blob: 8230947d0dfd4252ca6df41dbbf5686755b65252 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This is the $fidl_support module for the C/C++ FIDL tables, which are
# required by C and C++ bindings (and maybe others). See fidl_library() for
# details. This file should not normally be imported by other code.
# This tells fidl_library() to invoke fidl_tables().
fidl_support_templates = [
import = "$zx/public/gn/fidl/tables.gni"
target = "fidl_tables"
fidlc = "tables"
# This tells fidl_library() what fidlc outputs fidl_tables() requires.
fidl_support_fidlc = [
name = "tables"
files = [
switch = "--tables"
path = "tables.cpp"
# Provide C/C++ FIDL tables for fidl_library(). **Do not use directly!**
# This is never used directly, but only indirectly by fidl_library().
# See there for details.
# This produces source_set("$target_name.tables"). Other bindings targets
# depend on it.
template("fidl_tables") {
not_needed([ "target_name" ])
not_needed(invoker, "*")
if (current_toolchain != default_toolchain) {
fidl_target = target_name
tables_target = "$fidl_target.tables"
source_set(tables_target) {
# Depend on the fidlc generation step and compile what it produces.
deps = invoker.fidlc_deps
sources = invoker.fidlc_outputs
# The generated code uses this.
deps += [ "$zx/system/ulib/fidl" ]