blob: 5a7323b2e366e22c68665aa9935584fe4f89142b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {argh::FromArgs, diagnostics_data::Severity, ffx_core::ffx_command};
#[derive(FromArgs, Debug, PartialEq)]
name = "test",
description = "Run test suite",
note = "Run tests or inspect output from a previous test run."
pub struct TestCommand {
pub subcommand: TestSubcommand,
#[derive(FromArgs, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum TestSubcommand {
#[derive(FromArgs, Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
name = "run",
description = "Entry point for executing tests",
note = "Runs test suites implementing the `fuchsia.test.Suite` protocol.
Tests are specified either as a command line argument, or via JSON file.
For example, when specifying a test via command line:
ffx test run fuchsia-pkg://
When specifying a test via command line and passing arguments to the test:
ffx test run fuchsia-pkg:// -- arg1 arg2
Specifying tests via JSON file is currently unstable, but may be done with the
--test-file option.
Note that if running multiple iterations of a test and an iteration times
out, no further iterations will be executed."
pub struct RunCommand {
/// test timeout in seconds
#[argh(option, short = 't')]
pub timeout: Option<u32>,
/// test url, and any arguments passed to tests, following `--`.
/// When --test-file is specified test_args should not be specified.
pub test_args: Vec<String>,
// TODO(satsukiu): once stable, document the format
/// read test url and options from the specified file instead of from the command line.
/// Stdin may be specified by passing `--test-file -`.
/// May not be used in conjunction with `test_args`, `--test-file`, `--test-filter`,
/// `--run-disabled`, `--parallel`, `--max-severity-logs`
/// This option is currently unstable and the format of the file is subject to change.
/// For current details, see test-list.json format at
pub test_file: Option<String>,
/// test filter. Glob pattern for matching tests. Can be
/// specified multiple times to pass in multiple patterns.
/// Tests may be excluded by prepending a '-' to the glob pattern.
/// example: --test-filter glob1 --test-filter glob2 --test-filter -glob3.
pub test_filter: Vec<String>,
/// whether to also run tests that have been marked disabled/ignored
/// by the test author.
pub run_disabled: bool,
/// whether to filter ANSI escape sequences from output
pub filter_ansi: bool,
/// continue running unfinished suites if a suite times out.
/// By default, unfinished suites are immediately terminated if a suite times out.
/// This option is only relevant when multiple suites are run.
pub continue_on_timeout: bool,
/// stop running unfinished suites after the number of provided failures has occurred.
/// By default, all suites are run to completion if a suite fails.
pub stop_after_failures: Option<u32>,
/// run tests in parallel, up to the number provided.
pub parallel: Option<u16>,
/// number of times to run the test. By default run 1 time. If an iteration
/// of the test times out, no further iterations are executed.
pub count: Option<u32>,
/// when set, only logs with a severity equal to the given one or higher will be printed.
pub min_severity_logs: Option<Severity>,
/// when set, the test will fail if any log with a higher severity is emitted.
pub max_severity_logs: Option<Severity>,
/// when set, output test results to the specified directory.
pub output_directory: Option<String>,
/// when set, disables structured output to a directory.
pub disable_output_directory: bool,
#[derive(FromArgs, Debug, PartialEq)]
name = "list-cases",
description = "List test suite cases",
note = "Lists the set of test cases available in a test suite"
pub struct ListCommand {
/// test url
pub test_url: String,
#[derive(FromArgs, Debug, PartialEq)]
name = "result",
description = "Manage test results",
note = "Inspect and manage the results from previous test runs"
pub struct ResultCommand {
pub subcommand: ResultSubCommand,
#[derive(FromArgs, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum ResultSubCommand {
#[derive(FromArgs, Debug, PartialEq)]
name = "show",
description = "Display test results",
note = "Display the results of a previous test run.
When no options are provided, displays the results of the most recent test run.
pub struct ShowResultCommand {
/// when set, display the results of the specified directory.
pub directory: Option<String>,
/// when set, display the results of a run with specified index.
pub index: Option<u32>,
/// when set, display the results of a run with specified name.
pub name: Option<String>,
#[derive(FromArgs, Debug, PartialEq)]
name = "list",
description = "List test results",
note = "Display a list of previous test runs"
pub struct ListResultCommand {}
#[derive(FromArgs, Debug, PartialEq)]
name = "delete",
description = "Delete test results",
note = "Manually delete a previous test run result.
Either --index or --name must be specified."
pub struct DeleteResultCommand {
/// when set, display the results of a run with specified index.
pub index: Option<u32>,
/// when set, display the results of a run with specified name.
pub name: Option<String>,
#[derive(FromArgs, Debug, PartialEq)]
name = "save",
description = "Save test results",
note = "Mark a test result so it is not garbage collected.
By default, ffx test only retains the last 'n' test results, as configured
with 'test.save_count'. A test result saved and given a name using the save
command will be exempted from this cleanup and will not be counted towards the
total number of saved test results."
pub struct SaveResultCommand {
/// the index of the test result to save.
pub index: u32,
/// the name to assign the saved test result.
pub name: String,