blob: fb6f73d6a455b0529d31dcb04e9b9d47947fa8aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "local_codec_factory.h"
#include "device_ctx.h"
#include "codec_adapter_h264.h"
#include "codec_adapter_mpeg2.h"
#include "codec_admission_control.h"
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/clone.h>
#include <lib/fxl/logging.h>
#include <optional>
namespace {
struct CodecAdapterFactory {
fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecDescription description;
// This typedef is just for local readability here, not for use outside this
// struct.
using CreateFunction = std::function<std::unique_ptr<CodecAdapter>(
std::mutex& lock, CodecAdapterEvents*, DeviceCtx*)>;
CreateFunction create;
// TODO(dustingreen): Fix up this list to correspond to what
// CodecImpl+AmlogicVideo can actaully handle so far, once there's at least one
// format in that list. For now this list is here to allow covering some
// LocalCodecFactory code.
const CodecAdapterFactory kCodecFactories[] = {
.codec_type = fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecType::DECODER,
// TODO(dustingreen): See TODO comments on this field in
// codec_common.fidl.
.mime_type = "video/h264",
// TODO(dustingreen): Determine which of these can safely indicate
// more capability.
.can_stream_bytes_input = false,
.can_find_start = false,
.can_re_sync = false,
.will_report_all_detected_errors = false,
.is_hw = true,
// TODO(dustingreen): Determine if this claim of "true" is actually
// the case.
.split_header_handling = true,
[](std::mutex& lock, CodecAdapterEvents* events, DeviceCtx* device) {
return std::make_unique<CodecAdapterH264>(lock, events, device);
.codec_type = fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecType::DECODER,
// TODO(dustingreen): See TODO comments on this field in
// codec_common.fidl.
.mime_type = "video/mpeg2",
// TODO(dustingreen): Determine which of these can safely indicate
// more capability.
.can_stream_bytes_input = false,
.can_find_start = false,
.can_re_sync = false,
.will_report_all_detected_errors = false,
.is_hw = true,
// TODO(dustingreen): Determine if this claim of "true" is actually
// the case.
.split_header_handling = true,
[](std::mutex& lock, CodecAdapterEvents* events, DeviceCtx* device) {
return std::make_unique<CodecAdapterMpeg2>(lock, events, device);
} // namespace
// device - associated device.
LocalCodecFactory::LocalCodecFactory(DeviceCtx* device)
: device_(device), factory_binding_(this) {
// nothing else to do here
LocalCodecFactory::~LocalCodecFactory() {
// We need ~factory_binding_ to run on shared_fidl_thread() else it's not safe
// to un-bind unilaterally (without the channel closing). Unless not bound in
// the first place.
FXL_DCHECK(thrd_current() == device_->driver()->shared_fidl_thread() ||
// ~factory_binding_ here + fact that we're running on shared_fidl_thread()
// (if Bind() previously called) means error_handler won't be running
// concurrently with ~LocalCodecFactory and won't run after ~factory_binding_
// here.
void LocalCodecFactory::SetErrorHandler(fit::closure error_handler) {
factory_binding_.set_error_handler([this, error_handler = std::move(
error_handler)]() mutable {
FXL_DCHECK(thrd_current() == device_->driver()->shared_fidl_thread());
// This queues after the similar posting in CreateDecoder() (via
// TryAddCodec()), so that LocalCodecFactory won't get deleted until
// after previously-started TryAddCodec()s are done.
[this, error_handler = std::move(error_handler)] {
FXL_DCHECK(thrd_current() == device_->driver()->shared_fidl_thread());
// "this" is gone
is_error_handler_set_ = true;
void LocalCodecFactory::Bind(zx::channel server_endpoint) {
// Go! (immediately - if Bind() is called on IOCTL thread, this can result in
// _immediate_ dispatching over on shared_fidl_thread()).
// All HW-accelerated local CodecFactory(s) must send OnCodecList()
// immediately upon creation of the local CodecFactory.
fidl::VectorPtr<fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecDescription> codec_descriptions;
for (const CodecAdapterFactory& factory : kCodecFactories) {
void LocalCodecFactory::CreateDecoder(
fuchsia::mediacodec::CreateDecoder_Params video_decoder_params,
::fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::mediacodec::Codec> video_decoder) {
const CodecAdapterFactory* factory = nullptr;
for (const CodecAdapterFactory& candidate_factory : kCodecFactories) {
if (candidate_factory.description.mime_type ==
video_decoder_params.input_details.mime_type) {
factory = &candidate_factory;
if (!factory) {
// This shouldn't really happen since the main CodecFactory shouldn't be
// asking this LocalCodecFactory for a codec fitting a description that's
// not a description this factory previously delivered to the main
// CodecFactory via OnCodecList().
// TODO(dustingreen): epitaph for video_decoder.
// ~video_decoder here will take care of closing the channel
// We also post to the same queue in the set_error_handler() lambda, so that
// we know the LocalCodecFactory will remain alive until after this lambda
// completes.
// The factory pointer remains valid for whole lifetime of this devhost
// process.
[this, video_decoder_params = std::move(video_decoder_params),
video_decoder = std::move(video_decoder),
factory](std::unique_ptr<CodecAdmission> codec_admission) mutable {
if (!codec_admission) {
// We can't create another Codec presently.
// ~video_decoder will take care of closing the channel.
std::unique_ptr<CodecImpl> codec = std::make_unique<CodecImpl>(
std::move(codec_admission), device_,
factory->create(codec->lock(), codec.get(), device_));