tree: 4fb34b4f6ba72959c8b0527a494bd31ac80df1f9 [path history] [tgz]
  1. cratest/
  2. fargo-test/
  3. scripts/
  4. src/
  5. .gitignore
  7. Cargo.lock
  8. Cargo.toml
  13. rustfmt.toml


fargo v0.2.0
Fargo is a prototype Fuchsia-specific wrapper around Cargo


        --debug-os    Use debug user.bootfs and ssh keys
    -h, --help        Prints help information
    -V, --version     Prints version information
    -v, --verbose     Print verbose output while performing commands

    -N, --device-name <device-name>    Name of device to target, needed if there are multiple devices visible on the network

    autotest             Auto build and test in Fuchsia device or emulator
    build                Build binary targeting Fuchsia device or emulator
    build-tests          Build tests for Fuchsia device or emulator
    cargo                Run a cargo command for Fuchsia. Use -- to indicate that all following arguments should be passed to
    check                Check binary targeting Fuchsia device or emulator
    configure            Run a configure script for the cross compilation environment
    create-facade        Create an in-tree facade crate for a FIDL interface.
    enable-networking    Enable networking for a running emulator
    help                 Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    list-devices         List visible Fuchsia devices
    load-driver          Build driver and load it on Fuchsia device or emulator.
    pkg-config           Run pkg-config for the cross compilation environment
    restart              Stop all Fuchsia emulators and start a new one
    run                  Run binary on Fuchsia device or emulator
    ssh                  Open a shell on Fuchsia device or emulator
    start                Start a Fuchsia emulator
    stop                 Stop all Fuchsia emulators
    test                 Run unit tests on Fuchsia device or emulator

The fargo-test directory contains something one can use to test-drive.

Getting started

Since at the moment fargo requires the FUCHSIA_ROOT environmental variable be set to the path to a Fuchsia release build, the first step is to build Fuchsia.

The Fuchsia Getting Started instruction are what you need. Since a release build is what fargo expects to find you'll want to pass --release to fx/set. The Rust components that fargo needs to cross compile are part of garnet, so you must be using the garnet layer or higher.

The author most often uses the following steps to update and build Fuchsia in preparation for using fargo

./scripts/fx set-layer garnet
.jiri_root/bin/jiri update
./scripts/fx set x64 --release
./scripts/fx build-zircon
./scripts/fx build

Once this build is complete, clone and build fargo.

git clone
cd fargo
cargo install --force

Fargo uses ssh to communicate between your host computer and either Qemu or a real device to copy build results and execute them. For Qemu there is a bit of tricky set up to do.

Finally, you need to be using nightly (as opposed to stable) and have the x86_64-unknown-fuchsia target installed. If you installed rust with rustup you can install the target with:

rustup default nightly
rustup target add x86_64-unknown-fuchsia

If you installed Rust some other way, you'll have to do some research about how to get the nightly build and x86_64-unknown-fuchsia support into your installation.

Testing if Fargo is working

Now to verify if fargo is working correctly, try starting a fuchsia machine and executing a test.

fargo start
cd fargo/fargo-test
fargo test

Note that fargo start now depends on an environment using fx set. If that isn‘t the way you start Fuchsia emulators, use fargo enable-networking after you’ve started the emulator.

If all is well, you should see a successful test pass just as if you had ran cargo test on any other rust project.

Additionally, if you are using qemu you need to enable networking, otherwise fargo won't be able to copy the binary onto then fuchsia machine to run the tests.

Getting help

For problems getting the Fuchsia build to complete, the #fuchsia IRC channel on freenode is the best bet.

For fargo itself, that IRC channel can also work of one of the more Rust-aware folks happens to be paying attention. More reliable is the rust-fuchsia Google group.

Using different versions of cargo and rustc

By default fargo will use the copies of cargo and rustc provided in $FUCHSIA_ROOT/buildtools. To change this behavior, set the environmental variables FARGO_CARGO and FARGO_RUSTC before running fargo.

Using crates that link with native libraries

Some crates are wrappers around libraries written in other languages. An example of one such crate is cairo-rs. Cargo has to know what libraries need to be linked to a binary using such a crate and where to find those libraries.

Cargo uses files to locate such libraries. This provides a challenge for Fargo, as it is unlikely that such files would know how to cross compile their libraries for Fuchsia.

Luckily, many of the crates of interest which have native dependencies use pkg-config as one of the ways to find native dependencies. Fargo provides functions to set up and use a Fuchsia-specific pkg-config directory.

fargo pkg-config is a wrapper around pkg-config that sets the environment so that only packages found in the Fuchsia-specific pkg-config directory are visible. This is useful to test if a particular package is already installed.

fargo configure is a wrapper around a package's automake configure script. It takes care of setting up environmental variables such that many automake based packages will properly cross-compile.

See scripts/ for an example of how to use these functions to build native support.

Fargo roadmap

The goal is to transition fargo to using something like an SDK instead.