blob: 5621ebb025bf6aee370e93500057528c1e19e873 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/async/default.h>
#include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <stdarg.h>
template <typename Stub, typename Binding, auto vLogger>
class FidlServer {
using BindingType = Binding;
using ErrorHandler = fit::function<void(zx_status_t)>;
// Instances are effectively channel-owned via binding_ and
// channel_owned_server_. Any channel error or server-detected protocol
// error results in deletion of the Stub instance.
template <typename... Args>
static void CreateChannelOwned(zx::channel server_request, Args&&... args) {
auto local_owner = Create(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Make channel-owned / self-owned:
Stub* stub = local_owner.get();
stub->channel_owned_server_ = std::move(local_owner);
stub->SetErrorHandler([stub](zx_status_t status) {
// A clean close is ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSED. The status passed to an
// error handler is never ZX_OK.
if (status != ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSED) {
// We call FailAsync() just for its logging output (including the
// "fail" text). At this point !error_handler, so nothing actually
// happens async due to this call.
stub->FailAsync(status, "FidlServer::error_handler_() - status: %d", status);
// Now delete stub.
std::unique_ptr<Stub> local_owner = std::move(stub->channel_owned_server_);
// ~local_owner
template <typename... Args>
static std::unique_ptr<Stub> Create(Args&&... args) {
return std::unique_ptr<Stub>(new Stub(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
void SetErrorHandler(ErrorHandler error_handler) {
// SetErrorHandler() required before Bind().
void Bind(zx::channel server_request) { binding_.Bind(std::move(server_request)); }
FidlServer(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, const char* logging_prefix, uint32_t concurrency_cap)
: dispatcher_(dispatcher),
binding_(dispatcher_, static_cast<Stub*>(this), &Stub::kOps, concurrency_cap),
logging_prefix_(logging_prefix) {}
// This picks up async_get_default_dispatcher(), which seems fine to share
// with the devhost code, at least for now.
FidlServer(const char* logging_prefix, uint32_t concurrency_cap)
: FidlServer(async_get_default_dispatcher(), logging_prefix, concurrency_cap) {}
~FidlServer() {
for (bool* canary : canaries_) {
*canary = false;
// Wrapper of async::PostTask() that uses dispatcher_ and abort()s the
// current process if async::PostTask() fails. This method does not protect
// against ~FidlServer running first (see Post() for that).
void PostUnsafe(fit::closure to_run) {
zx_status_t post_status = async::PostTask(dispatcher_, std::move(to_run));
// We don't expect this post to fail.
ZX_ASSERT(post_status == ZX_OK);
// In addition to what PostUnsafe() does, Post() avoids running to_run if
// ~FidlServer has already run. This does not ensure that any other capture
// is still allocated at the time to_run runs (that's still the caller's
// responsibility).
void Post(fit::closure to_run) {
// For now we don't optimize away use of the heap here, but we easily
// could if it became an actual problem.
auto canary = std::make_unique<bool>(true);
PostUnsafe([this, canary = std::move(canary), to_run = std::move(to_run)] {
if (!*canary) {
// We haven't touched |this|, which is already gone. Get out.
// We now know that |this| is still allocated. Typically to_run
// will have also captured this, but not necessarily always.
// ~to_run
// Forces the FidlServer to binding_.Close() and run the
// binding_.error_handler_ async if it hasn't already started running.
// If |this| is deleted before the error handler runs async, the error
// handler will cleanly not run and instead will be deleted async without
// ever being run.
// FailAsync() is legal to use during the error_handler_, in which case
// FailAsync() won't cause the error_handler_ to run again.
// A sub-class is also free to just delete |this| instead of forcing the
// error handler to run.
// A sub-class can make FailAsync() public instead of protected, as
// appropriate.
void FailAsync(zx_status_t status, const char* format, ...) {
if (is_failing_) {
// Fail() is intentionally idempotent. We only really care about
// the first failure.
is_failing_ = true;
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
vLogger(true, logging_prefix_, "fail", format, args);
// TODO(dustingreen): Send string in buffer via epitaph, when possible.
ErrorHandler error_handler = binding_.Close();
if (error_handler) {
// The canary in Post() allows us to simulate a channel-triggered
// async failure while still allowing the owner to delete |this| at
// any time. The canary essentially serves the same purpose as the
// async_cancel_wait() in ~Binding, but we can't cancel a Post() so
// we use canary instead.
Post([error_handler = std::move(error_handler), status] {
// error_handler() will typically ~this
// |this| is likely gone now.
// Logging that prefixes logging_prefix + " " + "info"/"error", and doesn't
// need a trailing '\n' passed in.
void LogInfo(const char* format, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
vLogger(false, logging_prefix_, "info", format, args);
void LogError(const char* format, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
vLogger(true, logging_prefix_, "error", format, args);
// This is nullptr unless this instance is owned by the channel.
std::unique_ptr<Stub> channel_owned_server_;
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_ = nullptr;
bool is_failing_ = false;
// The binding_.error_handler_ will typically delete |this|.
Binding binding_;
const char* logging_prefix_ = nullptr;
// Any async arc can put a bool* in canaries_. If ~FidlServer runs, the
// pointed-at canary will be set to false. The async arc can notice the
// false value and avoid touching FidlServer (can instead just clean up
// anything associated with the async arc, such as the canary bool among
// other things).
// TODO(dustingreen): Switch to in-band doubly-linked list for canaries.
std::set<bool*> canaries_;