blob: e39e5a259debd4fd9a0757304cab2cd3051427c8 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
-- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-- found in the LICENSE file.
module News exposing
( Model
, Msg
, decode
, encode
, init
, newSyntax2021Url
, update
, view
import Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Attributes as Attributes
import Html.Events as Events
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Json.Encode as Encode
{-| This module defines news items that display at the top of the page and can
be dismissed. Dismissal is remembered across sessions.
------------- MODEL ------------------------------------------------------------
type alias Model =
{ show : List Item }
type Item
= NewSyntax2021
allItems : List Item
allItems =
[ NewSyntax2021 ]
init : Model
init =
{ show = allItems }
{-| Returns all items not in the given list. We can't use the Set library
because it doesn't support custom types (Item) nor does it support extracting
the smallest element.
complement : List Item -> List Item
complement items =
List.filter (\x -> not (List.member x items)) allItems
------------- UPDATE -----------------------------------------------------------
type Msg
= Dismiss
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update _ model =
{ show =
case of
_ :: rest ->
[] ->
------------- VIEW -------------------------------------------------------------
{-| Creates the news view. The toMsg parameter converts a News.Msg to the
top-level Msg type of the app.
view : (Msg -> msg) -> Model -> Html msg
view toMsg model =
dismissButton =
[ Attributes.class "button dismiss-button"
, Events.onClick (toMsg Dismiss)
[ Html.text "dismiss" ]
case of
item :: _ ->
[ Attributes.class "news" ]
(itemView item ++ [ dismissButton ])
[] ->
Html.text ""
itemView : Item -> List (Html msg)
itemView item =
case item of
NewSyntax2021 ->
[ Html.text "FIDL has a "
, Html.a
[ Attributes.href newSyntax2021Url ]
[ Html.text "new syntax" ]
, Html.text "!"
newSyntax2021Url : String
newSyntax2021Url =
------------- ENCODE / DECODE --------------------------------------------------
encode : Model -> Encode.Value
encode model =
[ ( "dismissed", Encode.list encodeItem (complement ) ]
decode : Decode.Decoder Model
decode =
Decode.field "dismissed"
(Decode.list decodeItem
|> (List.filterMap identity)
|> complement
|> Model
encodeItem : Item -> Encode.Value
encodeItem item =
case item of
NewSyntax2021 ->
Encode.string "newSyntax2021"
decodeItem : Decode.Decoder (Maybe Item)
decodeItem =
|> Decode.andThen
(\string ->
case string of
"newSyntax2021" ->
Decode.succeed (Just NewSyntax2021)
-- Ignore unrecognized (old) news items.
_ ->
Decode.succeed Nothing