Flutter Embedder

The Flutter Embedder for Fuchsia is a new in-progress runtime for Flutter apps on Fuchsia. This runtime is built on top of Flutter's embedder platform.

Code breakdown


This is an unoptimized build of the Flutter embedder platform built for OS_FUCHSIA. This build contains a few changes that have not been landed into the Flutter Engine repository:

  1. Add -fPIC to Fuchsia builds.
  2. Fix JIT snapshot support for the embedder platform.

These changes should be landed and libflutter_engine.so should be pulled from a CIPD bucket instead.


This is a copy of the Flutter embedder platform header from the Engine repository: https://github.com/flutter/engine/blob/main/shell/platform/embedder/embedder.h


The git hash of Flutter Engine that the Engine artifacts come from. Currently, this is purely for developer reference and is not used by any tooling.