
tiles_ctl is a utility to control tiles, a very simple tiling view manager. It operates by starting or connecting to the tiles component and sending it commands through the fuchsia.developer.tiles.Controller FIDL interface.



Starts the tiles component


Lists the current set of tiles including their key, url, current size and focusability.

add [--disable-focus] <url> [<args>...]

Adds a new tile with the given component URL. If --disable-focus is passed, the tile won't be able to gain focus.

remove <key>

Removes the tile with the given key.


Tells the tiles component to quit.


Adding the argument --flatland to any of the commands above causes tiles_ctl to talk to the tiles-flatland servcie instead of the tiles service. When adding a tile, the URL should refer to n app that knows how to be embedded in a Flatland scene graph.


fxbug.dev/80883: tiles-flatland connects directly to the display, not RootPresenter. Therefore:

  • tiles-flatland cannot be running at the same time as RootPresenter
  • embedded tile apps will not receive input