blob: d0874db98e5ce30060e4388f7886f57471b16dc3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.device;
using zx;
using fuchsia.device.manager;
/// Maxmium length for a device name
const uint64 MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LEN = 32;
/// Maximum length of a device path
const uint64 MAX_DEVICE_PATH_LEN = 1024;
/// Maxmium length for a driver name
const uint64 MAX_DRIVER_NAME_LEN = 32;
/// Maximum length for a driver path
const uint64 MAX_DRIVER_PATH_LEN = 1024;
/// Maximum device power states. In future this should account
/// for performance states.
const uint32 MAX_DEVICE_POWER_STATES = 5;
const uint32 MIN_DEVICE_POWER_STATES = 2; // D0 & D3COLD
/// Signal that will be active on a device event handle if the device's read() method
/// will return data.
const uint32 DEVICE_SIGNAL_READABLE = 0x01000000; // ZX_USER_SIGNAL_0
/// Signal that will be active on a device event handle if the device has some out-of-band
/// mechanism that needs attention.
/// This is primarily used by the PTY support.
const uint32 DEVICE_SIGNAL_OOB = 0x02000000; // ZX_USER_SIGNAL_1
/// Signal that will be active on a device event handle if the device's write() method
/// will accept data.
const uint32 DEVICE_SIGNAL_WRITABLE = 0x04000000; // ZX_USER_SIGNAL_2
/// Signal that will be active on a device event handle if the device has encountered an error.
/// This is primarily used by the PTY support.
const uint32 DEVICE_SIGNAL_ERROR = 0x08000000; // ZX_USER_SIGNAL_3
/// Signal that will be active on a device event handle if the device has been disconnected.
/// This is primarily used by the PTY support.
const uint32 DEVICE_SIGNAL_HANGUP = 0x10000000; // ZX_USER_SIGNAL_4
enum DevicePowerState : uint8 {
/// Mandatory Working state. Device is fully functional, can take I/O,
/// issue interrrupts. This state is mandatory for all devices
/// The device enters into this state by default, when powered on.
/// [OPTIONAL] Device is not working when in this state. It cannot process
/// I/O nor issue interrupts, unless it is armed for some special interrupts
/// that can wake up the system/device. When in this state, the restore time
/// of getting back to working state is less than other low-power states
/// Power savings in this state are lesser than other low power states.
/// Device may retain some hardware context and full initialization
/// may not be needed when resuming from this state.
/// [OPTIONAL] Device is not working when in this state. It cannot process
/// I/O nor issue interrupts, unless it is armed for some special interrupts
/// that can wake up the system/device. When in this state, the restore time
/// of getting back to working state is more than DEVICE_POWER_STATE_D1 and
/// less than restore time of getting back from DEVICE_POWER_STATE_D3HOT,
/// DEVICE_POWER_STATE_D3COLD. Power savings in this state are lesser
/// Device may retain some hardware context and full initialization
/// may not be needed when resuming from this state.
/// [OPTIONAL] Device is not working when in this state. It cannot process
/// I/O nor issue interrupts, unless it is armed for some special interrupts
/// that can wake up the system/device. When in this state, the restore time
/// of getting back to working state is more than DEVICE_POWER_STATE_D1,
/// DEVICE_POWER_STATE_D3HOT and less than restore time of getting back from
/// DEVICE_POWER_STATE_D3COLD. Power savings in this state are lesser
/// than DEVICE_POWER_STATE_D3COLD. Device has no context and full initialization
/// by the device driver when resuming from this state.
/// Although the device is completely off, it is still powered on and is enumerable.
/// [MANDATORY] Device is not working when in this state. It cannot process
/// I/O nor issue interrupts, unless it is armed for some special interrupts
/// that can wake up the system/device. When in this state, the restore time
/// of getting back to working state is more than all other low power states.
/// Power savings are more compared to all other low-power states.
/// Device has no context and full initialization by the device driver when
/// resuming from this state. In this state, the power to this device is turned off.
/// Device may be powered by other auxiliary supplies to support wake capability.
/// [MANDATORY] Default performance state when the device is in DEVICE_POWER_STATE_D0
// TODO(ravoorir): This should be table when the Controller protocol moves off of simple layout.
struct DevicePowerStateInfo {
DevicePowerState state_id;
/// Is this state supported?
bool is_supported;
/// Restore time for coming out of this state to working D0 state.
int64 restore_latency;
/// Is this device wakeup_capable?
bool wakeup_capable;
/// Deepest system system sleep state that the device can wake the system from.
int32 system_wake_state;
/// Performance state info for a device. A performance state is relevant only
/// when the device is in non-sleeping working device power state.
struct DevicePerformanceStateInfo {
int32 state_id;
/// Restore time for coming out of this state to fully working performance state.
int64 restore_latency;
/// Is this state supported?
bool is_supported;
// TODO(ravoorir): Explore how more device specific metadata can be saved here.
