Testing Scenic and Escher


Information about testability:

Scenic test packages

You can specify packages in these ways:

  • Everything:

    --with //bundles:tests
  • Individually, if you want to build less packages:

    --with //src/ui:tests
    --with //src/ui/lib/escher:escher_tests

Scenic and CQ

Tests are automatically run before submission by trybots for every change in Fuchsia. See the fuchsia-x64-release and fuchsia-x64-asan bots on https://ci.chromium.org/p/fuchsia/builders.

Add a new test suite to existing CQ tests

Most of the Scenic and Escher tests are written in Googletest. If you need to add test suites or test cases, you need to create test source files and add them as a source of the test executables in corresponding BUILD.gn files.

Adding a test package to CQ

To add a test package to CQ, you need to:

  • Create test components;
  • Reference the test package;
  • Specify test environments.

Create test components

To add a new test package to CQ, you need to create a test component including source files, metadata and BUILD.gn file. See Test component. You can include multiple test executables in one single test package, and all of them will be executed if you run fx test <test_package> on host.

Examples of test packages:

Reference the test package

To ensure the test is run on CQ, it requires an unbroken chain of dependencies that roll up to your fx set command's available packages (expandable using the --with flag), typically going through the all target of //bundles/packages/tests:all.

You need to make sure that there is a dependency chain from //bundles/packages/tests:all to your test package. For more information, see Testing FAQ documentation.

Specify test environments

To ensure that the test is run on CQ, you also need to specify a test environment for each test executable in the package inside the test's BUILD.gn file.

Generally the environment is set to environments = basic_envs. This specifies the test should be run on both QEMU (for arm64), FEMU and NUC (for x64), and using both debug and release builds. For running on other environments, refer to Test environments.

Reference the test package transitively. For example, the packages above are referenced by //bundles/packages/tests:all through //bundles/packages/tests:scenic.

Unit tests and integration tests

To run tests locally during development:

Running on device/emulator

Some of these tests require the test Scenic to connect to the real display controller.

Run fx shell killall scenic.cmx to kill an active instance of Scenic.

  • Run all Scenic tests:

    From host workstation, ensure fx serve is running, then:

      fx test \
        escher_tests \
        allocation_unittests \
        display_unittests \
        flatland_unittests \
        flatland_buffers_unittests \
        flatland_display_compositor_pixeltests \
        flatland_display_compositor_pixeltests_with_fake_display \
        flatland_engine_unittests \
        flatland_renderer_unittests \
        gfx_apptests \
        gfx_pixeltests \
        gfx_swapchain_tests \
        gfx_unittests \
        gfx_util_unittests \
        gfx_viewstate_apptests \
        input_unittests \
        scenic_unittests \

    Or from Fuchsia target device:

    runtests --names gfx_apptests,gfx_unittests,escher_unittests,input_unittests,a11y_manager_apptests
  • Run a specific test binary:

    From host workstation, ensure fx serve is running, then use the following command to run the gfx_unittests test component:

    fx test gfx_unittests

    Or from Fuchsia target device:

    runtests --names gfx_unittests
  • Run a single test within a component:

    From host workstation, ensure fx serve is running, then:

    fx test gfx_unittests -- --gtest_filter=HostImageTest.FindResource

    Or from Fuchsia target device:

    runtests --names gfx_unittests -- --gtest_filter=HostImageTest.FindResource

    See more documentation about the glob pattern for the filter arg.

  • Run a specific component

    From your host workstation:

    fx test fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/gfx_unittests#meta/gfx_unittests.cmx

    Note: gfx_unittests.cmx can be swapped for any test component . There is also fuzzy matching!

  • Pixel tests

    If you get an error connecting to a display controller, first kill all UI services.

    From your host workstation, run:

    fx shell "killall basemgr.cmx; killall root_presenter.cmx; killall scenic.cmx; killall tiles.cmx; killall present_view"

    Then run the pixel tests:

    fx test fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/gfx_pixeltests#meta/gfx_pixeltests.cmx

    Alternatively, run:

    fx test gfx_pixeltests

Host tests

  • fx test --host runs all host tests, but you probably only want to run Escher tests.
  • Escher: To run escher_unittests locally on Linux: follow instructions in Escher documentation.

Manual UI tests

After making big Scenic changes, you may want to do manual UI testing by running some example applications to see if there is any regression.

