blob: d38850f87138fc738eca9bcb1b44f2ecdfa85809 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Macros used in Netstack3.
macro_rules! log_unimplemented {
($nocrash:expr, $fmt:expr $(,$arg:expr)*) => {{
#[cfg(feature = "crash_on_unimplemented")]
unimplemented!($fmt, $($arg),*);
#[cfg(not(feature = "crash_on_unimplemented"))]
// Clippy doesn't like blocks explicitly returning ().
// log doesn't play well with the new macro system; it expects all
// of its macros to be in scope.
use ::log::*;
trace!(concat!("Unimplemented: ", $fmt), $($arg),*);
macro_rules! increment_counter {
($ctx:ident, $key:expr) => {
/// Implement [`TimerContext`] for one ID type in terms of an existing
/// implementation for a different ID type.
/// `$outer_timer_id` is an enum where one variant contains an
/// `$inner_timer_id`. `impl_timer_context!` generates an impl of
/// `TimerContext<$inner_timer_id>` for any `C: TimerContext<$outer_timer_id>`.
/// An impl of `Into<$outer_timer_id> for `$inner_timer_id` must exist. `$pat`
/// is a pattern of type `$outer_timer_id` that binds the `$inner_timer_id`.
/// `$bound_variable` is the name of the bound `$inner_timer_id` from the
/// pattern. For example, if `$pat` is `OuterTimerId::Inner(id)`, then
/// `$bound_variable` would be `id`. This is required for macro hygiene.
/// If an extra first parameter, `$bound`, is provided, then it is added as an
/// extra bound on the `C` context type.
/// [`TimerContext`]: crate::context::TimerContext
macro_rules! impl_timer_context {
($outer_timer_id:ty, $inner_timer_id:ty, $pat:pat, $bound_variable:ident) => {
impl<C: crate::context::TimerContext<$outer_timer_id>>
crate::context::TimerContext<$inner_timer_id> for C
impl_timer_context!(@inner $inner_timer_id, $pat, $bound_variable);
($bound:path, $outer_timer_id:ty, $inner_timer_id:ty, $pat:pat, $bound_variable:ident) => {
impl<C: $bound + crate::context::TimerContext<$outer_timer_id>>
crate::context::TimerContext<$inner_timer_id> for C
impl_timer_context!(@inner $inner_timer_id, $pat, $bound_variable);
(@inner $inner_timer_id:ty, $pat:pat, $bound_variable:ident) => {
fn schedule_timer_instant(
&mut self,
time: Self::Instant,
id: $inner_timer_id,
) -> Option<Self::Instant> {
self.schedule_timer_instant(time, id.into())
fn cancel_timer(&mut self, id: $inner_timer_id) -> Option<Self::Instant> {
fn cancel_timers_with<F: FnMut(&$inner_timer_id) -> bool>(&mut self, mut f: F) {
self.cancel_timers_with(|id| match id {
$pat => f($bound_variable),
_ => false,
fn scheduled_instant(&self, id: $inner_timer_id) -> Option<Self::Instant> {
/// Declare a benchmark function.
/// The function will be named `$name`. If the `benchmark` feature is enabled,
/// it will be annotated with the `#[bench]` attribute, and the provided `$fn`
/// will be invoked with a `&mut test::Bencher` - in other words, a real
/// benchmark. If the `benchmark` feature is disabled, the function will be
/// annotated with the `#[test]` attribute, and the provided `$fn` will be
/// invoked with a `&mut TestBencher`, which has the effect of creating a test
/// that runs the benchmarked function for a single iteration.
/// Note that `$fn` doesn't have to be a named function - it can also be an
/// anonymous closure.
macro_rules! bench {
($name:ident, $fn:expr) => {
#[cfg(feature = "benchmark")]
fn $name(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
// TODO(joshlf): Remove the `#[ignore]` once all benchmark tests pass.
#[cfg(not(feature = "benchmark"))]
fn $name() {
$fn(&mut crate::testutil::benchmarks::TestBencher);