// Maybe a union of metadata coming from different devices.
struct SystemPowerStateInfo {
uint32 suspend_flag;
/// Should wakeup be enabled from this system state?
bool wakeup_enable;
/// Device power state that the device should be in for this system power state.
DevicePowerState dev_state;
/// Interface for manipulating a device in a devhost
protocol Controller {
/// Attempt to bind the requested driver to this device
Bind(string:MAX_DRIVER_PATH_LEN driver) -> () error zx.status;
/// This api will unbind all the children of this device and bind the
/// requested driver. If the driver is empty, it will autobind.
/// The Rebind will not return until the bind completes.
Rebind(string:MAX_DRIVER_PATH_LEN driver) -> () error zx.status;
/// Disconnect this device and allow its parent to be bound again.
/// This may not complete before it returns.
ScheduleUnbind() -> () error zx.status;
/// Return the name of the driver managing this the device
GetDriverName() -> (zx.status status, string:MAX_DRIVER_NAME_LEN? name);
/// Return the name of the device
GetDeviceName() -> (string:MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LEN name);
/// Return the topological path for this device
GetTopologicalPath() -> (string:MAX_DEVICE_PATH_LEN path) error zx.status;
/// Get an event for monitoring device conditions (see `DEVICE_SIGNAL_*` constants)
GetEventHandle() -> (zx.status status, handle<event>? event);
/// Return the current logging flags for this device's driver
GetDriverLogFlags() -> (zx.status status, uint32 flags);
/// Set the logging flags for this device's driver.
/// Each set bit in `clear_flags` will be cleared in the log flags state.
/// Each set bit in `set_flags` will then be set in the log flags state.
SetDriverLogFlags(uint32 clear_flags, uint32 set_flags) -> (zx.status status);
/// Debug command: execute the device's suspend hook
DebugSuspend() -> (zx.status status);
/// Debug command: execute the device's resume hook
DebugResume() -> (zx.status status);
/// Runs compatibility tests for the driver that binds to this device.
/// The |hook_wait_time| is the time that the driver expects to take for
/// each device hook in nanoseconds.
/// Returns whether the driver passed the compatibility check.
RunCompatibilityTests(int64 hook_wait_time) -> (uint32 status);
/// Gets the device power capabilities. Used by the system wide power manager
/// to manage power for this device.
GetDevicePowerCaps() -> (array<DevicePowerStateInfo>:MAX_DEVICE_POWER_STATES dpstates) error zx.status;
/// Gets the device performance states. Used by the system wide power manager
/// to manage power for this device.
GetDevicePerformanceStates() -> (array<DevicePerformanceStateInfo>:MAX_DEVICE_PERFORMANCE_STATES states, zx.status status);
/// Updates the mapping between system power states to device power states. Used by the system
/// wide power manager to manage power for this device
UpdatePowerStateMapping(array<SystemPowerStateInfo>:fuchsia.device.manager.MAX_SYSTEM_POWER_STATES mapping) -> () error zx.status;
/// Get the mapping between system power states to device power states. Used by the system
/// wide power manager to manage power for this device.
GetPowerStateMapping() -> (array<SystemPowerStateInfo>:fuchsia.device.manager.MAX_SYSTEM_POWER_STATES mapping) error zx.status;
/// Transition this device from a working to a sleep state or from a sleep state to a deeper sleep
/// state.
// TODO(ravoorir): At the moment, this will call the suspend hook only on this device.
// In a future change, this api will result in suspend hook being called on all the children and
// descendants before transitioning this device.
// On success, the out_state is same as requested_state.
// On failure, the out_state is the state the device can go into at this point, depending
// on the configuration of its children. For example, a device cannot go into the
// requested_state, if the requested_state does not support a descendant's wake configuration.
Suspend(DevicePowerState requested_state) -> (zx.status status, DevicePowerState out_state);
/// Transition this device from a sleep state to a working state.
// TODO(ravoorir): At the moment, this will call the resume hook only on this device.
// In a future change, this api will result in resume hook being called on all the children
// after the current device is transitioned.
// On success, the out_state has the actual state of the device. The out_state could be
// different from the requested_state, if the device could not resume to the requested
// performance state, but the device could resume to a working state.
// Just because the device is not able to transition to a particular performance state,
// we do not want to suspend the device back.
Resume(DevicePowerState requested_state) -> (DevicePowerState out_state) error zx.status;
/// Set the performance state of this device to the requested performance state. This is only
/// called for the current device and none of the descendants are aware of the state
/// transition.
/// On success, the out_state and the requested_state is same. If the device is in a working
/// state, the performance state will be changed to requested_state immediately. If the device
/// is in non-working state, the performance state will be the requested_state whenever the
/// device transitions to working state.
/// On failure, the out_state will have the state that the device can go into.
SetPerformanceState(uint32 requested_state) -> (zx.status status, uint32 out_state);
/// Configure autosuspend of device to this deepest sleep state.
ConfigureAutoSuspend(bool enable,
DevicePowerState requested_deepest_sleep_state) -> (zx.status status);