UI Examples

There are some examples available:

  • bouncing_ball

    • Basic example of creating ViewProvider and View, and creating a UI by using Scenic commands.
    • Source: //src/ui/examples/bouncing_ball
    • Build dependency: //src/ui/examples/bouncing_ball
    • Package URI: fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/bouncing_ball#meta/bouncing_ball.cmx
  • spinning_square_view

    • Example that shows the use of BaseView.
    • Source: //src/ui/examples/spinning_square_view
    • Build dependency: //src/ui/examples/spinning_square_view
    • Package URI: fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/spinning_square_view#meta/spinning_square_view.cmx
  • spinning_square_rs

    • An example written in Rust that shows the use of Carnelian, a prototype framework for writing Fuchsia modules in Rust.
    • Source: //src/lib/ui/carnelian/examples/spinning_square.rs
    • Build dependency: //src/lib/ui/carnelian:spinning-square-rs
    • Package URI: fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/spinning-square-rs#meta/spinning-square-rs.cmx
  • spinning_cube

    • An example written in Dart and Flutter, showing how to create a Flutter app in Fuchsia.
    • Source: //src/experiences/examples/spinning_cube
    • Build dependency: //src/experiences/examples/spinning_cube:spinning-cube
    • Package URI: fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/spinning-cube#meta/spinning_cube.cmx
  • simplest_app

    • An application that changes background color with every user touch input, which uses root presenter for its implementation of BaseView. It tracks input callbacks from Scenic and draws elements using scenic::Material.
    • Source: //src/ui/examples/simplest_app
    • Build dependency: //src/ui/examples/simplest_app
    • Package URI: fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/simplest_app#meta/simplest_app.cmx
  • yuv_to_image_pipe

    • An application that updates the scene using an ImagePipe.
    • Source: //src/ui/examples/yuv_to_image_pipe
    • Build dependency: //src/ui/examples/yuv_to_image_pipe
    • Package URI: fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/yuv_to_image_pipe#meta/yuv_to_image_pipe.cmx

To run these applications, you need to include the following dependency in your fx set configuration:

fx set terminal.x64 --with "//src/ui/examples,//src/lib/ui/carnelian:examples,//src/experiences/examples/spinning_cube:spinning-cube"

You can replace the product with workstation.x64 as well; you can also use an all-in-one bundle --with //bundles:kitchen_sink to replace the --with argument above so that you can include all tests, tools and examples without any extra dependency.

Running UI examples

Running in shell

You can launch the stories (modules) in any shell you are in:

  • In Ermine shell, you can run modules by typing in the package name (e.g. simplest_app, or spinning-cube) in the [ASK] bar to run modules.

Running a module standalone

You can also launch a module standalone without any existing shells, this works for configurations where there's no existing shell (e.g. in terminal or core products).

  • Use command present_view <mod_name> command to launch a module standalone.

    From your host workstations, run:

    fx shell "present_view fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/spinning_square_view#meta/spinning_square_view.cmx"

    to present the View provided in spinning_square_view package.

    The present_view command also allows command auto completion if there is only one package matching the <mod_name>; so the command above is equivalent to

    fx shell present_view spinning_square_view

    Note: If this doesn't work, you may need to run fx shell "killall scenic.cmx; killall root_presenter.cmx" from your host workstation to kill the existing Scenic session.

  • You can also use package tiles to create a tiled view and add or delete modules to the tile.

    • In order to use tiles, first you need to ensure that you already have //src/ui/tools/tiles and //src/ui/tools/tiles_ctl included in your --with argument of fx set command.

      Or you can use --with //src/ui/tools or --with //bundles:tools (huge build may be expected) where tiles related packages will be included as well.

    • To display the tiles view, from your host workstations, run:

      fx shell "tiles_ctl start"

      This runs tiles.cmx package as a daemon.

    • From your host workstation, run the following command to add tiles:

      fx shell "tiles_ctl add fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/spinning_square_view#meta/spinning_square_view.cmx"

      You can see outputs like:

      Tile added with key 1

      You can add as many shells as you want by running tiles_ctl add command.

      Note: tiles_ctl doesn’t support command auto completion so you have to type in the complete URI for the packages, which you can get by running locate <search string>.

    • tiles_ctl remove <key> command removes existing tile by the given key value. For example, you can run this command on host to remove the spinning square view we created previously:

      fx shell tiles_ctl remove 1
    • tiles_ctl quit command kills the tiles executable and all associated views.