blob: fb0f61ec9d08ac29ec03f001f99e7c7710786ace [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::sdk::{clang_base_path, sysroot_path, TargetOptions};
use failure::{Error, ResultExt};
use std::env;
use std::fs;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::Command;
pub fn cross_root(target_options: &TargetOptions<'_, '_>) -> Result<PathBuf, Error> {
let home_value = env::var("HOME")?;
pub fn pkg_config_path(target_options: &TargetOptions<'_, '_>) -> Result<PathBuf, Error> {
pub fn run_pkg_config(
verbose: bool,
args: &[&str],
target_options: &TargetOptions<'_, '_>,
) -> Result<i32, Error> {
let mut cmd = Command::new("pkg-config");
.env("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", "")
.env("PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR", pkg_config_path(target_options)?)
if verbose {
println!("pkg-config: {:?}", cmd);
let status = cmd.status().context("Unable to run pkg-config")?;
Ok(match status.code() {
Some(code) => code,
None => 1,
pub fn run_configure(
verbose: bool,
use_host: bool,
args: &[&str],
target_options: &TargetOptions<'_, '_>,
) -> Result<bool, Error> {
let cwd = fs::canonicalize(env::current_dir()?)
.context("run_configure: canonicalize working directory")?;
let cross_root = cross_root(target_options)?;
let cross_root_str = cross_root.to_string_lossy();
let cross_lib = cross_root.join("lib");
let cross_lib_str = cross_lib.to_string_lossy();
let sysroot_path = sysroot_path(target_options)?;
if verbose {
println!("sysroot_path: {:?}", sysroot_path);
let clang_base_path = clang_base_path()?;
if verbose {
println!("clang_base_path: {:?}", clang_base_path);
let clang_bin_path = clang_base_path.join("bin");
let common_c_flags = format!(
"--sysroot={} --target=x86_64-fuchsia -fPIC -I{}",
let prev_flags = env::var("LDFLAGS").unwrap_or_default();
let ld_flags = format!("{} {} -L{}", prev_flags, common_c_flags, cross_lib_str);
if verbose {
println!("CFLAGS: {}", env::var("CFLAGS").unwrap_or_default());
println!("LDFLAGS: {}", ld_flags);
let prefix = format!("--prefix={}", cross_root_str);
let mut configure_args = vec![];
if use_host {
let mut cmd = Command::new(cwd.join("configure"));
.env("CC", clang_bin_path.join("clang"))
.env("CXX", clang_bin_path.join("clang++"))
.env("RANLIB", clang_bin_path.join("llvm-ranlib"))
.env("LD", clang_bin_path.join("llvm-lld"))
.env("AR", clang_bin_path.join("llvm-ar"))
.env("CFLAGS", &common_c_flags)
.env("CXXFLAGS", &common_c_flags)
.env("CPPFLAGS", &common_c_flags)
.env("LDFLAGS", ld_flags)
.env("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", "")
.env("PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR", pkg_config_path(target_options)?)
if verbose {
println!("configure: {:?}", cmd);
Ok(cmd.status().context("Unable to run configure")?.success())