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  1. efa925c Update README by Mitchell Kember · 4 months ago main master
  2. e1c8dfd Update everything by Mitchell Kember · 4 months ago
  3. bd8f69c Self-host Ace editor instead of using CDN by Mitchell Kember · 4 months ago
  4. 36da529 Remove code supporting the old name "llcpp" by Mitchell Kember · 4 months ago
  5. 675944a Update links and remove old news items by Mitchell Kember · 6 months ago


fidlbolt is web app for exploring FIDL code and bytes, inspired by Matt Godbolt's Compiler Explorer.

Get started

To run a local fidlbolt server:

  1. Follow the Fuchsia: Get Started guide.
  2. Build FIDL tools: fx build host_x64/{fidlc,fidlgen_{cpp,hlcpp,rust,go},fidl-{lint,format}}.
  3. Ensure that you have Go and Node.js installed.
  4. Build and run with make && make run.
  5. View the app at http://localhost:8080.

If you don't want changes in the Fuchsia tree (e.g. rebuilding fidlc or changing FIDL libraries) to affect the running fidlbolt, run ./ and use make run DEPLOYMENT=1 instead.



The backend is written in Go. It uses net/http to serve static files and handle POST requests.


The frontend is written in Elm and TypeScript. It uses esbuild for bundling.

To set up the frontend:

  1. Install Node.js and npm. On Debian-based systems, use sudo apt-get install npm.
  2. cd frontend && npm ci (using ci instead of install ensures a repeatable build).

Then, use one of the commands listed in npm run:

  • npm run dev: build in development mode
  • npm run watch: rebuild in development mode on every file change
  • npm run tc: typecheck TypeScript files
  • npm run lint: run eslint on TypeScript files
  • npm run fix: format and fix lint issues in TypeScript and Elm files
  • npm run build: build in production mode

The build commands read files in frontend/src/ and generate output in frontend/dist/.


If you are developing on Linux, ./ provides an easy workflow. It automatically watches code in the frontend (using npm run watch) and backend (using inotifywait), rebuilding and restarting the server as necessary. It does not perform hot/live reloading: you still need to refresh the browser manually to see changes.


Before making a CL, always run make format.


The project uses Docker for containerized deployment.

To build a new image:

  1. Install Docker. On Debian-based systems, use sudo apt-get install docker-ce.
  2. ./
  3. sudo docker image build -t fidlbolt .

To run the image in a container locally:

  1. sudo docker container run --publish 8080:8080 --detach --name fb fidlbolt
  2. (When you're done) sudo docker container rm fb

To push the image to the GCP Artifact Registry:

  1. (Only the first time) sudo gcloud auth configure-docker
  2. sudo docker tag fidlbolt
  3. sudo docker push