// nothing else to do here
FidlStruct(NullType not_used) : ptr_(nullptr) {
// nothing else to do here
// Close any handles that aren't currently ZX_HANDLE_INVALID. The client
// code can choose to move a handle out to be owned separately by setting
// the handle field to ZX_HANDLE_INVALID (or leaving it 0 which is the same
// thing).
~FidlStruct() { reset_internal(nullptr); }
void reset(const FidlCStruct* to_copy_and_own_handles) {
// Stop managing the handles, and return a pointer for the caller's
// convenience. After this, get() will return nullptr to discourage further
// use of non-owned handle fields.
// The caller must stop using the returned value before the earlier of when
// this instance is deleted or when this instance is re-used.
FidlCStruct* release() {
FidlCStruct* tmp = ptr_;
ptr_ = nullptr;
return tmp;
// Return value can be nullptr if release() has been called previously.
FidlCStruct* get() {
return ptr_;
bool is_valid() {
return !!ptr_;
operator bool() {
return !!ptr_;
FidlCStruct* operator->() {
return ptr_;
FidlCStruct& operator*() {
return *ptr_;
// transfer handle ownership, copy the data, invalidate the source
FidlStruct(FidlStruct&& to_move) {
to_move.is_moved_out_ = true;
// transfer handle ownership, copy the data, invalidate the source
FidlStruct& operator=(FidlStruct&& to_move) {
to_move.is_moved_out_ = true;
return *this;
void reset_internal(const FidlCStruct* to_copy_and_own_handles) {
if (ptr_) {
fidl_close_handles(FidlCMetaTable, ptr_, nullptr);
if (to_copy_and_own_handles) {
storage_ = *to_copy_and_own_handles;
ptr_ = &storage_;
} else {
ptr_ = nullptr;
// Same as release, but don't assert on ptr_. This allows moving from a null
// struct.
FidlCStruct* release_allow_null() {
FidlCStruct* tmp = ptr_;
ptr_ = nullptr;
return tmp;
FidlCStruct storage_{};
FidlCStruct* ptr_ = nullptr;
bool is_moved_out_ = false;
FidlStruct(FidlStruct& to_copy) = delete;
FidlStruct& operator=(FidlStruct& to_copy) = delete;