Accessibility Design

The purpose of the accessibility code in the embedder repo is to act as an intermediary between the Flutter engine and the Fuchscia Semantics Manager. The AccessibilityBridge class implements this functionality.

Flutter Engine <--> Accessibility Bridge <--> Fuchsia Semantics Manager


The accessibility bridge must forward information between Flutter and Fuchsia. Its specific responsibilities can be broken down by functionality:

FunctionalityCode PathA11y InterfaceFlutter Engine Interface
Enable/Disable SemanticsFuchsia --> Bridge --> FlutterOnSemanticsModeChangedFlutterEngineUpdateSemanticsEnabled
Perform Accessibility ActionsFuchsia --> Bridge --> FlutterOnAccessibilityActionRequestedFlutterEngineDispatchSemanticsAction
Add Semantics UpdateFlutter --> Bridge --> FuchsiaUpdateSemanticNodesDeleteSemanticNodesCommitUpdatesupdate_semantics_callback
Hit TestFuchsia --> BridgeHitTestN/A
Message AnnouncementFlutter --> Bridge --> FuchsiaRequestAnnounceSendSemanticEventFlutterPlatformMessageCallback
Set Pixel RatioFuchsia --> BridgeSetPixelRatioN/A


Pixel Ratio

This is the factor used to convert between a view’s logical coordinate space (assigned by scenic) and its allocated buffer size.

For example, on Nest Hub Max, Flutter views have a logical size of (1024x640) and an allocated size of (1280x800), so they have a pixel scale of 1.25.


  1. Use emulator and dump semantic tree
    1. Start emulator
    2. ffx setui accessibility set -s true (note, this will temporarily disable touch/mouse input)
    3. ffx inspect show core/ui/a11y_manager
    4. Ensure the labels are filled out correctly with the words you see on the screen
  2. Use a smart display device to test the screen reader

Custom Semantic Actions

Custom semantic actions are not supported yet.